Ensign Savel - Let's Try Not to Go Boom Again Please

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Apr 24, 2024, 1:30:43 PMApr 24
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Rakantha Province, Bajor))

Jaseb and Savel had reached their next scanning point, getting ready to take their next reading for their study. So far, the training exercise was going rather smoothly. They'd collected some data and gotten to enjoy the outdoors a bit. Granted, the outdoors were the formerly poisoned lands of this particular province of Bajor, but still the outdoors.

Savel: Perhaps you would like to be the one to take the first reading here, Ensign Jaseb? Then we can compare our results as we did before?

Jaseb: Yes, let me take the readings and samples first this time.

Jaseb knelt down, pulling out his tricorder, to use it in order to take the samples of their current surroundings. Once he had his readings, he stood back up and walked back over to Savel with the data displayed on his tricorder.

Jaseb: So, Mr. Savel, what’s your measurements? Did you find something interesting?

Before he had a chance to answer Jaseb, both of their combadges chirped to life just before Jovenan's voice came through. 

Jovenan: =/\= Jovenan to Savel and Chevalier. Terminate the exercise. There’s been a small explosion in the cave, likely some old trap. I need your help in here. =/\=

Savel: =/\= Acknowledged, we are on our way. =/\=

Chevalier: Response

Savel had yet to drop his things off whenever they got here, so he waited for Jaseb to be ready to move before he started to make his way back down the hill as quickly as he could.

((Cave, Rakantha Province, Bajor))

Savel navigated his way from the hill top down towards the cave that Gnai and Renirs had become trapped in. He moved as quickly as he could, since he wasn't sure if any of the others were injured whenever they triggered the explosion. 

Renirs: Do we just stand in here until someone comes to get us out? Can’t we use the tricorders to check where the mines are and just not step on them?

Gnai/Jovenan: Response

Renirs: I might have lost mine. Mine, my tricorder, not like ::stops, grimaces in pain::

Gnai/Jovenan: Response

Once they were at the bottom of the hill, it didn't take long to cross the distance between there and the cave. Savel's Vulcan physiology certainly helped in these situations, because he barely felt a change in his condition by the time he was inside of the cave. There was no need for him to take any time recovering before attempting to assess the situation.

The low light made that more difficult than anything else. But when Renirs started to speak he could at least pinpoint where she might be. He only assumed that Gnai would be close by.

Renirs: Okay, but can’t we just walk out the same way we came? And watch out for the slippery parts as well.

Savel: That would depend on the nature of the device you have triggered. The Lieutenant advised there was an explosion. Was it a mine, and if so, how far are you from where you initially triggered it?

Gnai/Renirs/Jovenan/Chevalier: Response

Even if Gnai could exactly recreate the path it used to get over to Renirs, it was unlikely that they would both be able to navigate it precisely. Especially with Renirs being injured.

Without having a solid understanding of what was going on, he didn't dare make any suggestions on how they should proceed. He was going to need information first. It was already time to put their training to the test. He pulled out his tricorder and went to the nearest wall of the cave, scanning to see what materials it was made out of. 

Savel: Before putting them at further risk, we should evaluate the possibility of the Artemis being able to just beam them away. ::walking back over to Jaseb and Jovenan:: Are either of you aware of any of these minerals being able to prevent a transporter lock on their combadges?

He showed the readout of his tricorder to both of them. He was not familiar enough with transporter technology or geology to be able to even take a guess about whether transporting would work. 

Jovenan/Chevalier/Gnai/Renirs: Response

Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy. It never was. They'd have to come up with a different solution to their problem. He put the tricorder back on his belt and walked a bit further into the cave, just enough so he could more easily communicate with Gnai and Renirs. Even if he wasn't an expert in transporters, he had some experience in tracking down cargo smugglers before he joined Starfleet. Vulcan's surface had caves aplenty, and it wasn't unusual for those with a disrespect for the law to use them to stash their goods. And it was common for those to have some sort of protection inside, whether it just be an alarm signal to its owner or something far more lethal.

Savel: If I am correct, then this cave functions as a storage area for illicit goods of some sort. It is likely that there are additional mines, though they are probably arranged in a pattern that would allow someone with knowledge of their layout to safely navigate the cave in order to retrieve what was stored here. We only need to discover this pattern to give you a safe route to the exit.

Jovenan/Chevalier/Gnai/Renirs: Response

Easier said than done, but at least it was an idea. This training exercise had turned into quite the practical application of their knowledge and use of tricorders.


Ensign Savel
Security Officer
USS Artemis-A
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