Lieutenant Hallia Yellir - Closing Time

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Ryan Fender

May 9, 2024, 12:34:02 PMMay 9

(( Quark’s Bar, Promenade, Deep Space Nine ))

MacKenzie: I’m quite sure I have no idea what you’re talking about. (beat) Besides, you seem to have already adopted a troublesome streak yourself, jailbreaking that replicator…


The Yelikan’s eyes widened for a moment, with her mouth very quickly snapping itself shut. She leaned her weight in the centre of her stool. A hand still wrapped around her chilled glass, Hallia tilted her head to the side.


Yellir: Err— whichever replicator could you mean, Captain? 


There was a few silent moments as her gaze fell onto the benchtop. Her mind was still with racing thoughts. She had completely forgotten that little detail was let slip during the last mission.  

MacKenzie: That replicator.


A single, yet steady breath escaped the Yelikan’s lungs. Her eyes momentarily drifted over the many dabo tables, and needless to say, she knew when it was her time to fold. She began with an even voice, ready to speak into the world a plethora of justifications. Truly, it was part of a harmless experiment, as well as a favour.

Yellir: It wasn’t my suggestion, but Ensign Kader asked for help — so naturally, I obliged. But please tell me the champagne was good? Adding to pre-installed recipes like that can end up with some incredibly wild results.

MacKenzie: It seemed fine to me… I’ve certainly had far worse in the Shoals, anyway.


Her heart rate settled as Hallia’s shoulders visibly relaxed. She watched the captain finish her Irish Coffee, before gesturing to the Lurian that was still there. It was like they didn’t move since the last time the pair looked over.


MacKenzie: What an interesting being… Have you ever met a Lurian?


Yellir: Can’t say I have. Though I know of the many mysteries surrounding them.


Addison offered a dismissive shrug.


MacKenzie: I’ve heard they don’t say much… Best secret-keepers in all the galaxy.

There was a slow turn as she glanced to the CO, and then back to the Lurian. The following murmurs were little more than her trying to unpack what was happening.


Yellir: ::quietly:: Does that mean I get to keep it? 


Addison offered a slight smirk to Hallia as she stood from the bar. There was a soft pat on her shoulder, and the Yelikan couldn’t help but feel like a glancing blast had just sped past her head. 

MacKenzie: I suppose you can keep the replicator as long as you put a security lock on it. Otherwise, try to stay out of trouble this shore leave.


The Captain moved away, towards the door, and as if they weight of a day had fallen upon her, Hallia could feel her back begin to ache. She hadn’t noticed just how straight she had sat herself throughout that entire conversation. Addison was someone she had looked up to for a long time, but seeing a different side to her made Hallia all the more proud to be working with her.

A smile persisted onwards, even as the rest of her drink slid down her throat. 

The bottom was a slurry of ice and chilled syrup, and she fought back a gag as she couldn’t taste or smell anything but chocolate for the next few moments. As she left, following towards the same doors she entered through, everything seemed like it was going to be okay.

End of Scene


Lieutenant Hallia Yellir 

Chief Engineer

USS Artemis-A


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