Lt Jovenan – Cave episode!

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Apr 19, 2024, 5:54:30 AMApr 19
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Rakantha Province, Bajor))


Jovenan listened to carefully as the two Ensigns explained their findings and what further questions those results brought up. This was an exercise, so she didn’t expect them to find a conclusive theory about the state of the soil in the area, but she was pleased to hear that they had remained so curious as to expand their field of focus.

Jovenan: Fascinating. Hmm… This area suffered from severe flooding in the 70s. That would have happened maybe just a decade after the final poisoning round by the Cardassians. Would you imagine that has a role in what we see today?

Savel looked at his tricorder again.

Savel: It is plausible to assume that it would. Flooding can have lasting effects on any stricken area depending on the severity.

Chevalier: Yea, if we consider the bigger picture and stop focusing only on the toxicity caused by the Cardassians… yes. If we had more information about this event, we could add additional data to compare our measurements.

Jovenan took out her tricorder as well. She didn’t doubt the Ensigns’ numbers, but she wanted to see some of the data herself as well.

Jovenan: Yes. It was what the Bajorans refer to as the Reckoning, a series of natural disasters caused by the unusual behaviour by the wormhole. Supposedly, it was because of a fight between the Prophets and the Pah-wraiths. The proportions were off the scale from what geology alone would have predicted. Does that sound like a better explanation?

The effects of the particle emissions from the wormhole were undisputed by the wider scientific community, but she had opted to remain neutral about the cause of it and the part played by the two non-corporeal entities. She wasn’t sure where her hesitation towards them arose from; she, like the Bajorans, considered certain transdimensional entities as her God. The two, Bajoran Prophets and the Edo God were in matter of fact very similar, two very real alien races adopting the role typically assigned to mythical, unprovable beings.

Maybe it was just a matter of familiarity to her.

Savel: I believe so, however, I would like to continue to gather more samples just to see if we can support our theory with the data acquired.

Chevalier: I would agree with You, Mr. Savel. More data always supports better understanding.

Jovenan nodded. As far she knew, neither of the Ensigns had scientific background, yet they had an attitude towards their small research mission that not many even in Starfleet could muster. This trip might not result in a published, scientific paper (the pre-planning standards were not exactly on the expected level), but she was nonetheless joyed to find the two eager to do actual science with her.

Savel: We could potentially learn more by taking another sample at a higher elevation, or we could move closer to the river where Ensign Gnai and Crewman Renirs are working. Do you have a suggestion, Ensign Chevalier?

((OOC: Chevalier might have missed the tag here. That’s okay, moving on.))

The Ensign trainees had made their plan. Jovenan was impressed how self-reliant some Ensigns were – sure, neither of them was a brand-new graduate anymore and would no doubt be promoted in the not-too-far future – while she had sometimes felt that she had needed someone to guide her by the hand even while an LtJG… or a full Lieutenant, to be entirely fair.

Savel: I concur with my colleague, and I believe we are prepared to continue our work. Unless you have another suggestion, Lieutenant?

Jovenan: No, your plan sounds solid. Remember to collect samples from varying spots. When we’re done, we can compare the results with how severe the flooding was in each specific area.

Savel readied his backpack to move to a new location again before turning to Jovenan and his study partner.

Savel: Very well, shall you be coming with us Lieutenant? Or will we be continuing on our own?

Jovenan: I can accompany you for a while in case you have more questions, but I’ll go check ::combadge chirp:: Oh, um, please excuse me for a moment.

Chevalier: I recommend taking samples gradually as the terrain increases. It would be good to get measurements from a place not directly exposed to the flood mentioned.

Savel: Response

Jovenan walked a few steps away from the pair so not to disturb their preparations, while Chevalier, too, was readying himself to move to a new sample locale with Savel. She heard Gnai’s voice reporting to her via the commlink.

Gnai: =/\= Ensign Gnai to Lieutenant Jovenan. Renirs has spotted a cave that may be of interest in the investigation of the river toxins. Please do not worry if you cannot see anyone near the river, no one has disappeared, sir. =/\=

A cave? Jovenan had asked Gnai and Renirs to investigate any anomalous readings they might find, though a cave wasn’t something that had been in her mind. It was possible there was some sort of accumulation of toxins within a cave near the river, gathered there perhaps during the floods. It was worth having a look, though Jovenan also knew that unknown caves could pose some danger if unprepared.

Jovenan: =/\= Jovenan here. Okay, you can start studying the cave, but don’t wander off too far. I’ll be joining you two in a moment. =/\=

She raised her PADD for her to see. Gnai and Renirs had walked along the river for quite a while and were now standing by a small hill. She could reach them fairly quickly by running.

Renirs: Response?

Gnai: =/\= Thank you, sir. Utmost care and concern will be taken towards safety. Do not worry. =/\=

Jovenan: =/\= I expect nothing less. See you in a bit. =/\=

She terminated the commlink and took a few speedy steps to reach the two other Ensigns.

Jovenan: Gnai and Renirs have found a cave they want to study, so I’ll be joining them now. You can carry on with your plan.

Savel/Chevalier: Response

She waved Savel and Chevalier a goodbye for now, and then reattached her equipment to her belt. She then turned around, towards where Gnai and Renirs had found their cave, and began running in their direction.

Lieutenant Jovenan
Chief Science Officer
USS Artemis-A

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