Lt.Cmdr. Jashkaa - Tell Me About It

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Genkos Adea

Apr 30, 2024, 5:45:35 AMApr 30

((Counselor's Office, Deck 7, USS Artemis-A))

Jashkaa smiled at the Mizarian and pointed her towards a seat. The desk in her office was against the wall, and the chair could be spun around to face a deep comfy chair. Said chair could be reclined - some humans preferred to lie back on a couch when unburdening themselves. But most patients preferred to sit face-to-face. 

Jashkaa: Please, take a seat. And refer to me by name - we do not use rank ::she made a gesture that languidly took in the office:: within these four walls. What can I get you to drink? Alcohol is forbidden in my office, but I don’t believe you care for it much anyway. So what can I get you?

Gila paused as she was ready to sit in the chair, clearly a little hesitant.

Sadar: ::slowly sits down while twisting her anxiety band:: … S-Some Iner, please? It’s, uhh, a hot tea-like beverage made from cinnamon from Earth.

Jashkaa smiled and nodded - she suspected the Mizarian had heard of it from the many human colleagues and co-works that she had.

Jashkaa: Understood. ::she moved over to the replicator:: Make yourself comfortable.

Jashkaa replicated the Iner and passed Gila the mug. It was quite a smell emanating from the mug, and Jashkaa wondered for a moment if the patient was trying to evade the Orion’s own scents. It wouldn’t be the first time a patient had assumed Jashkaa would use her pheromones against them. Not that she ever would.

Sadar: Th-Thank you, Co- ::catches herself:: Thank you. Umm… I-I don’t know how many notes Lieutenant Jones left from my appointments with him, but, uhh… S-Safe to say, they were, uhh… Unconventional.

Jashkaa sat down and crossed her legs at the knee. She pursed her lips as she briefly regarded the PADD on the desk - the Orion had, of course, memorised the most salient points of Gila’s file, but her predecessor’s notes did not really comply with that definition.

Jashkaa: Lieutenant Jones’ methods left much to be desired, and I am finding I am having to begin at the beginning with many of my patients. ::she took a sip of water, letting that sink in:: So, what brings you here today, Gila?

Sadar: … On recommendation from Lieutenant Commander Dakora. I, uhh… The most recent mission had me- ::re-words:: was uniquely challenging. F-Finding peace of mind since our safe return has been… Frankly? Impossible.

Jashkaa raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow in an arch.

Jashkaa: Oh? In what way?

Sadar: Response

Jashkaa clasped her hands together over her knee.

Jashkaa: Please, treat me like an idiot, Gila. Tell me exactly what happened.

Sadar: Response


Lt. Cmdr Jashkaa


As simmed by

Commander Genkos Adea MD

First Officer

USS Artemis-A


"You know, I'm really easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like bullies and I don't like threats, and I don't like you, Culluh. You can try and stop us from getting to the truth but I promise you that if you do I will respond with all the 'unique technologies' at my command." - Kathryn Janeway

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