Lt. Silveira: Loaded and ready.

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Jul 21, 2024, 5:17:18 PM (6 days ago) Jul 21
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG
((USS Artemis, deck 4, Transporter Room))

They were storming the transporter room to get more firepower. Vitor and Commander Hopper were taking point and he passed one of the hostiles, hoping the Commander could deal with him.

He heard noises behind him, as he quickly double tapped the other assimilated with his phaser. Since he didn’t feel a shot or a strike Vitor carried on, confirming that his target was stun before turning.

Commander Hopper was engaging the other assimilated crewmember, although not exactly as one would think. Vitor had his phaser aiming at them as he gestured for Zie and Nan to move inside.

MacKenzie: I don’t have a clear shot!

Jovenan: Drones are approaching!

Silveira: Captain. Lieutenant, get the weapons, I have them covered.

Hopper: Any time!

Vitor moved closer so that Zie and Nan moved behind him. He was guessing Zie might not be too pleased with him allowing Hopper to “dance” around with the other target.
And that was one hell of a Salsa they were showing there.

oO I hope you realise you need more training Commander. Oo

He again overextended his confidence in Hopper, raised an eyebrow at the way she was exchanging blows, and her really unorthodox moves.

Jovenan: Should we help?

MacKenzie: A prudent course of action, Lieutenant.

Silveira: Commander Hopper got this. I trust her.

Vitor kept his eyes and phaser in the struggle between Commander Hopper and the assimilated Coverian. He could sense that Nan had moved on and was hoping that she had gotten one of the weapons.
Most likely they did when Zie suggested something.

MacKenzie: Would you like a weapon, Commander?

Hopper: I wouldn’t…  ::Grunt::  Say no…  ::Groan::  To a phaser!!!

Jovenan: I-incoming!

Vitor resisted the urge to turn and help Nan, once she called out. He could hear phaser fire and for a moment he almost backed away. But Zie was already aiding Nan.

And Commander Hopper looked… Well, like she was taking care of things as she grunted to him.

Hopper: I’m fine. Go help!

Vitor shook his head.

Silveira: The Captain is on it, now can you please solve this or let me shoot Commander.

Coverian Drone: ::Weakly::  Resistance is futile…

Hopper: ::Exasperated::  Yeah, yeah…

Jovenan: O-one down! Are you alright?

MacKenzie: No worse for wear.

Sensing Commander Hopper was taking the upper hand Vitor stepped to the weapons locker, still aiming at both drone and Commander.

Silveira: I am getting a new weapon but I got you covered Commander.

He rushed to the locker, holstered his phaser and took the other phaser rifle.
Vitor checked it’s charge and raised it. He smiled seeing that finally Hopper had knocked out her opponent and he joined Zie and Nan, in suppressing fire.

Jovenan: If one of us takes cover in the turbolift doorway, they can secure this part of the corridor while the others get in.

Vitor raised an eyebrow, it would be a matter of time until the Borg managed to take full control and likely get a location on them.

MacKenzie: Vitor?

But they couldn’t wait and as long as they could they needed to use that turbolift.

Silveira: I can do that. Lay down…

His sentence was cut short by Commander Hopper warning.

Hopper: Look out!

Vitor began to turn, but one disadvantage of phaser rifles was their size, and he was sure he wasn’t quick enough. Luckily Hopper managed to shoot first.
Before turning again to the corridor Vitor noticed something that made his respect for her grow. Before joining them Hopper checked the assimilated crewmember, placing a couple fingers to the woman’s neck.

Vitor returned to his firing position but thought the Commander deserved a praise, not just for the shot, but for trying to assure the safety of the assimilated.

Silveira: Good job Commander.

Jovenan: Response

Hopper: So – what’s the plan? Did I hear “turbolift”? Then what?

MacKenzie: We have to try to secure the ship.

Vitor nodded and took another shot.

Silveira: I am all for it.

Jovenan: Response

They kept firing as the stunned drones were soon replaced with others.
He was about to move when a comline opened.

Savel: =/\= Savel to any officer, requesting immediate assistance at the Intel Suite. Multiple casualties and hostiles present. =/\=

Hopper: So, Elysium, Sickbay, or Intel…?  ::Pausing to fire again::  Unless we can find a way to bring us all together?

MacKenzie: Safety in numbers – we can’t afford to lose any unassimilated crewmembers. Let’s see if we can go reinforce their positions.

Silveira: Let’s get there before they block our movements.

Jovenan/Hopper: Response

MacKenzie: Vitor, we’ll cover you while you make it to the turbolift. Then, you cover each of us. Ready?

Vitor nodded and held his fire for a second

Silveira: Ready, give me cover.

Jovenan/Hopper: Response

He raised his rifle and once Nan, Zie and Hopper opened fire he ran to the turbolift.He tapped the doors open and quickly turned, kneeling down as he got to the doors.
Vitor began to fire a few bursts aimlessly, but in the next second his accuracy was improving enough and he shouted.


The others began to come his way as he meticulously fired on the incoming assimilated crew. He wasn’t sure in which order they were coming, as he kept focused on the corridor.

When Zie, Nan and Hopper had joined him he was the last to enter, taking a deep breath.

oO I am beginning to hate Frontier Day… Oo

He muttered one expression he recalled from one of those old movies

Silveira: One express elevator to Hell, going down.

Hopper/Jovenan: Response (if you wish)


Lt. Vitor S. Silveira
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Artemis-A, NCC-81287
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