LtJG Gila Sadar - Into the Lion's Kitchen

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Gila Sadar

May 4, 2024, 3:07:56 PMMay 4
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Medical Laboratory 2 - Deck 7, USS Artemis-A))

oO - considering the significant contributions of Dr. Grel’zh to the field of modern antibiotics for the prevention of infections in the widest array of galactic species to date, this paper thought it prudent to examine whether this research could form the foundations of a medical framework for use in First Contact-scenarios. For any new species to join the galactic society, it seems prudent to establish - sooner rather than later - which of our modern medications they show a tolerance to, and thus, streamlining this process without sacrificing efficacy is- Oo

Silveira: =/ \= Silveira to Sada. Come as quickly as you can to Holodeck Two. =/ \=

The Mizarian Lieutenant, currently very much embroiled in the latest issue of the Journal of Starfleet Medical, nearly jumped two feet from her chair when her commbadge suddenly sparked to life, expelling from within the order from Lieutenant Silveira. As quickly as she could?

Considering that the last time Lieutenant Silveira had required any medical assistance from her, he’d injured himself whilst engaging in a fairly excessive exercise regimen, Gila immediately thought the worst.

Sadar: =/ \= Sadar here. Are you all right, Sir? D-Do you need medical attention? Should I beam you to Sickbay? =/ \=

Gila was already half-way out of her seat when a new sound registered from her comm badge. For a moment, Gila had trouble identifying the bubbling sound. Was the Lieutenant choking on fluid? No, wait…

This was laughter.

Silveira: =/ \= It isn't an emergency, just bring your cooking book. We have a whole kitchen to put to the test. Also, I want something different for lunch. =/ \=

Cooking book?


Oh no.

The awful - and quite frankly repressed - memory of a ‘cooking date’ surfaced within Gila’s mind, as her face took on a multitude of expressions, none of them particularly elated, as she realized that her calm and recreational afternoon of reviewing the latest medical articles and sending her own notes on possible future applications over subspace to Madi-net was about to be awfully derailed by the Tempest known as Vitor Silveira.

Nevertheless, Gila would be remiss if she didn’t at least attempt to stand her ground in the face of the awesome power that the chaotic Lieutenant wielded.

Sadar: =/ \= S-Sir, I-I’m sorry, b-but today really isn’t a good time. I-I’m currently in the middle of the latest issue of Starfleet Medical, and I- =/ \=

Silveira: =/ \= I don’t think that has precedence over empty stomachs. Remember, Lieutenant Jovenan is coming as well, so don't be late. Sil out. =/ \=

Lieutenant Silveira ended their communications there, as Gila had to swallow what little insubordination she’d managed to muster in the face of his insistence. Lieutenant Jovenan was coming too… Sighing with defeat, Gila resigned herself to her fate.

At least the Edo Lieutenant’s presence would distract the Tempest enough for Gila to have a fairly anxiety-free meal... Right?

((Holodeck 2 - Deck 2, USS Artemis-A))

After a detour back to her quarters for the PADD containing the recipes that her sister had been kind enough to send to her upon Gila’s departure from their home system, the anxious Mizarian - still in uniform, of course - reached Holodeck 2. Standing before the arch, still deliberating on whether she could reasonably feign a medical emergency without the cunning Lieutenant Silveira seeing through it in an instant, Gila twisted her anxiety band a couple of times, before gathering her courage.

oO It’s just cooking. And eating. And talking... Let’s keep the talking to a minimum. Oo

And then, before her sparse courage had the chance to abandon her, Gila crossed the threshold. The kitchen greeting her was large, startlingly pristine and could easily contain an entire department’s worth of crew cooking at once. It contained a lot of utensils and instruments that Gila had never seen before in her life, though she was pleased to see that it also held the more rudimentary instruments that not only resembled the ones she’d used to cook during her time at Starfleet Academy, but also ones she remembered from the kitchen of the University Campus back on Mizabet.

Her luck would have those things do exactly the opposite than she thought, of course.

Jovenan: - appliances than this. I have to admit, I don’t even know what half of them are. ::smiles:: I guess you’ll have to teach me.

Silveira: Response

Approaching the two senior officers quietly, Gila noticed that Lieutenant Jovenan - out of uniform!? - was wearing an apron, one that seemed to come from the holographically prepared stock of the kitchen.

Sadar: H-Hello Sirs... I-I’m sorry for the delay.

Silveira/Jovenan: Response

Gila procured an apron for herself and clumsily applied it to her uniform, pleased with the fact that Lieutenant Silveira had accounted for multiple sizes of the things.

Sadar: Oh, uhh, I-I have a selection to choose from? I wasn’t sure what the two of you wanted to make, so...

Silveira/Jovenan: Response

Sadar: Well then, in the interest of making a three-course meal, I could make a desert?

Silveira/Jovenan: Response


LtJG Gila Sadar

Medical Officer

USS Artemis-A


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