Lt. Nathan Richards - We Do What We Must To Survive...

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Jul 26, 2024, 2:54:30 PM (19 hours ago) Jul 26
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Outer Hull, USS Artemis))

The torpedo struck the weakened shields, tearing right through. The impact had, thankfully, altered the torpedoes overall trajectory, sending the projectile into another section of the saucer. The entire ship tipped and shook from the impact, causing Nathan to kneel down and hold on. There wasn’t much to hold onto, but Nathan held on to what he could find. 

Dakora: Help!

Nathan’s head shot up to where Talos had once been standing ahead of him, seeing him slowly spinning just above the hull. If the circumstances around their space walk hadn’t been life or death, Nathan might have sat there and enjoyed watching him struggle for a few moments. Instead, Nathan stood and quickly made his way over, grabbing one of the man’s flailing legs to help right him.

Richards: Calm down there, princess.

Nathan helped Talos get his feet planted back on the hull before patting him on the back and giving him an amused grin. He looked off towards the ship that had fired on the formation in time to see the Titan cloak and vanish into the stars.

Dakora: Th-thanks. I owe you one. ::He pointed to his shattered visor.:: I’m losing air, but it’s a slow leak. Should be fine.

Nathan furrowed his brow and nodded as they began their slow trudge towards the airlock once more, now more than ever aware of the dangers that they were facing being on the outside of the ship. Nathan kept his eyes on the hull as they walked until a large shadow fell over their path. oO What now? Oo He looked up to the source of the shadow, his jaw dropping. A large portion of another starships saucer slowly drifted past the Artemis as it was being pulled towards Earth by the planet’s gravity. Small fires burned and sparks arched from broken circuitry as it lightly bounced off the shields of the Artemis’ nacelle. What made Nathan’s jaw drop wasn’t the fact that there was a chunk of starship floating around them. There were plenty of pieces to go around. The name of the Starship just happened to be on the massive chunk of hull. USS Cambridge.

Richards: ::Swallowing, mostly to himself:: Good thing you didn’t take that promotion…

The promotion to First Officer aboard the USS Cambridge had been offered to Robin a few months ago. Nathan couldn’t help but think “what if” all that time. Now, he was certainly glad she hadn’t taken the offer.

Dakora: Huh? What promotion?

Nathan looked back towards Talos, who was now standing next to the airlock. oO Did I say that outloud? Oo

Richards: Uh, nothing. ::Clearing his throat:: Let’s get back inside before we…can’t.

Nathan closed the distance between them, and watched as Talos cycled the airlock, lucky they weren’t locked out. After a few moments, the the heavy door slid open to reveal the room inside.

Dakora: Holy strokes, we made it. ::He motioned for Nathan to enter.:: Let’s get inside and see if we can take this ship back.

((PHASE2: HOUR 2))

((Corridor En Route to Computer Core, Deck 5))

With their EVA suits now in crumpled piles on the floor, Nathan and Talos slowly made their way across Deck 5, checking around every corner for any unwelcome surprises. They had managed to avoid a few groups of roaming drones and were almost to their destination, when they heard footsteps between them and the Computer core. Talos peered around the corner, but ducked back immediately. Nathan decided to inch forward and take a peak himself, seeing a large group of drones looking the opposite direction. As if they were waiting for the turbolift to arrive so they could…ambush someone?

Dakora: ::He mouthed the words:: What are they doing?!

Nathan offered a shrug. It was strange to see them just standing there, waiting. Like a group of thugs outside a bar waiting to jump the next poor patron that happens to wander out.

Richards: ::Shrugging, again. Mouthing:: %@$# If I know!

The turbolift chimed as the car arrived at the deck, the doors slowly sliding apart.

Borglings: Eliminate all unassimilated!

Nathan took a deep breath in an attempt to tame the searing pain that rose in his chest as the drones spoke and waited to hear phaser fire and the struggle that almost seemed imminent, but nothing happened. There was the sound of boots on the deck, going in and out of the turbolift, but nothing else.

Head Borgling: Target not found. ::It paused for a moment, almost like it was receiving orders from elsewhere.:: Search this sector. Eliminate all unassimilated. 

With the turbolift empty, it seemed the drones were now on the prowl for a target. Well, they were about to find two of them as their stomping footsteps approached where Nathan and Talos were hiding.

Talos glanced across the hall at Nathan and shrugged, a sort of half-hearted grin playing across his face. Nathan returned the shrug as best he could, feeling drained. He took another deep breath and tightened his grip on his phaser. The drones stood in their path to the core, and they needed to get through, one way or another.

Dakora: Let’s do this!

Talos shouted as he jumped from their cover and ran forwards towards the group of advancing drones.

Richards: Oh, we’re going now?! Dammit!

Nathan pushed himself out of cover and tried to catch up to Talos as he fired into the group. One of the drones quickly slumped down to floor as the shots hit their targets.

Nathan Stumbled slightly as the corridor spun ever so slightly. Or had he spun? He wasn’t sure, as he righted himself and continued to advance towards the drones. Even through his wavering vision, Nathan could see the drones dropping one by one as stunning shots hit their bodies. He had no idea if any of those shots were his, but he continued forward, powering through the pain and firing into the fray.

Dakora: Response

Borglings: Eliminate all unassimilated! 

The words cut into Nathan’s chest and shoulder once more, sending a surge of adrenaline through him like it had not that long ago on the bridge. As he quickly regained his bearings, his vision clearing, he realized he was much closer to a couple of drones than he had expected. He sent a right hook into the jaw of the closest, feeling the bones crack against his metallic hand. As the body of one drone fell to the ground, a second rushed forward and pinned Nathan against the wall with one arm holding his right arm against the wall, and the other arm barred against his throat, cutting off his air supply.

Borgling: Resistance is futile. You will be eliminated.

Richards: ::Hoarsely, gasping:: Try….me!

The drone had neglected to do anything about Nathan's left arm, which he brought up to the drone’s throat. He tried to wrap his hand around the…Nathan glanced down at the blue uniform, seeing the two pips on the collar through the woman’s brown hair. One hollow, and one solid. That poor JG.

The lack of oxygen and increased pressure on his throat brought Nathan back to his senses as he struggled to get a grip on the former JG. 

Dakora: Response

With as much strength as he could muster, Nathan pressed his hand against the chin of the drone to try and push her away. But he didn’t realize at what angle he had been pressing into. The resistance from the drone (Ironically) suddenly gave with Nathan’s last, forceful push as there was a dull *snap* and the drone suddenly went limp. They both crashed to the floor, Nathan almost laying on top of the other body. He pushed himself up, gasping for breath and moved away from the now still drone. The now dead JG. 

Richards: Wha..what did I…::swallowing:: Shit!

Dakora: Response



Lieutenant Nathan Richards

Chief of Operations

Amity Outpost


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