PNPC CPO Ral Shaw - Hopefully no one is missing some decouplers

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CPT Arianus

Apr 19, 2024, 7:33:37 PMApr 19
(( Ship corridor - Deck 2 - USS Artemis-A ))

Chief Ral was leaning against the wall of the corridor, watching her poor little puppy as he left the XO's office. He looked half dead, exhausted, with those sunken eyes and dark circles underneath them. The face was paler than the Federation white he used to dye his hair. At least his uniform was neat and clean, a little insignificant plus. Maybe this wasn't time to load him up more, but on the other hand, she had no idea if what was written on the PADD, nervously spinning it around like a spinner, was even a problem to bother ACOO.

oO Just showing him this won't hurt anything. What will happen? He takes a look at the manifest, dismisses my worries, and I'll go after ACOO, or he will send me after him directly. One way or another, I'll give myself a break for not going behind his back… Oo

Chief disengaged from the wall, stopped spinning the PADD and walked purposefully towards Ensign Chevalier. She tried not to startle him as she addressed him with one of her smiles.

Ral: Good morning, sir.

Chevalier turned towards her, observed her for a brief moment, and then gave a nod of acknowledgement.

Chevalier: Morning, Chief Ral. On the way to the XO office? Some problems in the below deck paradise of yours?

Ral: No, sir. Not for XO, I was waiting on you. There is a problem with the inventory in cargo hold 2.

Ensign chuckled in surprise as he looked at Ral.

Chevalier: I’m not sure if you missed the memo, Chief, but SCM is no longer part of my duties in the division.

Chief shrugged and then extended her hand holding the PADD towards the ensign.

Ral: You made the order, and signed the allocation after delivery. It’s about one crate we loaded on Betazed.

Jaseb let out a sigh and then took the PADD from the Chief's hand.

Chevalier: I do not know what the problem is, but okay. So, tell me what am I going to let myself be scolded for this time?

Ral: Last night, the engineering team needed plasma line decouplers, but we didn't have enough of them in the interim engineering hold. We had to take another decouplers from the cargo hold, as they pushed for parts ASAP - as always, you know it yourself how everything with them is a critical ticket.

Chevalier: And?

Ral: We opened a crate Alfa-55799-Epsilon-Delta-Bravo from the newest load on Betazed, because it was nearest to entry and there was no time to rearrange the cargo hold to take the couplers from the older load. Long story short, those manifested decouplers weren’t there. Crate was… let's say empty.

Ensign looked from the PADD at the Chief.

Chevalier: Let's say… empty?

Ral: Not empty, like completely empty. Empty like decouplers weren’t here in the first place. Guessing by the foam filling it was loaded with circuit boards of some kind.

Chevalier: Did you scan the crate again, is the registration correct?

Ral gave the ensign THE GAZE, indicating she was not a first year greener, like someone she knew.

Ral: Of course, sir. Registration was correct. I checked the loading scan done by crewmen P’Tar, his scan was the same. Same as registration on delivery manifest.

Ensign Chevalier took a moment to scroll through the data on the PADD, and then appeared to reconsider something.

Chevalier: Yeah, P’Tar scanned the crate on arrival, and petty officer Earl when they were putting it in cargo hold. Couldn’t they just mislabeled the crate at Betazed hub? Send us an empty crate, and then our couplers to whatever place that empty crate should go?

Ral: This would not pass through the cargo transport. The weight would not fit and the transporter checks it.

Chevalier: Not necessary. If the filling was for circuit boards, it would be heavier as circuit boards are fragile cargo. Those couplers are light enough to overlap somehow somewhere ::turns the screen to Ral:: You see? Although the weight did not match, it was still within an acceptable range, so the transporter accepted it as correct.

Chief Ral nodded. Although she seemed unconvinced, the ensign's argument had some logic, which made her think. In the meantime, the ensign turned the PADD back and started digging into the data.

Ral: Okay, let’s say you are right. So, now what, contact Starfleet Operations, ask them to find our lost decouplers and inform ACOO about this?

Chevalier: Like, we can, but ACOO just drops it back on us to take care of it. And if we're going to bother SFO, it would probably be good to know if this one box is the only spoiled one we have in the cargo hold. Because if someone mislabeled it at Betazed, yes, it could have been an honest mistake, or someone over there was sloppy, and we can have more crates like that on board. Take a full inventory of the Cargo Holds 1 and 2, Chief, and then we can report it as a whole package. If we will sit on this day or two, what will happen? Ship will not explode.

This time it was up to Chief Ral to let out a "delighted" sigh. The prospect of rearranging the entire cargo hold, scanning and opening all the crates, and checking the inventory excited her more than a dental appointment.

Ral: I see two major issues with this proposal, ensign. First one, we start a new unload and load in five hours, and making a full inventory will take like three days by two shifts.

Chevalier: Okay, then unload whatever we did not load on Betazed, and what we load, we can send later. There will be additional orders from deck five, so those can wait for another exchange. While you will be unloading, move Betazoid crates from Cargo 1 to Cargo 2 to have it all together. Crates will be scanned, put aside, and then during the inventory the only thing left is to open them and check the contents. That should save some time.

Chief Ral appreciated the concept, but was not fond of the implementation.

Ral: And for this idea of yours you needed to study four years at the Academy? And what then should I say to deck five, when we start inventory check?

Chevalier: Damn Ral, can you accommodate me a bit? You are the quartermaster. We have just traveled through time and reality, so if you say that you need to reorganize the cargo hold, the cargo hold will be reorganized. And don't tell me that whoever replaced me in the hell of signing the reports didn't sign your hand already at least once, when you looked at them with that look you kept throwing at me when I was in that chair.

Ral chuckled at Ensign's theatrical performance.

Ral: I should have thrown the crate out the airlock and pretended it never existed. I take a vacation - do you know how beautiful the Eastern Province is at this time of year?

Chevalier looked at Ral with sympathy and handed back the PADD to her.

Chevalier: I checked the delivery manifest. There was no order for any circuit boards from Betazed logistic hub. That crate shouldn’t be there. It’s your inventory, and you are the quartermaster responsible for its correctness, Chief. You came to me, and you felt there was something off. So… follow your guts. Ok?

Ral: Ok... ::sighs:: I’m going.

With a swift turn on her heel, Ral strode off down a dimly lit corridor, leaving Ensign Chevalier standing alone. He watched as she disappeared around the corner, tired already, as his day was just beginning.


Chief Petty Officer Ral Shaw, PNPC
Simmed by Jaseb Chevalier, A240009JC1
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