Captain Addison MacKenzie - Time-Tested Establishment

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Addison MacKenzie

Apr 10, 2024, 10:50:45 AMApr 10

(OOC: If anyone else wants to join in, feel free to pull up a bar stool.)

(( Quark’s Bar, Promenade, Deep Space Nine ))


Addison strolled along Promenade taking in the diversity of the many shops and restaurants the station offered. The station had come a long way since the Federation first occupied it in 2369, becoming a cultural hub both prior to and following the war, and there had been significant development since the last time she visited several years ago. There was one institution in her sights that was a bit of a bucket-list item that the commanding officer of the Artemis wanted to make sure she visited – an institution notorious for being seen as the entertainment hub of the station: Quark’s.

The last time she was on the station, it was for a very targeted reason: her friend Geoffrey Teller’s promotion to the rank of full commander. The visit, while celebratory, didn’t afford her much time to see the station… It had immediately followed a harrowing mission in which she oversaw the evacuation of the USS Thor and was promoted for her work and summarily reassigned to the Resolution as its first officer.

As the gold doors to the bar parted, Addison took in the scene – it was bright with a lot of commotion. It wasn’t just a bar, of course – it was also a casino, and there were several holosuites in-house available for patrons to rent. Several stools at the bar were empty, and she took one on the very end. She placed an order for an Irish Coffee with the Ferengi bartender and offered a nod to the Lurian at the other end of the bar whose job it seemed was to act as the bar’s overseer.

When the Ferengi returned with her drink, she felt a presence behind her. Turning, she saw their familiar purple-haired Chief Engineer. The two hadn’t connected since they were last on the Artemis attempting to make a harrowing escape from engineering on a ship that was under Jem’Hadar control. Fortunately, the Yelikan looked in much better spirits than she had been when they’d last seen one another.

Addison offered a smile and patted the empty barstool next to her.

MacKenzie: Can I get you something to drink, Chief?

Yellir: Response

She waved at the Ferengi bartender who nodded that he heard her order despite being at the other end of the bar – a testament to large lobes, she was sure.

MacKenzie: ::pointing:: How’s your hand doing? Hopefully CloQ took care to fix it for you when he returned us to our timeline.

Yellir: Response

Addison gazed mindlessly across the bar.

MacKenzie: And how are you doing since… everything?

Yellir: Response


Tag, and TBC!



Captain Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS
Commanding Officer
USS Artemis-A

Captains Council Member at Large


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