Lt Jovenan – Flames to flambés

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May 3, 2024, 5:01:08 PMMay 3
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Jovenan’s Quarters, Deck 3, USS Artemis))


Shore leaves were meant to be relaxing.

After the recent events, Jovenan found it difficult to relax. The incident most vividly in her mind was the Rakantha Province; the image of the injuries, of the explosions and severed limbs didn’t leave her alone when she closed her eyes. There was still much to do, write and talk about with everyone involved, the staff and the authorities, so Jovenan couldn’t let it go off from her mind for a second, even if, considering her own injuries, she was ordered to “take it easy for a while”.

And it wasn’t just that one occasion. Jovenan had found herself more stressed and, did she dare to say, traumatised after each of the most recent missions. The last few shore leaves had done little to undo the effects of the missions; first dealing with the death of her sister-across-the-universes and the departure of her brother, and now shepherding a team through a minefield. Had the shore leaves changed? Now, the most relaxing thing she could do was reading a book on bed, only to realise after a few pages that she didn’t remember what had happened and having to repeat the chapter.

Her pointless efforts to relax were interrupted by a chirp of a combadge.

Silveira: =/\= Silveira to Nan. I hope you don't have any plans, I need you on Holodeck two. =/\=

Jovenan closed the book and put it away. Her initial reaction to Vitor’s call almost was “aye, sir, right away”, like it had been times before, including when he had urgently called her to his office to be congratulated for shooting a pirate ship. However, she was quick enough to catch herself before responding; despite Vitor’s vastly more comprehensive experience and Jovenan’s respect to him, they were now equal in rank and something of friends. Such formality and obedience were not required nor expected.

Jovenan: =/\= Vitor, is it really something you need me for? =/\=

She turned on her bed to face the ceiling. Not feeling like leaving bed right now, she wondered if this was one Vitor’s jests again.

Silveira: =/\= Unless you have another field trip planned you don’t have a good excuse. And don't forget your cooking book and recipes. =/\=

Jovenan quickly rose to sit on the bed. Cooking books? It felt like an eternity since she, Vitor and Doctor Sadar had talked about having a cooking night together. In essence, it could have been an eternity since; she had visited Dominion Betazed, Romulus, a realm without the universe, Deep Space 9, and Bajor after they had decided of the get-together.

 Jovenan: =/\= Now? Um, are you sure, it’s almost lunchtime, also I haven’t really prepared… =/\=

Silveira: =/\= It's a good time as any, also we can cook our own lunches. Now get up here, I am not in the mood for cooking alone. Sil out. =/\=

The commline was severed abruptly. Jovenan had a silly expression on her face as she stared at the wall opposite of her. Her attempts to avoid being shoved around (gently) by Vitor had failed, as had her intention to sulk in her quarters. How did he always manage to do it so effectively?

She couldn’t but smile.


((A moment later))

((Holodeck 2, Deck 2, USS Artemis))


It had been a while since Jovenan had been to a holodeck, not to mention for the purpose of fun. That type of ship amenities was still relatively little explored by her. It was about the time.

Jovenan had switched the uniform for a casual civilian dress and was carrying a PADD. She didn’t have any actual, physical cookbooks, though she had saved some of the typical Edo recipes, and her favourites from other cultures as well, to her files she could access via the PADD. She had tried to program some of those recipes to the replicators, with varying success, though given her cooking skills, she was expecting the mean quality of her creations today to be on the lower end of the spectrum.

Stepping in, she was greeted by a view to their work area for the next few to several hours, and by a familiar face.

Jovenan: Hello, Vitor! ::looks around:: This is a very spectacular kitchen!

Silveira: Response

Jovenan took an apron and put it on, tying the strings in a neat knot behind her back. She looked around some more. The size of the kitchen as well as number and type of amenities Vitor had created for them was quite different from what one may have found in a typical Edo home or communal chambers.

Jovenan: I don’t cook often, last time with Hiro before he left for the Ronin, though he had a lot less, um, appliances than this. I have to admit, I don’t even know what half of them are. ::smiles:: I guess you’ll have to teach me.

Silveira/Sadar: Response


Lieutenant Jovenan
Chief Science Officer
USS Artemis-A

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