LtCmdr Salkath - So Tell Me More...

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Apr 13, 2024, 8:35:01 PMApr 13
to Main Artemis
((Chief Engineer’s Office, Deck 15 - USS Artemis))

Reporting to one's departmental head when arriving aboard a new vessel or installation may be a mere formality to most officers, but to LtCmdr Salkath, it was an essential and integral part of the transition. More than just Vulcan sensibility but a strongly personal drive, the procedures and processes of onboarding were important to the engineer. Thanks to the meddling of a churlish omnipotent being, Salkath had not been able to conduct these procedures properly once arriving on the Artemis, and he was keen to rectify that shortcoming now.

The symbolic part of reporting complete, Salkath had handed a PADD that described his meager career to Lieutenant Hallia Yellir. He had given her a minimum of time to peruse and confirm the information, and would be amenable to converse further about 'shop talk' - his skills and experiences, her skills and experiences, where he could best serve the Artemis' Engineering department... Yet, irrationally, a personal artefact in the office had garnered his attention since he had entered. A memento, perhaps, or perhaps more. The candle on display on the lieutenant's desk fascinated Salkath. It was intricate in its variegated coloration, with a heady, pungent fragrance associated. Its prominent placement denoted importance, and despite decorum, Salkath could not resist probing into its importance.

Salkath: If I may deviate slightly first, ::with a raised eyebrow of interest:: Your candle is most intriguing. Does it hold cultural or religious significance?

His superior officer shifted her attention, which had been pointedly on him since his arrival, onto the object of question. She retrieved it and cradled it reverently, cementing Salkath's supposition that it was an important object to her.

Yellir: I suppose you could say so. A gift given with a lot of Caitian significance— a former crewmate wanted to commemorate my first command on an away mission. ::smiling::  Gifts where I’m from are held in high esteem, since there isn’t very much to go around.

A moment's hesitation later, Hallia held out the candle for Salkath to examine. He accepted it with grave solemnity, examining it in greater detail. He could not bring it much closer to his gaze, however, as the pungency of the candle up close was at the threshold of his tolerance.

Salkath: Your former crewmate had obvious artistic talent, and it seems a fitting gift. It has a rather... strong... fragrance. 

Yellir: Mm! Scent is very sacred to Caitians, these particular candles are difficult to make. They use a particularly potent cocktail of plants to make it, so I apologize if it's overpowering.

To avoid handling the candle more than was necessary - its disuse showed that the lieutenant valued it for ornamental over practical reasons - Salkath mirrored her action in reverse by placing it back on its holder. In just this simple conversation, Salkath had learned more personally about his fellow engineer than her service record could ever convey.

Salkath: No apologies necessary. I appreciate learning more about the candle and its significance.

Not to mention the personal insight into his new colleague that could not be learned any other way.

Yellir: Oh— before I forget, can I get you anything to drink? ::gesturing to her replicator::

Salkath: Tarkalean tea, please. Mind if I take a seat?

The request was not made lightly; Salkath had agonized over asking for several moments before doing so. Though technically outranking the chief engineer, the hierarchy of shipboard command was clear. In all matters regarding his normal course of duty, Lt Yellir was Salkath's superior officer. Decorum dictated that he await the offer to sit, but... This was less formal than the normal course of duty, and rank gave him at least a little discretion. That did not mean he would exercise that discretion lightly or often, however.

Yellir: response

Salkath accepted the proffered drink, and gazed evenly at his colleague. She was the first of her people that Salkath had served with, and her distinguishing features were unique. He took a sip of his beverage before continuing their conversation.

Salkath: I have you at a disadvantage, Lieutenant. I have taken the liberty of accessing your service record, and I see that engineering was not your first departmental posting?

The inflection implied that though the proof was there in the record, the 'why' or 'how' of the departmental change was not.

Yellir: response

Salkath: It is a logical progression. The physical sciences dictate the basis of our work in Engineering. One could argue your experiences make you a more proficient engineer than one who did not have the same.

Yellir: response

Salkath continued to sip his tea, using the momentary pauses to remind himself that this was a conversation, not an interview, and definitely not an opportunity to grill the chief engineer. The opposite, in fact; should anybody be pressed to discuss their credentials, it should be Salkath justifying his arrival on the Artemis. And yet... the experiences of late had possibly made the stoic Vulcan more sociable than normal. Jem'Hadar invasions and forced labor camps have been known to have that effect. He thought about attempting a smile, but had been told that a Vulcan smile looks malicious.


Lieutenant Commander Salkath
Engineer, USS Artemis-A
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