Lieutenant JG Melody Delri'ise - Hit and Run

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Ryan Fender

Jul 24, 2024, 10:45:31 AM (3 days ago) Jul 24

((Deck 08, Corridor — USS Artemis-A))

Heavy footfalls no longer accompanied the Lieutenant’s step, but hearing the call for help, she once again let her arm dangle at her side. Scorched and burned as it was — the Argelian found very little use for it. She stepped over the wounded officer, almost regretfully, but a stumble found its way worming into her footfalls. Melody’s mind was plagued by fatigue, it lingered like a fog even as the pain grew to be something she could ignore. Now if there were a time for it, she needed to rest before she strained herself. But such luxuries were few and far between. 

Once pinned back curls bounced in her periphery as she moved— she could almost feel the grazes of gold hair tickle at her temples. Savel’s call wasn’t far from her, and even in her groggy state, she still kept her eyes open. Melody reached for her holstered weapon — the sleek silver casing was slightly worn, with the polished nozzle dented in a couple of places. Pointing it forward, the weapon fell into her gloved grip as if it belonged there. She navigated the corridor phaser first and truth be told, it wasn’t long until she could find Savel.

Although the acoustics were dreadful on this deck, it didn’t take long for her ears to perk up at the roar of nearby weapons fire. She followed the noise until she instantly felt herself sweat, trails of warped metal traced the path before her and the air itself grew uncomfortably warm. Melody’s pace quickened, moving as fast as she could without stumbling face-first onto the deck. Weapon drawn forwards, her thumb rested on the trigger as the screams of Starfleet phasers shrieked through the corridor.

The Vulcan took cover just as he was being peppered with plasma bolts. The bulkhead was black with scorch marks and the metal was beginning to buckle under its own weight.  The onslaught showed little sign of slowing down — and as soon as she could, Melody lined up her phaser and fired, a streak of bright orange shone from the dolphin-nosed emitter. The beam made short work cutting through the noise, striking the hand of a drone as their weapon clattered to the ground. What were once Starfleet officers sat in a wall formation, weapons drawn, each with that same hollowness that lurked behind their eyes. 

Melody dove for cover, opposing the junction Savel found himself in, it wouldn’t be long until they’d be on her too.

Savel: It is good to see you, Lieutenant. 

Delri’ise: Be glad later— we got bigger fish to fry.

Even as they laid down their own fire, they were painfully outmanned. Any peek meant risking even more injuries and she could be certain in her state that it might as well mean her end. The assimilated officers advanced through the corridor like a crushing wall, firing over one another’s shoulders. 

Four of Six (Filistrien): Eliminate the unassimilated.

Six of Six: Eliminate the unassimilated. Resistance is futile.

Six of Six moved towards Savel and the two remaining others rained hell down on Melody’s current position. She sank deeper against the wall, the shrieks and hums of their weapons scratching at her eardrums. As she was quickly pinned down, she watched Savel’s form as it was shoved against a nearby wall, as Six of Six wrestled for his rifle. 

Savel: Lieutenant, it would be wise for you to retreat now.

Delri’ise: We’re too exposed! I’ll do what I can to cover you.

She flinched in the moment— her vision tightened as just beneath the roars of weapon fire more footsteps began to approach. Melody could hear it from all sides. Fearing the absolute worst, and the fact that the Borg attention stayed fixated on them she had little reason to believe help was going to be coming so soon. Their window for escape had been growing tighter by the second. 

But Melody had thankfully been proven wrong. Flashes of phaser fire struck the attacking Borg in the back, stumbling them forward like ragdolls. They made for a quick path to escape, nodding to Savel, she gestured for him to follow as she moved. 

The moment the path was clear Melody made for a sprint, leaping over the collapsed bodies, barely coming to a stop as she saw and un-familiar, non-Borg officers.

MacKenzie/Silveira/Jovenan: Response?

Delri’ise: Glad to see you all— Savel, you good?

Savel: Response?

She nodded, weapon pointed to the ground, her grip loosened and her thumb fell from the trigger. Her breath continued to hitch in her throat as she leaned her good arm against the bulkhead

Hopper: No time for a meet and greet. Any idea what they want in the Hub, or how many there are inside? 

Delri’ise: I mean— it’s an intel suite so…

Melody shrugged like the answer was obvious. This entire deck was sensitive in terms of everything that you could ever really need to take over a starship. Weapons and information.

Savel: Response

MacKenzie/Silveira/Jovenan: Response

Delri’ise: I’ll keep an eye on our six, I’m not gonna be much help up front. 

Hopper/Savel: Response?

MacKenzie/Silveira/Jovenan: Response

Melody quickly double-checked the power level of her phaser and its remaining charge before nodding.

Delri’ise: Hit ‘em hard and fast, ready when you are.



