2nd Lt Savel - Honey, We're Home!

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Sep 30, 2023, 2:09:07 AM9/30/23
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com

((Shuttlepod Don Pedro/Shint Cruiser Interior))

As the Don Pedro conjoined itself with the Shint cruiser, Savel couldn't decide what noise had been worse. The sounds of the Shints' voices that had been intercepted or the horrible screeching of metal on metal as they embedded themselves into a ship full of them.

Then again, it wasn't like he had much time to focus on that. Because as soon as they were there, it was time to move on. They were here, now they just had to get the mission done and get back no matter what happened.

Thevn: Everyone conscious, say ‘ow’.

Jovenan: Ow ow ow!

Sato: ::finally releasing the held breath in a groan:: Grrraaaaaakk ... I mean, "ow."

Lux: :: deadpan :: Me-ow.

They went down the line, as if they were counting off one by one until everyone had said their ow's, with some a little more animated about it than others.

Chevalier: This unit is fully operational. All systems are nominal. Ow.

Savel: I am conscious, for the moment.

There was no telling what the rest of this mission was going to throw at them. He was just glad that it hadn't ended for him before it really ever began.

Any: Response

Thevn: Someone, get this smoke vented so we can see something.

Lux: The atmospheric vents are processing the smoke. 

Any: Response

Lux had been quick to jump on that as well and the smoke began to clear up from the inside of the shuttle. Just in time for them to see the performance provided by the Edo that had joined them.

Jovenan: ::alarmed:: Medic, I’m injured! Look, I’m all on bruises! It hurst soooo baaad!

Sato: Seriously?

Chevalier: Your motoric functions are unimpaired. Your damage is superficial. There is no reason to You stop the function.

Jovenan/Any: Response.

By now, they’d all unbuckled and jumped up from their seats. Each of them had a job to do now. This was it. The real deal. The big time. The show. It was their one shot, they couldn’t miss their chance, because this opportunity only comes once in a lifetime.

Jovenan: The shield generator survived the trip. Amazingly. Everyone, check your personal shields. ::to Lux:: Help me get the generator to portable mode.

Lux didn’t waste a moment to help Jovenan get the generator ready.

Lux: Remember we only have a limited charge on the portable generator.

There were six blinking lights on the outside of the casing that showed them just how much of that charge they had left. 

Chevalier: This unit is not capable of recharging this instrument. ::display showed a sad face and turned to mediator Jovenan :: All defense systems are nominal.

Sato: My personal shield is operational. Are we go to use scanners in here? I'd rather know when and how many of them are coming rather than get ambushed..

Dakora: Response

Sato: Ok then. I don't hear any klaxons, so either their alert system is way quieter than ours or they don't want us knowing they know we're here. Either way, that doesn't change what we have to do next.

While the rest of the team discussed their next steps, Savel moved to the hatch and checked it to make sure it wasn’t too damaged on their entry. Thankfully, it looked like it was still a viable way out.

Lux: That all depends on how well the shields work. If they work, they likely have no clue what we're doing. If they don't, we'll likely have no clue we're being erased from reality.

Chevalier: Understood, Lieutenant. I will set my servos to silent running.

Any: Response

Lux: :: to Gila :: You ready to show us the way? 

Any: Responses

Lux moved over to join the Vulcan and they started to work together to get the door open.

Lux: ::to Savel:: Here pull the lever, I'll force the hatch opened. 

Chevalier: This unit awaits further orders.

Savel: ::to Lux:: Of course. ::then looking to Chevalier:: Be prepared for any threats on the other side of this hatch.

Any: Response

There was no way they’d actually pulled this off, right? As soon as they opened up Don Pedro there would just be a line of Shint guns aimed at them ready to pull the triggers. Klaxons or not, Savel was prepared for the worst possible outcome whenever he pulled that level and Lux gave it a firm shove. 

With a loud crash, the hatch door slammed down onto the floor of the narrow Shint corridor that was in front of them, turning itself into a ramp. To Savel’s surprise, rapid weapons fire did not follow it. In fact, it looked like no one was home. 

Savel: We seem to be clear for the moment. I do not anticipate it staying that way. ::looking back to Gila:: I will make sure we are ready to move, quickly. 

Thevn: Response

They needed to be ready to move out as soon as possible, and Gila had the best knowledge of the layout of these ships. She’d be the best one to have in a position to guide them to their objective.

He moved further back into the shuttlepod, stopping once he got to the arms crate that had been packed since they would have had even less space if everyone had been carrying around long guns the whole ride. One rifle had already been taken by J so that only meant a few were left. The rest would need to be assigned to the best shots on the team.

As he knelt down by the crate, he pulled out one rifle and performed a function check to make sure it was still able to power up and cycle through after the impact of their entry.

Savel: Three rifles remain. The rest will use the sidearms provided to us. ::looking to each member:: Who takes the first one?

Dakora/Thevn/Lux/Sato/Jovenan/Chevalier: Response

He’d continue to pass out the rifles until everyone that was going to have one, did. But now they had another problem.

Savel glanced around at each person on the heist crew. Much larger than he’d anticipated during their planning stage. It could make getting around the tight corridors of the cruiser a little more difficult. It was a conga line of a heist team.

This was where Savel’s skills and background came into play though. He was used to quick strikes against larger targets. The goal was to get in, wreak havoc, then leave. As simple as it gets, the only other thing they had to do was steal something. No problem.

Savel: ::to Ares:: Major, I recommend our best shooters at the front and rear. Should we—when we are discovered, the Shint will likely attempt to surround and overwhelm us. 

Dakora: Response

Whatever plan they were going to come up with about moving through the Shint cruiser, it needed to be fast. It wasn’t going to take long for their enemy to figure out that a shuttlepod was lodged into the side of the hull.


2nd Lt. Savel
Special Warfare Operator
CIC Desdemona
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