Lieutenant JG Savel - Overrun and Outmatched

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Jul 21, 2024, 5:03:58 PM (6 days ago) Jul 21

((Intel Suite - Deck 08, USS Artemis-A))

How could this have happened?

That was the only question on Savel's mind as he ran through the corridors of Deck 8 on his way to the Intel Suite. The Borg had somehow been able to take over a large portion of the crew simultaneously, without any warning or obvious intrusion. And they'd managed to do so on multiple ships, in the heart of Federation space. He couldn't give himself time to dwell on those thoughts, he'd be working overtime to suppress the fear that would try to work its way to the surface.

He had to focus on securing the ship. That was the main goal. If they could secure the ship, there was a chance they'd figure this all out. Maybe even giving themselves a chance to fight back. He had to go on deck at a time, hell, one corridor at a time, to get the job done right though. The Intel Suite was his first target, since it happened to be closeby.

With a rifle in hand, Savel charged through the door and was greeted by the grim scene on the other side. Dead or injured crewmen were sprawled out on the ground and a gathering of the assimilated turned to face him. 

The only logical tactic was to retreat. 

Savel: I see coming here was an error. I'll be leaving now.

All Drones in unison: Eliminate the unassimilated.

oO I very much dislike when they do that. Oo

Four of Six (Filistrien): Resistance is futile.

Two & Three of Six (101 & 001): We are Borg.

Four of Six (Filistrien): We are Borg.

As soon as Savel walked through the doors, he turned around to sprint out of them. He knew facing all of them head-on without a bit of cover between them was just asking for death. He needed to turn the odds in his favor. That included calling for backup.

Savel: =/\= ::whilst runnin'::Savel to any officer, requesting immediate assistance at the Intel Suite. Multiple casualties and hostiles present. =/\=

At a junction of corridors, Savel took cover behind one of the walls, allowing him to peek from the corner to keep tabs on the advancing drones. Or at least that's what he hoped he was going to be able to do. The moment the drones honed in on his location, they set a barrage of phaser fire his way that forced him to stay stuck behind the wall if he wished to avoid ending up as another casualty. 

Delri’ise: =/\= On—on my way, what’s your location? =/\=

Six of Six: Resistance is futile. We are Borg.

oO Why must they constantly repeat that? Oo

Savel: =/\= In the corridor, immediately outside of the Intel Suite on Deck 8. =/\=

Delri’ise: =/\= Hold tight… I’m just around the corner =/\=

All he had to do now was hold out for help to arrive. The phaser fire was consistently striking the wall making up one side of the corner he used for cover. He'd only be able to retreat from here, but he'd still be pursued by the group of Borg marching towards him. At some point he'd be forced to make a stand, and it might as well be here.

He thought about trying to peek out long enough to get out a shot or two, but then he heard phaser fire coming from the other direction. The beam shot through the corridor, streaking through the air until it impacted a phaser being used by one of the assimilated. Delri'ise had finally arrived, and he was glad to have her here.

Savel: It is good to see you, Lieutenant. 

Delri’ise: Response

The assimilated advance was completely undeterred by any phaser fire sent their way, so they were quick to close in the distance between them.

Four of Six (Filistrien): Eliminate the unassimilated.

Six of Six: Eliminate the unassimilated. Resistance is futile.

Even with the arrival of Delri'ise, Savel had been pinned down in the corner, which allowed for one of the assimilated to get right on top of his position. Emboldened by the arrival of his backup, Savel leaned out from around the corner to try and get a shot off but was immediately met by the previously disarmed Six of Six. Assimilated hands grabbed at his rifle and used it to shove him back against the wall, pinning him there as the other two continued their fire in Delri'ise's direction.

As he struggled with Six of Six, he glanced over to the wounded Delri'ise's position and his mind did a very quick tactical assessment of their current situation. He had been quickly overrun, and it looked like they were going to do the same to Melody.

Savel: Lieutenant, it would be wise for you to retreat now.

If he was lucky, he'd be able to break free and fall back on his own, maybe even catching up to her. But there was no use in both of them getting captured or killed. Someone needed to persist in the fight.

Delri’ise: Response

Whatever her choice was going to be, Savel knew he had to get free to support it. He mustered up all the strength his species was known for, and tried to shove Six of Six as far from him as possible. He'd even relinquish his grip on the rifle to make it happen. He still had the phaser on his hip, and he was definitely going to need it. Especially if additional help didn't arrive soon.

((OOC: Leaving things here to mark the end of the first hour, and give us a chance to better incorporate our new arrivals.))

Lieutenant JG Savel
Security Officer
USS Artemis-A
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