Ens. Gnai - Let's Change The Topic?

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May 6, 2024, 2:54:28 PMMay 6
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Arboretum - Deep Space 9 ))

Much like most Betazoids, not that Gnai knew, it found the concept of pets to be strange. And a bit uncomfortable, if it was pressed on it. It seemed more effort than necessary for very little reward. But that didn't stop it from being curious about how he had acquired such a creature.

Gnai: ~ How did you come upon such a thing? Why take on the care of another creature? ~

Adea: ~ During my time aboard the Gorkon, we ended up trapped in a nebula that reversed the gravity - so down was up, up was down. We came across a science lab that was not only upside down but also on fire. Toto there ::he pointed at the puppa as he ran across the path:: was trapped in a cage. I freed him and then he sorta, just stayed with me. ~

Reversed gravity...? Huh. Gnai hadn't heard of anything like that before. Did that impact the artificial gravity that Starfleet ships had? Come to think of it, Gnai wasn't certain that it knew how those worked, not exactly at least. But a nebula in which mass repelled, instead of attracted... What an interesting place!

But Cmdr. Adea seemed far more interested in the dog and his situation than the implications of such a nebula. It was an interesting situation to find a non-sentient trapped in, as dogs were uncommon aboard Starfleet vessels, to the best of Gnai's knowledge. But it had very little idea what to say to everything Cmdr. Adea had said. It painted a picture, one that Gnai didn't really want to look at, not after the already dubious nature of their recent mission.

Gnai: ~ Interesting... Trapped in a cage, and surrounded by fire. That must have been uncomfortable. ~

Adea: ~ I’ve often wondered what a Starfleet vessel was doing with cages of dogs in a science lab. This wasn’t the Gorkon, this was a different ship we were travelling on. I never did find out... I hope it wasn’t something... illicit. ~

They were on the same page about that. Gnai let the words from Cmdr. Adea sit for a good moment, silently strolling further through the greenery. It wasn't a pleasant thought to have, that there might have been something up with the ship. The class on Federation law at the Academy had surely covered situations like this... but perhaps they should have had an ethics course as well.

Gnai didn't want to touch on that further, it decided. Thankfully, Cmdr. Adea had left a little bit of a way in, to prompt further discussion while avoiding the implications of where Toto had been found.

Gnai: ~ Commander Adea, how many vessels have you served on... There's the Artemis, and the Gorkon...? ~

Adea: ~ Response ~

Gnai hadn't expected that many, but it guessed that it made sense. He was a full Commander, after all. He'd been in the 'fleet for years at this point.

Gnai: ~ How were the other ships? I ::partial:: have only been on the Artemis, so far. What sort of things did you see? ~

Hopefully not more ethically grey things like they had been talking about only moments before. Gnai was still a fresh ensign, and it wanted to remain as unjaded as it could for as long as it could.

Adea: ~ Response ~

Gnai bobbed along, listening intently in its tank. Hearing stories about what others had gotten up to in the past always delighted it, and this was no different. Sure, it was a little different, as it wasn't about its ancestors and all that they had done, but it was reasonably similar in that it gave Gnai a bit more insight into who was telling the stories.

Gnai: ~ Fascinating... ~

Adea: ~ Response ~

Tags/TBC :)

Ensign Gnai
Science Officer
USS Artemis-A
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