Ensign Savel - When in a Pickle, Pinch

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May 7, 2024, 2:55:59 PMMay 7
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Crew Decks - Nova Gamma Borealis))

The quartet of officers had been able to get away from the observation deck, but that didn't remove them from danger. Almost as soon as they'd started to navigate the narrow corridors, Savel's enhanced hearing picked up the sounds of someone approaching.

He turned to the rest of the group to give them warning of the impending arrival of whoever or whatever was on the way.

Savel: It may be wise to find a place to hide. Whatever, or whoever, made that noise is currently headed towards us.

Dakora: It might just be the crew battening down the hatches, but let’s not take chances. Find a hiding spot and hunker down.

Sadar: U-Understood Sir.

There wasn't a whole lot of room for all of them to hide, but they managed to squeeze themselves into the space behind a few stacked tool crates. That was going to have to do for now. Besides, it's not like they planned on hunkering down behind the boxes for the entirety of this act of piracy.

Savel: They are close.

Just as he said that, the same guide from earlier came into view. But he wasn't alone. There was a scaly humanoid holding the Bolian at gunpoint, forcing him to keep moving forward.

Guide: S-s-see? There's nothing down here! Just some basic tools and spare parts. Just like I said!

NIC Pirate: Then why's there life signs detected down ‘ere?

Guide: I d-d-don’t know. I told you– other than the passengers– it's just me, the pilot and our engineer. And all of us were on the upper deck when you... well... arrived.

While the pirate and guide conversed, Talos caught Savel's attention. The Commander mimed and mouthed a potential plan towards the Vulcan. He wanted Savel to do his thing, break out the trusty ol nerve pinch and save the day. Easy peasey, shoulder squeezy.

He nodded over to Talos and slowly started to move in the direction of the pirate. Things were set up perfectly. The baddie was turned away and distracted with his hostage. All Savel had to do was move into position and strike. There was only one problem.

As he moved, the toe of Savel's foot caught a stray tool that didn't make it into the crate. He hit it hard enough to send it sliding across the floor and into the wall opposite him. The noise compromised his plan and immediately put the pirate on high alert.

NIC Pirate: Who’s there!?

Savel didn't immediately respond, instead looking over to Talos in whatever the version of a Vulcan's silent apology was.

Dakora: Response?

NIC Pirate: Surrender yourselves, nice and easy, or this blueberry gets it!

The pirate then took a better hold of the Bolian, now using him as a combination shield and hostage. The weapon was aimed right at the guide in an attempt to convince everyone that might be looking that the pirate was more than willing to follow through on his threat.

Savel felt they'd used the Bolian as bait for long enough so he stood and started to come around the crate that he'd been using as cover.

Savel: ::to Talos quietly:: If we do not show ourselves, he may indeed harm the blueberry.

Dakora: Response

Before Savel could really do anything else, there was an intervention from another member of their group. He couldn't tell who had caused it, but they'd started a cascade of crates to come tumbling down. It filled the room with noise, chaos, and even weapons of opportunity. 

 The pirate and his Bolian hostage were both equally surprised about their sudden, loud appearance. The pirate even clenched his fists around the lapels of the Bolian's outfit, using it to lift him slightly off of the ground. Clearly he thought he'd been led into some sort of trap or ambush.

NIC Pirate: What in blazes-

Gnai: ::to Gila:: ~ Please play along, Lieutenant? ~ ::loudly:: This tour is absolutely dreadful. The only decent exploration is behind the scenes!

As things unfolded in front of him, the Vulcan's brow raised whenever Gnai's first words following its discovery was a review of the tour. 

Savel: oOA curious moment to express displeasure with the tour.Oo

Dakora/Sadar: Response

The pirate shifted his aim of his weapon over to Gila instead of using it to continue harassing the guide. The guide, with a firearm now no longer being an immediate threat, took more offense with Gnai's criticism. 

Guide: ::incredulous:: What? We provide the biggest viewports of any ships taking the wormhole! We've spared absolutely no expense! ::muttering to himself:: Dreadful...

Gnai: Yes, dreadful. The wormhole? ::with as much derision as it can muster through monotonous speakers:: Derivative. This has seen... hundreds like it before.

Savel continued to watch the exchange between the guide and Gnai, using that moment where they all were distracted to look over to Talos.

Savel: ::in a hushed tone:: I believe I can still enact our plan. 

Dakora/Sadar: Response?

The pirate was now fully locked in to Gila and Gnai after they'd made themselves a target. So much so that he dropped his hold on the guide and filled his newly freed grip with another weapon. They were now aimed directly at the pair of Starfleet officers.

NIC Pirate: What, and I repeat myself, IN THE BLAZES is going on here?

Savel: ::still in a quiet tone:: His distraction with them is to our benefit. I will attempt the move now.

Dakora/Sadar: Response

Making sure not to cause another set of noises that would bring the attention of the pirate in his direction, Savel moved carefully among the scattered tools and gadgets that littered the floor. With the pirate's back mostly turned away from the Vulcan, there was little chance he was going to be seen.

Savel got right behind the pirate that was demanding the explanation from the two he had at gunpoint, and reached for the spot at the base of his neck right where it met his shoulder. He clamped his hand and applied the appropriate pressure, causing the pirate to immediately crumple to the ground.

With their foe incapacitated, Savel reached down to retrieve the weapons that he'd been holding. He didn't immediately recognize the design but they looked to be as simple as point and shoot.

Savel: I was not sure that would work, being unfamiliar with this species, but we are fortunate that it did. ::looking to Talos:: I would not expect all Vulcans to be familiar with this technique anymore. 

He was only familiar so practiced with it from his time at VIDA and working in law enforcement on Vulcan.

Dakora/Sadar/Gnai: Responses

With two weapons secured for them, Savel offered the other one to Talos. He did not mean any offense by excluding Gnai or Gila from having one of the weapons, but he was sure they'd understand his choice. The guide was not so understanding.

Guide: And why does he get a weapon? This is my ship! I should be the one trying to take it back. 

Ignoring the blueberry's plea for arms, Savel ensured his weapon got to Talos or at least someone with Starfleet training. Then he looked back to the Bolian.

Savel: I have already evaluated your response to the stress of a potentially violent situation while you were being held hostage. We are all much safer if you do not possess arms of any kind.

Dakora/Sadar/Gnai: Responses

The Bolian huffed at the Vulcan's rejection and evaluation of him but didn't look to argue the point further. With that settled, Savel turned to the rest of his own group.

Savel: I am unsure of how long he will stay incapacitated. It could be hours, or he could awaken anytime now. I am open to suggestions on what to do with him.

Dakora/Sadar/Gnai: Response

Guide: I-I'll tell you exactly what to do with him! ::exaggerating his words by holding a single finger in the air as he just barely lifted himself on his toes:: We shoot him a-and we make sure he can't get back up! Then his friends will know not to mess with Nova Gamma Borealis!

Exactly why Savel hadn't given him the gun.

Ensign Savel
Security Officer
USS Artemis-A
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