Ens. Gnai - Cutting In Line

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Apr 21, 2024, 11:54:50 AMApr 21
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Docking Port 06 - Deep Space Nine))

Gnai was late and it was so deeply frustrated at itself for being so. The invite that Lt. Cmdr. Dakora sent out to the ship had given a location on DS9, but Gnai hadn't realized that every docking port looked the same. It had been enjoying itself, reading some papers on the PADD it brought with it on the wormhole, and only when the departure time began to rapidly approach and no one else had shown up did it realize the mistake it had made. This hadn't been Docking Port Six at all!

With that realization, it had tucked the PADD into the small bag it had worn over its suit's shoulder today, and started to jog around to the other docking ports, hoping to have found the correct one before it was too late to join. This was such an exciting opportunity, if it missed this, Gnai would be so mad at itself for the mistake. How could it screw up this badly, when there was a chance to go through a wormhole and see a whole new quadrant! This was what it had signed up for! To explore, to see new things, to indulge its curiosity to the greatest extent possible!

No, that was Docking Port *Seven*, not Six. But getting closer. Oh, this was such a stupid mistake to make. Why had it not checked the invitation again? It dodged around a small group of people taking their time walking down the Promenade, causing a bit of a stir as it did. This was certainly not a sight that most would see every day. At least it had a minor bit of an excuse, it couldn't really easily change the Starfleet colors painted onto its chassis, nor did it want to leave its combadge behind. So they'd likely just assume that this was some Starfleet officer, off on an important mission, rather than an ensign who had made a very silly error and was now late to its vacation.

Finally, Docking Port *Six*, and not a moment too soon. It looked like they were starting to board the transport, as the hatch hissed open and passengers started to be guided aboard from the line. Where was the Lt. Cmdr.? It didn't see anyone else in uniform, which was the first thing that it used to identify others...

Dakora:  I wonder if anyone else from the Artie is going to make it?

oO Yes! Just late! Oo

Savel: I am unsure. I have not spoken to anyone about his particular trip. There could be any number of additional companions or we could be the only two to partake.

Ah, at least Savel was here. Gnai could hear Savel's words over the light murmur of the other passengers. It'd recognize that voice anywhere, especially after being stuck with him in prison. Gnai was much better with voices than faces. The next question was where they were in the queue, exactly.

Any: Response

Savel: It is possible that others are nervous about joining the two of us in a shuttle given how our last flight together ended. An illogical fear, to be sure, but most of them are.

Dakora/Any: Response

The more the two of them spoke, the more Gnai could get an idea of their location, slowly crawling forwards through the queue as it dwindled. Gnai had found itself on the outside of the queue, peering through the people lined up and trying to spot the Vulcan and its XO. They were there somewhere.

Savel: Very well, I will not bring that up here. Besides, it is safe to assume that we will not be chased and shot at by the Dominion. A tourist ship is not their normal target of choice.

Child: Moooom! What is that man talking about? Are we really gonna get shooted at?

Ah, it saw the child before it saw the others, as it was closer to the level at which Gnai bobbed at presently. If the child was reacting to Savel, they must have been close.

Mother: Of course not, Avhan. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I promise, we'll be totally fine. Like I said, you'll always be safe with me.

Dakora: Response

Savel: Commander, I would suggest that we not sit close to them when it is our turn to board. I believe the reasons are obvious.

Dakora: Response

Just as they were nearing the front of the line, Gnai caught sight of them and ducked under the barrier, squeezing in with them. It caught more than a few glares, but no one seemed to make any sort of objection to it. At least the frustration was only centered around the few people nearby, its short stature hid it behind the other passengers in the queue, so all that most would have seen further down was a slight jostling of its taller crewmates.

Gnai: ::quietly, trying not to draw attention to the fact that it was breaking the social norm of 'not cutting in line':: Hello, Commander, Ensign. Apologies for the lateness. Thank you for the invitation.

Any: Response

There wasn't much time for a response, as the Bolian waved them forwards through the docking hatch. The queue continued down into the ship as the various passengers slowly made their way onto it, stowing anything they brought with, and finding seats. Gnai hoped that by... somewhat skipping the line, it would still be able to get a seat with a view of the wormhole as they passed through it.

There was some commotion behind them, though, and Gnai leaned over to peer around behind it, trying to discern exactly what was the cause of the grief. Oh, there was Lt. Jg. Sadar, at the front of the queue that still had yet to enter through the docking hatch.

Bolian Freighter Crewman: Sorry Miss, you’re holding up the li-

It seemed that the Lt. Jg. had something wrong with her balance. This was the second time, in two meetings, that it had seen her utterly fail to remain upright. The first had been on Romulus, when she had careened over a railing and landed almost on top of a fleeing Romulan civilian. And now she had done something similar, crashing into the passenger ahead of her.

Sadar: ::groans:: S-Sorry...

Dakora/Savel/Any: Response

The commotion seemed only to simmer more behind her as she kept standing there.

Sadar: R-R-Right, o-of course, sorry, that was- uhh… ::swallows:: I’ll be more careful.

Gnai: ::slightly louder:: Are you okay, sir?

It wasn't certain if that would be appreciated, but it did want to express the concern it had for her safety. She was a doctor, perhaps she wouldn't take a suggestion to examine her balance later too poorly.

Dakora/Savel/Any: Response

Sadar: Oh, I’m-

Bolian Freighter Crewman: You’re holding up the line.

Gnai watched her scramble forwards, past the Bolian's ire. She seemed nervous to Gnai, which it was starting to piece together as her general state of being.

Gnai: ::to Talos and Savel:: An effort should be made to invite her to join this group, when on the freighter.

Dakora/Savel/Sadar/Any: Response

Bolian Freighter Crewman: ::frustrated:: Next!

As the three of them made their way deeper into the freighter, Gnai kept an eye out for a berth that might provide the best view of the wormhole. It would need to be on the port side, of course, as they would get to see the opening better before the ship turned and entered the wormhole.

Gnai: This is very exciting, wormholes are so rare! Especially ones as stable as this... There was this very interesting paper that was published recently, proposing that the reason that this wormhole is- ::pausing to look at some seats:: These are the best seats left for viewing the wormhole.

And there was even room for Lt. Jg. Sadar to join, and others, if they were even later than Gnai had been. Or, if the ship was very full, some alien would likely join them. That could prove interesting for conversation.

Dakora/Savel/Any: Response

Gnai sat down, peering down the rest of the ship, trying to catch sight of Lt. Jg. Sadar again. It'd hate to miss her and have her scamper away to some other berth on the ship. Ah, there she was, looking as worried as ever coming down the aisle.

Gnai: Lieutenant Sadar! There is a seat here for you. ::patting a seat next to it::

Sadar/Dakora/Savel/Any: Response


Ensign Gnai
Science Officer
USS Artemis-A
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