LtCmdr Salkath and NPC Ens T'Nil - That's a Stretch

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May 13, 2024, 8:46:32 PMMay 13
to Main Artemis
((OOC: I belatedly realize that I should have been crediting the NPC I have hijacked in both my title and signature. Better late than never haha!))

((Fitness Center, Deck 4 - USS Artemis))

The Vulcan fitness class had come to a close. Salkath, after sparing a sidelong glance at the exasperated Ensign teaching the class, turned his attention back to Vitor Silveira. Vitor and he had taken the opportunity of the class to converse, which was especially beneficial for Salkath as he had few confidantes yet on his new posting. Not only that, but the way that Vitor and other non-Vulcans had experienced and utilized the class was an eye-opener for the Vulcan engineer. Normally a staid and sombre exercise, Salkath had been brought to realize that such an observance of tradition was not the only way to experience kheile'a, and in fact could even be better when not so staid and sombre.

Salkath: Despite what T'Nil implies, I hope you will consider kheile'a again. It could help with perspective. Without distractions and judgemental teachers, it can be quite... soothing. For the mind and body both, even if it isn't always logical.

He said that last with a knowing glance, as close to a smirk as a Vulcan can get.

Silveira: I appreciate it, but I think it only worked because of your assistance and company.

Salkath: It is amenable that you found this worked for you. It is different from what many might consider therapeutic at first glance.

Silveira: The conversation combined with the exercise was what worked for me. I thank you for that.

Salkath considered the hapless Bolian, who had come to this session wanting only to find his own form of peace, which would have been denied him if not for Vitor's indirect intervention. Now, the crewman in question was merrily rolling up his mat and his leftovers, on his way to whatever else his day involved with a renewed sense of mind and body.

Salkath: For me as well. Our conversation gave me enlightenment, and that is truly the purpose of a session such as this. I would be honored if you would join me again at one of these classes again.

Silveira: Then if we can do it the way we did this time, count me in. Again Salkath it was a pleasure to take this lesson with you.

Salkath: Take care, Lieutenant - ::pause, then correcting himself:: Vitor. Enjoy the rest of your shore leave.

They gave each other a bow, then parted. Silveira exited the fitness center, and but for a couple stragglers, it was the two Vulcans left in the room, Salkath and T'Nil. The latter caught the eye of the former, so Salkath moved to converse further with them.

T'Nil: You were disruptive and disrespectful in my class.

This accusation was met with what appeared to be an equanimous stare.

Salkath: You were disrespectful of your students' needs for calm and gentle guidance, of not understanding their ignorance and lack of knowledge.

T'Nil: You know fully well that kheile'a requires quietude and full concentration. At a bare minimum, anyone taking this class should know to respect our culture.

The two Vulcans stared each other down, outwardly calm to any who would observe, but there were sparks behind the calm demeanor. Both had strong opinions about the logic of their stance - a classic Vulcan showdown.

Salkath: Anyone delivering this class should show the wisdom to understand and respect the cultures of others we invite to learn our own.

Them there were fighting words.

T'Nil: If you cannot respect the sanctity of Vulcan meditative exercise either, then I will need to ask you not to return.

Salkath: Sir.

T'Nil: Pardon?

They did not immediately understand the quiet one word response in the heat of the moment.

Salkath: Not to return, sir.

Salkath found it eminently distasteful to impose his rank on T'Nil at the moment, but as entrenched as they were in their respective viewpoints, decorum seemed to be low on either of their list of priorities at the moment. It was the quickest and easiest way Salkath could think of to break the downward trend of their conversation. It appeared to work, as they both stood and looked at each other while they collected their mental breaths. T'Nil sighed, not dramatically, but rather a deflation of sorts.

T'Nil: I am sorry, Commander. I have overstepped.

Salkath: I apologize as well. I was disruptive, even if I considered it to be for the greater good at the moment. And I will certainly refrain from attending further classes if that is your wish.

The junior Vulcan lowered their eyes deferentially.

T'Nil: No, Commander, I spoke hastily before. I do not wish to banish you. However, can I amend further invitations to the crew for these classes to be food-free?

Was that a hint of a smile from the engineer?

Salkath: You can try, T'Nil. You can certainly try. 


NPC Ensign T'Nil
Security Officer, USS Artemis-A

~as portrayed by and including~

Lieutenant Commander Salkath
Engineer, USS Artemis-A
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