LtCmdr. Talos Dakora - Force Projection

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May 7, 2024, 5:12:51 PMMay 7

((Crew Decks - Nova Gamma Borealis))

The situation below decks on the Nova Gamma Borealis was coming to a head. Talos and his band of would-be vacationers were hiding in the strange storage room with the odd holographic equipment dominating the port side wall as the same Bolian guide from earlier had entered the room. 

Talos had some questions for him, but they’d have to deal with the scaly pirate who was holding him at gunpoint first.

Hiding behind a crate, Talos locked eyes with Savel. From the Vulcan’s position, it seemed possible to sneak up behind the Pirate. Once he was sure he had the Ensign's attention, he motioned with his head toward the bad guy and mimed his best impression of a Vulcan nerve-pinch.

Dakora::Mouthing the words:: Nerve Pinch?

He had no idea if Savel knew how to do the classic Vulcan move, or if he was being culturally insensitive in assuming that he could. Silently he picked up the heaviest spanner he could reach. That would be Plan B.

Fortunately, a nod from Savel seemed to indicate that he understood the plan and after a moment, Talos watched as the Vulcan seemed to coil his body for a quick strike.

In the last moment before he made his move, the Ensign’s foot nudged a loose tool and the metal-on-metal sound was unmistakable in the otherwise quiet storage room.

NIC Pirate: Who’s there!?

Their plan stymied for the moment, Talos’ concerned glare was answered by perturbed looking— yet still appropriately stoic– expression from Savel.

Talos held up a hand, urging Savel to hold off. With the element of surprise lost, they needed a new plan.

Dakora: ::Again, he nearly silently mouthed the words:: Hold.

NIC Pirate: Surrender yourselves, nice and easy, or this blueberry gets it!

His head swiveling, Talos couldn’t get eyes on Gila or Gnai. When he peeked around the side of his cover, he saw that the Bolian’s situation was becoming more and more dire. The pirate held his weapon to the Guide’s back and was dragging him along as he moved, almost like a living shield.

Savel: ::to Talos quietly:: If we do not show ourselves, he may indeed harm the blueberry.

Gritting his teeth, Talos tightened his grip on the spanner and prepared to charge. It wasn’t ideal and at least one of them was likely to get hit, but they’d run out of options.

Dakora: ::Quietly.:: Go.

Just as they sprung into action, a cacophonous racket erupted from the other side of the room. Someone had knocked one of the crates over, which in turn knocked over another crate, which sent a small wave of tools and equipment sliding across the floor.

On high alert now the pirate scanned the room frantically, pulling the Bolian roughly by the collar so that he was between the source of the noise as he shouted angrily.                                     

NIC Pirate: What in blazes-

Surprisingly, Gnai responded first. It’s little annunciator speaker boomed through the room.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Gnai: ::to Gila:: ~ Please play along, Lieutenant? ~ ::loudly:: This tour is absolutely dreadful. The only decent exploration is behind the scenes!

Again, they were caught in a lurch. Maneuvering around the side of his crate, still trying to stay out of sight, Talos peered past the edge of the cover.

Dakora::Quietly, almost to himself.:: Come on…

Sadar: Response

Gila’s voice entered the fray and the Pirate finally shifted the muzzle of his weapon away from the Bolian. It didn’t take long for the Guide, absent the immediate threat to life and limb, to get defensive.

Guide: ::incredulous:: What? We provide the biggest viewports of any ships taking the wormhole! We've spared absolutely no expense! ::muttering to himself:: Dreadful...

Gnai: Yes, dreadful. The wormhole? ::with as much derision as it can muster through monotonous speakers:: Derivative. This has seen... hundreds like it before.

The conversation seemed absurd, but as the pirate released his grip on the Bolian completely and began to draw another weapon with his newly free hand.

Savel: ::in a hushed tone:: I believe I can still enact our plan. 

He gave a quick nod.

Dakora: ::Under his breath.:: Let’s do it.

Sadar: Response?

As the muzzles of the Pirate’s two guns shifted to cover Gnai and Gila, Talos felt the sinking pull of worry emerge from somewhere deep in the pit of his stomach.

