Ensign Flint Kader - Remember where we parked

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Tade Efh

Apr 27, 2023, 5:40:48 PM4/27/23
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Main Shuttlebay, Deck 11, USS Artemis))

((OOC: since the scene moved up I omitted some tags, we can always come back later, right?))

Jovenan: No, wait. That doesn’t work. Let’s take it all out, then Kader, go sit by the pilot’s controls. Somebody should go sit next to you, and two of us and the bags are in the rear.

They packed too much, definitely too much. Kader looked over the various sampling implements and wondered how many samples they were planning to take. He then wondered how they were going to carry them back as well. No matter, it was all part of the fun at the end of the day and he was a happy camper from the moment he woke up. Still, Savel seemed to have the right idea with his packing discipline. He looked as if he was part of an away team rather than a fun excursion. With the shuttle tightly packed it was time to head out. As a final pre-flight check he looked over the state everyone was in, surrounded by all sorts of gear. He burned this hilarious image into his mind and wore his widest grin as he powered up the engines.

The damage the meteor caused could be seen clearly on the surface of Meranuge IV. An impressive sight if one could forget the devastation it caused on the Da'al people. But who could forget? The shuttle flew by this grim reminder and headed to its designated landing zone far away from the impact site. Before he could say anything he noticed Ensign Lorana was already taking scans on her end. That allowed him to focus on flying. As they were getting closer to the atmosphere Kader got in touch with the local authorities and transmitted the authorization codes for entry he procured as part of his preparation. The last thing they needed was to needlessly alert the locals with their presence. Local authorities showing up in the middle of the night in your camp could ruin anyone's day.

((La’kso Canyon, Meranuge IV))

A smooth, almost textbook landing. The warm air filled the shuttle as the hatch opened and the sound of wind and the local wildlife heralded the beginning of the trip properly. Real air and real ground.

Jovenan: Ugh, that’s definitely not my favourite way to travel.

Kader powered down the shuttle completely and climbed over the hill of packs. The air was dry and the rings of the planet could be seen clearly. A sight completely new to him, profoundly beautiful. Last time he was on the surface he was too busy looking through rubble and streets. Now there would be none of that.

Kader: Alright let's see if we broke anything.

Lorana: ::leaping from the shuttle and stretching her own back:: This is what Starfleet is all about! 

He started emptying the shuttle of the packs. Besides the humm of the tricorder a peculiar call of a bird was heard. It drew Savel and Jovenan's attention. After she scanned for a few seconds she put it away.

Jovenan: We’re within the kelbonite deposit for sure. Scanners will be quite useless for now.

Savel: Since we are unfamiliar with the area, I recommend everyone be vigilant for potential threats.

Kader: In that case, I'm locking the shuttle. The password will be, let see here, 81287.

He was in too good of a mood to consider they would be in danger in any way. But in hindsight he was glad everyone was being responsible and professional. This was still an alien planet to all of them.

Lorana: I took some orbital scans while we were descending, before the kelbonite could interfere with the scans. Nothing out of the ordinary. :: To jovenan quietly :: I'm glad we're getting a chance to do this together, I had been hoping to spend more time with you before shore leave finishes. I'm hoping we'll eventually be good friends - if you can handle me that is!

Jovenan: Response 

The hike was about to begin, a light breeze and lots of daylight left, nearly ideal conditions. This day was only getting better and better. Even the packs seemed lighter.

Jovenan: Anyone want to tell a story while we walk? Whats something interesting you all have done and want to share?

That was interesting, a story or two for the road would make the hike even easier.

Savel: Our journey reminds me of a Vulcan holiday, Kal Rekk. Are any of you familiar?

Lorana: Vulcans take holidays? I thought I'd be the joker of this group. I haven't heard of it, Savel. Why don't you tell us about it? 

Kader: A Vulcan story? Do tell.

Jovenan: Response

Savel: Vulcans spend Kal Rekk in solitude and silence, with the goal of atoning for past transgressions. Not an observance of guilt or shame, merely finding the logic behind mistakes.

Kader: oO and here I thought it was going to be a fun type of story Oo You mean this journey is like a, pilgrimage of some sort?

Any: Response

Savel took point and continued his tale as the group followed.

Savel: It originates from an order of monks on Vulcan, the Ulann. The Ulann strongly believe an individual's achievements and contributions hold more merit than any words spoken.

Any: Response

They had a pretty steady pace and were getting deeper into the canyon at this point. Kader was glad to be moving on real, uneven ground.

Savel: It would be illogical for me to expect three non-Vulcans to observe this holiday, as our trip has been referred to, in silence. Though I believe it is a worthy goal to make our journey and observations useful to the people of this planet. An atonement for the unfortunate events that have befallen them.

Kader: I have to admit, that's a very noble pursuit Savel. oO maybe too noble for a camping trip Oo Say, you mentioned atoning a while back. Surely you don't have any mistakes that heavy on your conscience right?

Any: Response

Ensign Lorana was keeping track of their route and motioned them forward. A strange almost inaudible hiss was heard. It didn't make anyone think anything of it but ensign Lorana's ears perked up.

Lorana: Savel, what size is this creature of yours? 

Savel: Response

Jovenan: Response

Kader may not have heard the hiss, but he did hear the flapping of the wings. Above, through the trees that adorned the crevices of the canyon. Wings louder and larger than they had any business being on a flying creature. For a brief moment its shadow went over the group of ensigns. It was big and it was fast. He couldn't get a glimpse of it. And it was heading somewhere further into the canyon. Looking, hunting for something.

Kader: I know at least one of you saw this as well.

Any: Response


Ensign Flint Kader
Helm Officer
USS Artemis-A

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