JP: Lieutenant Kyle Morgan & Bajoran Medical Personnel - Give Me What I’m Losing; Give Me Time - Part 2

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CPT Arianus

May 17, 2024, 5:57:41 AMMay 17

(( Emergency Room, Rakantha Central Hospital, Bajor ))

Morgan: I’ll take the leg.

Before the words were finished, he was already moving to the opposite end of the operating table, sliding a tray of equipment with him as he went. He picked up a protoplaser and started to get to work. At this point, it wasn’t looking like he’d be able to reattach the leg, but he might be able to save enough of it to necessitate only a partial prosthetic. He started to clean out the tissue with an exoscalped in his right hand, followed closely with the protoplaser in his left to help clean up the damage.

Morgan: How’s it looking up there?

Hadar was back, dressed in surgical scrubs, standing next to his attending, who had opened Chevalier with an exoscalpel.

Bajoran ER attending: ::passing exoscalpel to Hadar:: Mak'twee.

Hadar took some kind of Bajoran instrument from the instrument tray and passed it to the attending. An instrument, looking like a screwdriver with pliers on the end, plunged into the open wound. After a while, the attending took it out again and tossed the splinter into the bowl next to the instrument tray.

Bajoran ER attending: So far, so good. I work my way through the abdominal cavity to the liver and gastroepiploic artery, which are perhaps the most critical injuries. ::look at Hadar:: Suction.

The attending stepped a little to give his intern some space before he returned and extracted two more splinters.

Bajoran ER attending: Liver looks viable. Vascular Regenerator. ::picks up the instrument:: How on your side of the table? Will you prepare him for prosthetic?

Kyle took a step back to look at the wound. It was taking far longer to take care of than he expected, and it was unlikely they’d be able to fit him for a prosthetic until the wound had healed completely. Besides, prosthetics weren’t his specialty, anyway. If Addison were here, she’d have more definitive answers, but for now, his only job was to make sure the kid didn’t die.

Morgan: I’m going to be honest, I’m not really thinking about the prosthetic. We’ve got to get the wound cleaned and dressed first. We can worry about the prosthetic later.

Bajoran ER attending: Alright. I’m done with the abdominal area except for that nasty boy sitting in the gastroepiploic artery, so when you're done with that leg, I'll need you to assist, because this will be a job for three. In the meantime, I clear the chest. ::remove another splinter and toss it into the bowl as he turns to his intern:: Clear that biological residue there.

The young intern stepped forward with a tissue separator while his attending moved to the chest to remove the remaining splinters.

Morgan: Is he going to die? Because if I have to get our captain down here, I guarantee this doesn’t end well for anyone… What’s his status?

Bajoran ER attending: Not on my watch. Except for that one complication, he will look like one when we end with him, one or two additions later. When you are done with the leg, we can proceed to remove that splinter from his abdominal artery.

Kyle waved the protoplaser slowly over the remaining open wounds.

Morgan: Attempting to close the remaining bleeders…

Bajoran attending stepped from the biobed, breathed, and checked the reading on the monitor before he turned to his intern.

Bajoran ER attending: Good. He looks good and stable. Hadar, close him and take care of transporting him to the ICU. ::gaze at Morgan:: Thank you for the helping hand. It was pleasant to work with you. And if you can excuse me now, there are other patients who need care.

Attending nodded to Morgan and returned back to the controlled chaos of Rakantha Central Hospital Emergency Room.

Kyle’s gaze shifted from Chevalier back to the display with his vital signs. Slowly, he shook his head.

Addison was going to be mad.


Ensign Jaseb Chevalier

Operations Officer

U.S.S. Artemis-A


Lieutenant Kyle Morgan, PNPC
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Artemis-A
Simmed by Addison MacKenzie, V239601AM0

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