LtCmdr Salkath - The Words of a Wise Man

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May 4, 2024, 5:04:56 PMMay 4
to Main Artemis
((Fitness Center, Deck 4 - USS Artemis))

Quite by happenstance, LtCmdr Salkath found himself attending a Vulcan exercise class. He had paired himself up with Lt Silveira, and their discussion had turned to their respective exercise arts. It was the Vulcan's turn to describe this martial art from his homeworld.

Salkath: As each move progresses to the next, it stimulates sympathetic muscle groups and joints. It also serves to drain the lymphatic system, bringing relaxation and a sense of peacefulness. If you apply the meditative mindset to the sequence as well, it enhances those same feelings.

Silveira: I see. I meant that in martial arts there is a certain… Routine and connection between movements and positions.

T'Nil: ::focusing on a Bolian in the back row:: Is that... are you eating a sandwich!? Unacceptable!

The heyal, or composure, of their host was being challenged by a member of the group. Salkath tried to put the distraction out of his mind and continued his explanation.

Salkath: In the end, these series of exercises are more tradition than they are martial, so in that sense, there may be less logic than expected. Tradition and logic are not always compatible, even though both are important.

To Vulcans, at least. Tradition and logic were the basic tenets of their society, some would even say to their detriment. Salkath was as much a slave to logic and tradition as much of his people, though his experiences in Starfleet have tempered them somewhat. And relatively.

Silveira: Curious.

T'Nil: Our next pose involves - Crewman! I must insist that you cease eating, or I'll have to ask you to leave!

It was highly unusual for such a situation to arise in Vulcan meditative exercises. Salkath tried not to feel affronted, though T'Nil was struggling to do the same. Both Vulcans had to realize that if they shared part of their culture with those not familiar with it, it also had to stand that there would be unforeseen consequences.

Salkath: ::with the merest of eyebrow raises:: It must be a good sandwich.

Silveira: I hope so. And I will let my rational side win over my emotions, and think he must have a good reason for eating it now.

Salkath spared an inquisitive look at the tactician.

Salkath: Please elaborate. I would not consider eating and exercise to be mutually inclusive.

Silveira: I am considering he hasn't got a chance to eat, after pulling a double shift, and that he finds this class beneficial, so he's just made a mistake by trying to do both things.

Salkath: So a lapse of judgement, then? ::pause to consider further:: Or rather, good intention with unintended consequence?

Vitor smiled at Salkath, that most widespread and difficult to decipher human facial expressions. He merely raised an eyebrow in return.

Silveira: Well, we have that expression that says “to err is human”

Salkath: Yes, so said an ancient poet from your world. "To forgive divine", if I recall correctly, is the continuation of that saying. It is of a similar intent as our IDIC philosophy. ::nodding deferentially:: You are a wise man, Mr Silviera.

Silveira: response

Salkath stood tall, and projected his voice up towards T'Nil at the front of the room.

Salkath: T'Kehr T'Nil, respectfully, our friend is not bothering any pupils with his dining, and you can utilize your kei'tan to ignore the distraction. Let him be and continue the lesson, please.

((OOC: T'Kehr = teacher; kei'tan = discipline))

If a Vulcan could ever emulate a "hmph, well, I never!" in physical form, T'Nil would have done exactly that in that moment. However, to their credit, even if they found it distasteful to do so, they took Salkath's suggestion and continued the class.

Salkath: ::turning back to Vitor:: I appreciate your insight. It is clear why you have been chosen to lead a department. You have tact and compassion. I often lack those skills, and is likely a leading reason I do not lead a department myself.

Silveira: response

Salkath: To be truthful, I do not avoid the responsibility of leadership, though I also do not seek it. I am a specialist, and am content serving a specialized role. Did you seek leadership?

T'Nil was leading poses more from example rather than verbally at this point, but the poses were simpler and still conducive to conversation. Salkath still tried to keep it down, however, as it was now obvious he had garnered the host's displeasure and they favored him with a glare now and again to remind him of such.

Silveira: response

Salkath: A leadership role must have been important during our unfortunate events in the vicinity of Betazed, though. I served with you but a short time, however afterwards? ::pause:: If you would rather not discuss, I would understand.

He had discovered the hard way that the events around their time and space misadventures could be a thorny subject for some - or many, to be honest. Salkath tended to forget that fact until after he had brought it up, unfortunately.

Silveira: response


Lieutenant Commander Salkath
Engineer, USS Artemis-A
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