Ens Chevalier - Quest to find the purpose outside our function

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CPT Arianus

Apr 10, 2024, 9:33:27 AMApr 10
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
(( Main Shuttlebay, Deck 11, USS Artemis-A ))

Savel: Please ensure that you are all properly seated before takeoff, and remain that way until we are clear of the Artemis. I would not like to have to turn around the shuttle once we have departed.

Their pilot's voice interrupted their conversation as it was beginning to gain momentum, prompting them to wrap it up. Gnai looked behind Chevalier, and his tendrils pointed out TBC as both needed to take their workstations.

Gnai: ::to Chevalier:: Thank you, a message system can be sorted out after the mission? ::to Savel:: Ready to go.

Chevalier had taken his place at the Engineering and Tactical station, preparing to start the pre-flight checklist when the final member of their expedition arrived. He hadn't met her yet but had heard enough to know she was a problem walking.

Ensign looked to the lieutenant but said nothing as they prepared to take off.

Flight control: =/\= Kerynitis, you’re cleared for take-off. =/\=

Jovenan: =/\= Acknowledged, Artemis. Have a nice day. Kerynitis out. =/\= ::to Savel:: Okay, let’s get off the bay and set course for Bajor.

Savel: Yes, Lieutenant.

Jaseb retrieved the four-point harness and securely fastened himself into the seat. Better safe than sorry.

Kerynitis moved away gradually from Artemis’ restricted airspace while the shuttle maintained a steady heading. After that, Savel charted a course for Bajor, specifically the Rakantha Province. Fortunately, they encountered no issues during the flight. Once the course was set, the shuttle's autopilot took over most of the work, requiring little to no manual input from the Vulcan. This allowed them to focus on Jovenan's briefing for their scenario.

Jovenan: Okay, here’s what were going to be doing today. ::inhale:: Rakantha Province used to be one of Bajor’s top agricultural regions, however during the Occupation, the Cardassians poisoned the soil. After their departure, the Bajoran Government has used soil reclamators to restore the ground. The efforts have been delayed several times, and there are still large wilderness areas that are considered too toxic for farming. Scenario: Starfleet has ordered the Artemis to assist the Bajorans in detoxifying efforts. We’ve been sent to analyse the soil and water to see how bad the situation is.

Renirs: Soo… Will the poison affect us, or is it just that we shouldn’t eat dirt if we get hungry?

Jaseb considered the same problem and planned to ask more about air pollution from said toxins, but the lieutenant's answer to Renir's question could have advised him a lot, even if he had not asked.

Savel: It would be logical to avoid eating dirt to satisfy your hunger, regardless of the presence of a poison in its composition.

Gnai: Presumably the Bajorans are worried more about the poison killing plants rather than people…

Chevalier: I would be worried more about breathing them, crewmen. That brings me, Mr. Savel, I advise you to take a breather as well.

Chevalier did not mention Gnai because he expected his suit to be designed to be self-sealed to protect against direct contact with and contamination by radioactive, biological, or chemical substances. However, it was a different story for those not gifted with their own protective bubble and who needed to breathe unfiltered air.

However, Renirs was displeased with their answers. The way she rolled her eyes revealed her thoughts. The Lieutenant chose to remain silent on the matter and continued with the briefing.

Jovenan: You will be working in pairs. Savel and Chevalier, your task is to take ground samples and analyse them in situ. Try to take as many readings as you can, but each sample have to be taken at least 250 metres from each other.

Savel and Chevalier

Savel: Very well, Lieutenant.

Chevalier: So, Mr. Savel. Would you like to use a game of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock to determine who will lead our research team?

Jaseb smiled as he liked to tease Ensign Savel. Savel had seniority in rank, so he could just pull the rank, but would he or take the joke?

A single look at Savel was enough for Jaseb to get an answer. So no rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock after all…

Jovenan: Gnai, Renirs, you will be investigating the quality of the water in the local river. It’s a tributary to a larger river, where elevated levels of the toxins have been detected. It’s possible there’s a leaking toxin canister somewhere, so investigate any anomalies you might find.

Gnai: Aye, sir!

Renirs: K.

Chevalier didn’t know if it was possible to feel envious and not envious at the same time, but that was how he felt.

Jovenan: I’ll be monitoring your progress. I’ll try to spend time with both pairs, but if you need me, you can contact me at any time ::points at combadge:: Questions?

Savel: Your instructions are clear, Lieutenant. Should we have any issues we will contact you immediately.

Chevalier: Agree, sir. No questions, ma’am.

oO Good soldiers follow orders. Only remains to salute, J. Oo

Renirs: Do we, like, carry the water with us or do we just let it go free after checking it’s okay?

Jaseb stopped feeling envious of Gnai's assignment with the crewmen. He still felt slightly sorry about not being assigned with Gnai, but Savel wasn't bad either. And they had important work to do and much to learn, so Jaseb decided to focus on the task at hand and not dwell on his emotions.

Jovenan: Response

(( Rakantha Province, Bajor ))

Jaseb spent most of the flight monitoring the station on the routine trip to the planet. Even though he teased Savel about not crashing the shuttle, he did not expect that Savel would complete the flight as nose front buried in the soil of Bajor.

So, 1:1 for Savel. Well, not that someone here would be interested in doing the statistics…

Upon entering the atmosphere and descending to ground level, Jaseb shifted attention from the data on the screen before him to the outside world. Bajor reminded him a lot of Bayran, a brotherhood planet of his own people. Although Bayran and Bajor have some differences, such as Bayran being more tropical than Bajor, they share similarities in their landscape and history. And despite the significant progress of Bajor in its reconstruction efforts, the wounds caused by the civil war between the rebels supported by the Federation - now the ruling government - and their fellow countrymen, who were supported by the Cardassians, were still evident. The same was true for Bayran.

Renirs: Not the prettiest gardens they’ve got there, huh?

Savel: Unfortunately not.

Gnai remained silent, but Jaseb understood his pain caused by the split and scars in the land and souls of Bajor due to disunity - he felt it, too.

Chevalier: What can one living being inflict upon another? It's horrible to see…

Jovenan: Response

Chevalier untied from the seat and followed others once they landed. Outside, everything looked more… amazing, even more so than when he saw the province from the air. The sun was over his head, warm air touched his face, and birds were singing a song altogether with water from the nearby river bed. Even the dirt was not frozen twenty feet deep. Everything was so much different from his home planet. He could imagine himself living here.

Renirs: So, hi, yeah. ::pause:: That’s a pretty awesome suit. Does it have any guns?

Gnai: Hello Crewman Renirs. Thank you. No, this suit is not made for combat. In fact, combat is preferably avoided…

Renirs: Response?

Jaseb might have gotten a little carried away because he almost overheard when Savel spoke.

Savel: ::to Jaseb:: I believe that I am ready to go, if you are as well. ::to Jovenan:: Unless you have an objection, we'll begin, Lieutenant.

Chevalier: ::puts the breather on his mouth:: Agree, sir. Ready to leave.

Jovenan: Response


Ensign Jaseb Chevalier
Operations Officer
U.S.S. Artemis-A
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