Lieutenant Hallia Yellir - Sober Thoughts and Drunk Words

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Ryan Fender

May 19, 2024, 1:15:46 PMMay 19

((Quark’s Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holo-Suite Arcade - Deep Space Nine))

Genkos waved for Hallia to join them as she plopped herself in a chair. She felt it wobble as she span it clockwise to face the other two.

Yellir: Hope the Dabo tables have treated you both well— sounded like an absolute riot over there! 

Adea: I don’t play, but poor Talos here was on a hot streak… until I blew on his dice… ::he paused:: That wasn’t a euphemism. 

She watched a whip of Talos’ head as his eyebrows raised— almost as confused as Hallia was.

Dakora: Oh, uh, none taken!

Yellir: Always have to be careful on a hot streak,  they’re speedy to humble a winner that knows the odds. 

Without much of an issue, the familiar looking bartender was flagged down with ease by Genkos as he nodded along with her.

Adea: That reminds me - I owe you a drink Talos, and Hallia, would you like anything?

It was clear by the dazed look Hallia hadn’t thought that far ahead, but her eyes lit up as she heard several small glasses slam against the bar not far from them. But the idea of doing shots slowly soured in her mind, thinking better of it. She pondered further, the Yelikan’s eyes drifting to a drink menu sitting upright on the bartop.

Yellir: A fungus fizz— I want to give you two a chance to catch up ::grinning::

Dakora: You’ve got mine and I’ve got yours. Everyone wins.

Drinks appeared almost from thin air— at the speed of a replicator. In front of Genkos appeared what looked like a thimble for a giant’s thumb, filled with a clear liquid. Hallia’s drink paled by comparison, her’s looked like foamy layers of green sitting on top of one another, deepening in gradient as it hit the bottom.

Adea: It appears that I need to catch up, and so… ::he picked up the single glass that he’d ordered. It was barely bigger than a Brikar’s thimble (if they needed thimbles) and contained a clear liquid.:: Chin chin. ::he threw back his head and the liquor and immediately started to cough:: By the four, what was that..?

She could smell it from here. Hallia was taken aback to the concoctions people would use to wash a stain out of a shirt back home, she could feel her eyes watering from the scent alone. Taking a sip of her own drink, the texture was foamy enough to mimic apple sauce, with a fizzy, clearly fermented twist. Yet, it was zestier than she pictured, with a bitterness matching a strong tea. Took the sting off of whatever Genkos was drinking.

Dakora: Holy strokes…Woof. ::He faked a gag.:: I don’t know, but it smells like it should get you caught-up quickly. ::He shook his drink demonstrably:: Mine aren’t that strong, but it’s a numbers game, dearies. 

Yellir: You sure that wasn’t a shot of detergent you ordered? ::She recoiled into her seat:: 

Dakora: Have you two managed to stay out of trouble this shore leave? 

Genkos gave a most un-Genkos-like giggle.

Adea: When have I ever been in trouble on shore leave? 

Thinking about that close call with the Captain, Hallia arched her back and managed a stifled laugh.

Yellir: Me and him both— though I heard some crew were starting trouble down on Bajor. What’d they do this time?

Dakora: We’ve had one group take a field trip through an old Bajoran minefield. ::He glanced down at the floor and shook his head.:: I hear they’re still cleaning chunks of Ensign out of that medical transport…

Hallia leaned onto the bar, chin in her hands as she listened to Talos.

Adea: Which ensign would that be?

In bits and pieces Hallia had heard about the incident. The second time in less than a year where a group of Ensign’s had gone exploring — which had been met with an unfortunate accident.

Yellir: Chevalier? I might be misremembering.

Dakora: Response

Genkos shrugged.

Adea: Oh well, no great loss. ::he snorted:: Oh gods, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.

With a drink half in her mouth, the Yelikan sputtered into a cough. She covered her mouth with a napkin to catch the chunky bits of foamy fungus and whatever else flew out in the resulting fit.

Yellir: Doctor— that’s— 

Using the napkin as cover, she stifled an animated and wicked cackle. The Yelikan in her state felt herself descending into a laughing fit, narrowly missing her drink as she nearly fell on the bar.

Dakora: Response

Yellir: ::wiping her mouth:: What you mean is— hopefully they’re doing better, right?

Looking at Genkos again she was finding it hard not to break into another fit of laughter

Adea/Dakora: Response?

Drink in one hand, Hallia’s limp hand vaguely pointed in Genkos’ direction. As grim as it was she couldn’t stop herself from grinning.

Yellir: Evil, pure and simple. And you're not even on your third drink

Adea/Dakora: Response?



Lieutenant Hallia Yellir 

Chief Engineer

USS Artemis-A


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