NIC Pirate: What, and I repeat myself, IN THE BLAZES is going on here?

Savel: ::still in a quiet tone:: His distraction with them is to our benefit. I will attempt the move now.

Readying his spanner in case Savel’s move failed, he nodded affirmatively.

Dakora: Go!

Sadar: Response

This time Savel managed to avoid the obstacles on the floor, advancing from behind the angry pirate. Fortunately, Gnai’s complaints seemed to be holding the pirate’s attention.

In a matter of a few moments, Savel was on him, executing the move that Talos had only ever read about. It was an impressive display and a split-second after Savel’s hands grasped the base of the pirate’s neck, it was over. The pirate slumped to the ground and his two weapons clattered onto the deck.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

As the Vulcan policed up the weapons, he spoke.

Savel: I was not sure that would work, being unfamiliar with this species, but we are fortunate that it did. ::looking to Talos:: I would not expect all Vulcans to be familiar with this technique anymore. 

Smirking sheepishly, Talos shrugged.

Dakora: I’ll keep that in mind for the next time I’m caught unarmed in a pirate interdiction with a Vulcan partner. ::To Gila and Gnai:: Are you two okay?

Sadar/Gnai: Responses

Keeping one of the strange-looking energy weapons for himself, Savel handed the other to Talos.

Guide: And why does he get a weapon? This is my ship! I should be the one trying to take it back. 

Savel was having none of it. His tone maintained its usual matter-of-factness, but Talos had spent enough time with the Security Officer to tell when he was feeling punchy.

Savel: I have already evaluated your response to the stress of a potentially violent situation while you were being held hostage. We are all much safer if you do not possess arms of any kind.

Dakora: Mister Savel is correct. ::To the guide.:: We’re Starfleet Officers and we’re here to help.

Sadar/Gnai: Responses

The Bolian didn’t seem happy about it, but he did accept their reasoning.

Savel: I am unsure of how long he will stay incapacitated. It could be hours, or he could awaken anytime now. I am open to suggestions on what to do with him.

Having this pirate wake up and warn his friends would be a bad thing. He shifted his gaze to Gila and Gnai.

Dakora: There has to be some sufficiently strong cables or rope in her somewhere, tie him up. ::He paused.:: And pat him down for comm devices. I don’t want him making any unexpected calls for help.

Sadar/Gnai: Response

As the Doctor and Science Officer got to work, the guide interjected.

Guide: I-I'll tell you exactly what to do with him! ::exaggerating his words by holding a single finger in the air as he just barely lifted himself on his toes:: We shoot him a-and we make sure he can't get back up! Then his friends will know not to mess with Nova Gamma Borealis!

Talos pinched the bridge of his nose, trying in vain to ward off the stress headache that was trying to form as he turned to the Guide.

Dakora: Nobody is shooting anyone right now. 

His eyes narrowed as once again he noticed the Holo-projector-looking equipment jutting through the bulkhead behind the guide. He pointed as he asked the question.

Dakora: By the way, what is that.

The guide hesitated and stammered a few times before seeming to explain himself reluctantly.

Guide: We strive to offer the most authentic tours in the whole Quadrant, really we do! But… sometimes… say… a colorful celestial phenomenon is obscured by a poloron field for a few weeks a year ::He rocked his head from side to side.:: We may– occasionally– augment our guest's experience with that exterior holoprojector.

Savel: Response 

Talos’ eyebrows raised as he eyed the Guide curiously. Already, the first inklings of an idea were forming in his mind.

Dakora: You’re telling me that you’ve got a massive holo-projector jutting out the side of this ship?

The Bolian’s eyes shifted left, then right before returning to Talos.

Guide: Y-yes. B-but, as I said we only use it to augment our authentic experien-

Talos cut him off, calling out for the Galadoran Science Officer.

Dakora: Ensign Gnai, I need you. ::He waited for the exo-suited Ensign to approach and pointed to the projector.:: How are you at holo-programming?

Gnai: Response

Savel/Sadar: Response?


LtCmdr. Talos Dakora
First Officer
USS Artemis-A
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