LtCmdr Salkath - It Looks Pugly

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Apr 18, 2024, 2:38:25 PMApr 18
to Main Artemis
((Fitness Center, Deck 4 - USS Artemis))

T'Nil: ::speaking up to project to the whole room:: Alright, all. Please form a grid, giving yourself space from those around you and face forward. We will start shortly.

Salkath nodded curtly to their host and turned to find a spot to stake as his own. He walked back among the individuals they had been conversing with.

Salkath: Thank you for attending. It is beneficial for T'Nil to see their efforts appreciated.

Unspoken was how it also gave Salkath confidence that he wouldn't need to hide as much of his 'Vulcan-ness' aboard the Artemis with support such as this on the ship for Vulcan activities.
One of those that Salkath had not expected to see was the ship's chief tactical officer. The last time Salkath had seen Vitor Silveira, albeit briefly, had been during an attempt to repatriate the Artemis from the Jem'Hadar. Considering the injuries he had sported at the time (no pun intended XD) it appeared that Silveira had healed.

Silveira: May I join? ::Smiling at the Commander:: Fancy meeting you here Sir.

T’Nil: ::raising an eyebrow:: Certainly. Take your place.

Salkath: Lieutenant. ::nodding amicably:: Are you familiar with this form of martial arts? Though obscure, it is not unheard of outside of Vulcan.

Silveira: ::shaking his head:: I have no clue. Which is perfect. I was planning on boxing, I have a ring and the works on the holodeck but they were all taken. I assume we don’t hit anyone here.

T’Nil: ::speaking over the din of the crowd:: Not on purpose, and even accidentally is frowned upon...

The engineering Vulcan looked on at the affronted look of the security Vulcan with what amounted as amusement for him, which was evidenced by little more than a raised eyebrow. Vulcan hearing was impressive, and if Vitor had meant that for Salkath's ears only, then he had failed in that regard.

Salkath: You are unlikely to be... teacher's pet? If that is the correct phrase.

Silveira: I can be quite annoying and put that to the test. ::He raised his hand to T’Nil, as he winked at Salkath.:: But I will behave.

Salkath: Come, stand beside me, Lieutenant. I would enjoy your company further during this event.

He led the two of them to an open spot in the midst of the crowd, of whom several appeared to enjoy the show. This was fair, Vulcan baiting was entertaining to many humans, Andorians, and Tellaraites in general. Some, like T'Nil, took the jibing literally and found offense where none was intended (mostly). Others, like Salkath, appreciated the challenge of determining slang, innuendo, riddles, humor, and the ilk from their literal translation.

T’Nil: Everybody, please adopt this pose. ::they stood in a staggered half crouch with arms forward and palms upraised:: All kheile'a sequences start and end with this pose. 

Silveira: response

Salkath adopted the pose with ease, eyes half-lidded in repose.

Salkath: This martial art originated as a defensive art, and over time it has evolved into a contemplative art that focuses on fluidity and flexibility. Is there a similar exercise where you come from?

Silveira: response

T'Nil: Now, adopt this pose please...

The instructor modeled a one-legged balanced pose, Salkath noted absently the varying success rates of the present students.

Salkath: I recall you mentioning boxing earlier. Curious, I had heard that style of combat  referred to before as a 'sweet science', yet my personal interpretation of pugilism is of a brutish spectacle. What am I missing?

Silveira: response

Salkath: I must admit I am likely influenced by my own societal norms decrying violence. I had not considered the high intensity cardiovascular exercise aspect it could impart. But, is it... 'fun'?

Silveira: response

Lieutenant Commander Salkath
Engineer, USS Artemis-A
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