Captain Addison MacKenzie - Hardly Off the Hook

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Addison MacKenzie

May 14, 2024, 7:43:47 PMMay 14

(( Rakantha Central Hospital – Rakantha Province, Bajor ))

She was tired, she was dirty, she was sweaty, and her vacation had been cut short because of an emergency that left several of her officers injured... Which meant that now she was also cranky. On most days, the CO of the Artemis was bothered by minor, inconsequential transgressions… This accident seemed like the furthest thing from it, and she was determined to get to the bottom of the mess.


After accosting the Bajoran receptionist, she was led down several hallways until they eventually stopped at a room in the recovery ward of the hospital. The receptionist pushed open the door, and Addison followed her inside. There, Lieutenant Jovenan, clad in a hospital gown, and Ensign Gnai were standing above a gravely wounded Ensign Chevalier.

MacKenzie: You fools better have a good explanation for this.


She was surprised to see Jovenan in the room – it was uncharacteristic for the Edo scientist to embark on missions that might endanger the lives of other officers. Under normal circumstances, Addison might have paused to offer some grace and consider the fact that something must have gone terribly south for them to be in their current situation.


Unfortunately, she was all out of grace.


The senior officer responded swiftly, but it wasn’t likely to save her.

Jovenan: Captain, I was leading an exercise for Ensigns Savel, Chevalier and Gnai as well as Crewman Renirs. Gnai and Renirs discovered a transporter-proven cave, which they entered with my permission and where Renirs stepped on a weight triggered explosive. Due to Renirs’ injuries, I ordered Savel and Chevalier to proceed with immediate rescue attempts, during with Chevalier also stepped on a mine and suffered severe injuries.

Gnai: Response

Addison crossed her arms over her chest, looking at the overhead display. Chevalier’s injuries were extensive.

MacKenzie: Where is Renirs?

Jovenan: Crewman Renirs is in another ward, and she was making a full recovery as I last saw her. Ensigns Gnai and Savel survived without injuries. The cave is being investigated by the Bajoran authorities.

The commanding officer nodded slowly. Her attention was drawn to Chevalier’s index finger tapping on the bed. Addison waved her own finger at Jovenan and Gnai, indicating them to make contact with their injured comrade.

Jovenan/Gnai/Chevalier: Response

She continued to stand with her arms crossed over her chest, watching the interaction. Chevalier was barely responsive, but that he was even alive at all was nothing short of a miracle. There was little doubt that this wasn’t the result of careless behavior or negligence, but they were also faced with the very real consequences of their actions, including what was likely to be an extensive rehabilitation process.

MacKenzie: Lieutenant, a word?

She moved to the corner of the room and waited for the scientist to join her.

MacKenzie: You’ll be responsible for overseeing his recovery and that of Crewman Renirs. You’ll also be responsible for collecting the information from the Bajorans about whatever they uncover in that cave.

Jovenan: Response

MacKenzie: Consider yourself lucky none of them died.

She was never one to mince words. Without directly telling her that it could have been worse, the implication was clear that she was also not off the hook.

: Response

Tag, and TBC!


Captain Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS
Commanding Officer
USS Artemis-A

Captains Council Member at Large


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