LtCmdr. Talos Dakora - The Whole Truth

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Apr 7, 2024, 6:45:01 PMApr 7
((XO’s Office - Deck 2 - USS Artemis-A ))

Talos Dakora sat behind the desk in his new office, rubbing his tired eyes before diving back into the mountain of paddwork the encounter with CloQ had generated.

When he'd accepted the role of First Officer, he'd been under the impression that his years as Intelligence Chief would've adequately prepared him for the sheer quantity of reports he'd be writing and reviewing, but that now seemed like wishful thinking.

This adjustment period wasn't made any easier by the fact that he hadn't been able to get a decent night's sleep since they'd returned. Everytime he laid down in the quiet solitude of his bed his mind decided to play back everything that had happened in the alternate-history battlegrounds of Occupied Betazed and all of the things he'd do differently, if he could.

Chevalier: =/\= Ensign Chevalier for Commander Dakora… =/\=

The chirp of his badge and the voice that followed shook him from his musings. After a moment, he replied.

Dakora: =/\= Dakora here, What can I do for you Mister Chevalier? =/\=

He glanced down at the stack of PADDs, recalling that one of them was for an after-action report with the Ops Officer. 

Chevalier: =/\= Sir, I'm looking at my service task list right now; I have a meeting with you for a mission debriefing… Do you have a moment? =/\=

He shrugged to no one in particular, deciding that his other paddwork wasn't going anywhere.

Dakora: =/\= Sure. I've got time for you now, if you're ready.=/\=

Chevalier: =/\= Understood, sir. I’m on my way. Thank you, sir. =/\=

As the line closed Talos shook his head with a smirk. He still didn't quite know what to make of the long-haired cyber-kid, but he'd done well during the mission. Jaseb's surprisingly diverse skill set had come in handy more than once.

And clearly his work ethic was impressive, since he was knocking down his task list while most of the crew was enjoying leave.

The door chime sounded and Talos called out.

Dakora: Come in.

Talos rose to greet the Ensign, noting his rigid military bearing as he came to a stop on the opposite side of the desk.

Chevalier: Ensign Chevalier, reporting as per your orders.

Talos responded with a sharp nod, before replying.

Dakora: At ease Jaseb. ::He gestured to the chair:: Have a seat.

As the Operations Officer did as he'd requested, Talos crossed over to the replicator mounted on the adjacent wall. It was one of the perks his new office had over his old one.

Dakora: Before we get started, can I get you anything to drink? ::He placed a hand to his chest.:: I'm feeling a raktajino myself.

Chevalier: Response

Complying with Jaseb’s request he returned to the desk, beverages in hand. He placed them neatly on the little coasters that Yogan– He assumed– had left behind and dropped into his own chair.

Dakora: Right. So, let's get started then. ::He picked up the PADD and skimmed through the contents for a moment.:: The purpose of these debriefs are to provide additional data points on what happened on a given mission from all available perspectives. With that in mind, let's take it from the top. Describe the events, as you remember them, immediately after being temporally-displaced by the being known as CloQ?

Chevalier: Response

Talos offered the occasional reassuring nod as Jaseb spoke, hoping to keep things as casual as he could. These things always had a way of making Talos feel like he was in trouble.

With that in mind, he opted for a more conversational style instead of reading the prompts from the padd directly.

Dakora: And after we encountered Leera and you learned she was my Mother, you managed to turn those cleaning supplies into a weapon. ::Talos grinned.:: –Nice work, that, by the way– Then we reached the Nerve Center.

He paused. 

Dakora: In your words, how did the Artemis team end up joining The BZR?

Chevalier: Response


LtCmdr. Talos Dakora
First Officer
USS Artemis-A

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