Lieutenant JG Melody Delri’ise

Security Officer

USS Artemis-A

As Simmed by…

Lieutenant Hallia Yellir 

Chief Engineer

USS Artemis-A


Ryan Fender

Jul 24, 2024, 11:01:21 AM (3 days ago) Jul 24

((OOC: Reposting to fit in MacKenzie's tags))

((Deck 08, Corridor — USS Artemis-A))

Heavy footfalls no longer accompanied the Lieutenant’s step, but hearing the call for help, she once again let her arm dangle at her side. Scorched and burned as it was — the Argelian found very little use for it. She stepped over the wounded officer, almost regretfully, but a stumble found its way worming into her footfalls. Melody’s mind was plagued by fatigue, it lingered like a fog even as the pain grew to be something she could ignore. Now if there were a time for it, she needed to rest before she strained herself. But such luxuries were few and far between. 

Once pinned back curls bounced in her periphery as she moved— she could almost feel the grazes of gold hair tickle at her temples. Savel’s call wasn’t far from her, and even in her groggy state, she still kept her eyes open. Melody reached for her holstered weapon — the sleek silver casing was slightly worn, with the polished nozzle dented in a couple of places. Pointing it forward, the weapon fell into her gloved grip as if it belonged there. She navigated the corridor phaser first and truth be told, it wasn’t long until she could find Savel.

Although the acoustics were dreadful on this deck, it didn’t take long for her ears to perk up at the roar of nearby weapons fire. She followed the noise until she instantly felt herself sweat, trails of warped metal traced the path before her and the air itself grew uncomfortably warm. Melody’s pace quickened, moving as fast as she could without stumbling face-first onto the deck. Weapon drawn forwards, her thumb rested on the trigger as the screams of Starfleet phasers shrieked through the corridor.

The Vulcan took cover just as he was being peppered with plasma bolts. The bulkhead was black with scorch marks and the metal was beginning to buckle under its own weight.  The onslaught showed little sign of slowing down — and as soon as she could, Melody lined up her phaser and fired, a streak of bright orange shone from the dolphin-nosed emitter. The beam made short work cutting through the noise, striking the hand of a drone as their weapon clattered to the ground. What were once Starfleet officers sat in a wall formation, weapons drawn, each with that same hollowness that lurked behind their eyes. 

Melody dove for cover, opposing the junction Savel found himself in, it wouldn’t be long until they’d be on her too.

Savel: It is good to see you, Lieutenant. 

Delri’ise: Be glad later— we got bigger fish to fry.

Even as they laid down their own fire, they were painfully outmanned. Any peek meant risking even more injuries and she could be certain in her state that it might as well mean her end. The assimilated officers advanced through the corridor like a crushing wall, firing over one another’s shoulders. 

Four of Six (Filistrien): Eliminate the unassimilated.

Six of Six: Eliminate the unassimilated. Resistance is futile.

Six of Six moved towards Savel and the two remaining others rained hell down on Melody’s current position. She sank deeper against the wall, the shrieks and hums of their weapons scratching at her eardrums. As she was quickly pinned down, she watched Savel’s form as it was shoved against a nearby wall, as Six of Six wrestled for his rifle. 

Savel: Lieutenant, it would be wise for you to retreat now.

Delri’ise: We’re too exposed! I’ll do what I can to cover you.

She flinched in the moment— her vision tightened as just beneath the roars of weapon fire more footsteps began to approach. Melody could hear it from all sides. Fearing the absolute worst, and the fact that the Borg attention stayed fixated on them she had little reason to believe help was going to be coming so soon. Their window for escape had been growing tighter by the second. 

But Melody had thankfully been proven wrong. Flashes of phaser fire struck the attacking Borg in the back, stumbling them forward like ragdolls. They made for a quick path to escape, nodding to Savel, she gestured for him to follow as she moved. 

The moment the path was clear Melody made for a sprint, leaping over the collapsed bodies, barely coming to a stop as she saw and un-familiar, non-Borg officers.

She nodded, weapon pointed to the ground, her grip loosened and her thumb fell from the trigger. Her breath continued to hitch in her throat as she leaned her good arm against the bulkhead

MacKenzie: Good to see you, Lieutenants.

Delri’ise: Glad to see you all— Savel, you good?

Savel: Response?

Silveira/Jovenan: Response?


Hopper: No time for a meet and greet. Any idea what they want in the Hub, or how many there are inside? 


Melody’s head bobbed from side to side, still slightly in a daze. She shrugged in response as if the answer to her was obvious.

Delri’ise: I mean— it’s an Intel Suite, they didn’t seize it for the comfy chairs.

Savel: Response


MacKenzie: Is the suite secure?

Silveira/Jovenan/Hopper: Response


Savel: Response


MacKenzie: Well we can’t stand out here in the open. Hopefully them tracking my signal will be enough of a diversion, but it won’t be long before they catch on.


Silveira/Jovenan/Hopper: Response


Savel: Response

Delri’ise: I’m not gonna be much use up front, I’ll watch our caboose in case somethin’ sneaks up on us.

Silveira/Jovenan/Hopper: Response


Savel: Response

She rose from her resting position, double-checking the settings on her phaser and whatever charge remained. 

Delri’ise: All right, got it, hard and fast. There might be more still on this deck so we should be careful.

Silveira/Jovenan/Hopper: Response


MacKenzie/Savel: Response

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