Lt. Silveira: A martial exercise?

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Apr 19, 2024, 8:57:23 AMApr 19
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG
((Fitness Center, Deck 4 - USS Artemis))

Vitor shook his head and wondered if he really knew what he was getting himself into.
But after all, that was most of the story of his life.

Silveira: I have no clue. Which is perfect. I was planning on boxing, I have a ring and the works on the holodeck but they were all taken. I assume we don’t hit anyone here.

T’Nil: ::speaking over the din of the crowd:: Not on purpose, and even accidentally is frowned upon...

Salkath: You are unlikely to be... teacher's pet? If that is the correct phrase.

A thought crossed his mind. He could have thought better of what he was going to say next.
But part of him just went with the flow, bringing back his joking side that had been so dramatically distant recently.

Silveira: I can be quite annoying and put that to the test. ::He raised his hand to T’Nil, as he winked at Salkath.:: But I will behave.

Salkath: Come, stand beside me, Lieutenant. I would enjoy your company further during this event.

Vitor smiled, nodded and followed the Commander to their position.

T’Nil: Everybody, please adopt this pose. ::they stood in a staggered half crouch with arms forward and palms upraised:: All kheile'a sequences start and end with this pose.

Vitor tipped his head and took a deep breath.
Then he position himself, mimicking as best he could T'Nil. Salkath adopted the pose with ease, and he couldn't resist his curiosity.

Silveira: Interesting. Not exactly the primary position I thought we would start.

Salkath: This martial art originated as a defensive art, and over time it has evolved into a contemplative art that focuses on fluidity and flexibility. Is there a similar exercise where you come from?

Silveira: If I recall correctly there is one. Called Tai Chi, I am not mistaken.

But as Salkath mentioned it was more of a contemplative exercise, not a Martial Art per se. At least not on Vitor’s book.

T'Nil: Now, adopt this pose please…

Vitor raised an eyebrow, that was an interesting leap from the first position.
Focusing he took another breath before striking the pose.
Luckily he was fit and managed to mimick the instructor. He regulated his breath to maintain balance.

Salkath: I recall you mentioning boxing earlier. Curious, I had heard that style of combat  referred to before as a 'sweet science', yet my personal interpretation of pugilism is of a brutish spectacle. What am I missing?

Vitor resisted laughing and although he balanced slightly, he kept his position.

Silveira: Not much because its a bit of both. It mostly triggers an emotional response, although chaotic it isn't just throwing punches left and right. There's skill and tactics in it.

Salkath: I must admit I am likely influenced by my own societal norms decrying violence. I had not considered the high intensity cardiovascular exercise aspect it could impart. But, is it... 'fun'?

Vitor tipped his head, and again almost broke balance. But he focused, breathing slowly and regularly.

Silveira: I admit there is some “fun” in fighting. I can't speak for others but personally there… It is sometimes an emotional valve. Regrettably it can be…

The thoughts of some fights he been on crossed his mind. And he had to break from the position.

Silveira: Overwhelming. I admit I lost control of my emotions sometimes.

Salkath: Response

Vitor smiled sadly at Salkath, but before he could reply T'Nil was giving them a new position.

T'Nil: Response

That one looked familiar and Vitor took a deep breath before attempting it. In an effort of trying to steer the conversation from his fights he evaded Salkath's question, posing one himself.

Silveira: Strange selection of positions. Do they have a meaning?

Salkath: Response

Silveira: I don’t see a… Logic in them.

T'Nil: Response

Salkath: Response


Lt. Vitor S. Silveira
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Artemis-A, NCC-81287

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