Ensign Savel - Behave, Or I Shall Bring This Shuttle About

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Apr 8, 2024, 11:06:40 AMApr 8
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com

((Main Shuttlebay, Deck 11, USS Artemis))

Most of the team was present and getting themselves ready to go down to the surface. They gathered their equipment and personal supplies that they might need before boarding the shuttle itself to start packing things away.

Savel: Lieutenant, how long do you anticipate this training exercise will keep us on Bajor?

Jovenan: Um, some hours probably. Plus the travel time. We’ll have lunch on the surface, but we’ll be back on the Artemis before dinner time.

Savel had only accompanied Jovenan off of the ship one time prior, and it was quite the adventure. He couldn't help but wonder if this would be a similar trip or if they would keep to their schedule this time.

Savel: Very well, I believe I am ready to depart whenever the rest of the team is sufficiently prepared.

Gnai: Ready sir, as well.

Chevalier: Ready too, lieutenant.

Renirs: Let’s just go.

Everyone seemed rather excited, or at least content, with their current training assignment. All except for the most recent arrival. The Vulcan made a note of that, but didn't provide much thought about it afterwards. 

Jovenan: Okay then, let’s get the ramp up and prepare for take-off! Seats, everyone!

Once Savel had stowed away his pack, he followed Jovenan to the cockpit with Renirs close behind them. The rest of the team was getting to know each other in the passenger compartment.

Gnai: It is good to meet you, this ::with a gesture to itself:: is Ensign Gnai, science officer. Your name is...?

Chevalier: Nice to meet you, Gnai, ensign and science officer. Welcome onboard. This ::mimics Gnai's gesture:: is Ensign Jaseb Chevalier, operations officer.

Gnai: Fantastic! It is good to meet you, apologies for not making contact sooner.

Chevalier: No issue here, Gnai. Perhaps you could leave a sticky note with a message next time. But don’t worry. To be fair, I could also leave a note along with a small welcome gift to make the space more inviting for you. So please remind me to give you that present when we return as I'm afraid it might have collected some dust already.

Savel used the controls in front of him to signal to the flight control officer that they were ready to depart, waiting to hear back before doing anything else.

Savel: Please ensure that you are all properly seated before takeoff, and remain that way until we are clear of the Artemis. I would not like to have to turn around the shuttle once we have departed. 

Gnai: Response

Renirs took her seat in one of the open chairs in the cockpit while Jovenan took care of communications with the Artemis.

Flight control: =/\= Kerynitis, you’re cleared for take-off. =/\=

Jovenan: =/\= Acknowledged, Artemis. Have a nice day. Kerynitis out. =/\= ::to Savel:: Okay, let’s get off the bay and set course for Bajor.

Savel: Yes, Lieutenant.

Gnai/Chevalier: Response

The shuttle slowly departed from the Artemis and maintained a steady heading until it was clear from the vessel. Once completely away from the ship, Savel put them on a course for Bajor and the Rakantha Province. He found this shuttle much easier to pilot than the last craft he attempted. Not only had he had to decipher a Dominion control interface for the first time, it was also decades out of date and he was shot at not long after he took off.

Thankfully, none of that was true on this flight. Once the course was set, the shuttle's autopilot did most of the work without requiring much, if any, manual inputs from the Vulcan. That allowed him to focus on Jovenan's briefing for their scenario.

Jovenan: Okay, here’s what were going to be doing today. ::inhale:: Rakantha Province used to be one of Bajor’s top agricultural regions, however during the Occupation, the Cardassians poisoned the soil. After their departure, the Bajoran Government has used soil reclamators to restore the ground. The efforts have been delayed several times, and there are still large wilderness areas that are considered too toxic for farming. Scenario: Starfleet has ordered the Artemis to assist the Bajorans in detoxifying efforts. We’ve been sent to analyse the soil and water to see how bad the situation is.

Renirs: Soo… Will the poison affect us, or is it just that we shouldn’t eat dirt if we get hungry?

The Trill technician's question prompted a Vulcan brow thing to happen as Savel swiveled in his seat to look at her.

Savel: It would be logical to avoid eating dirt to satisfy your hunger, regardless of the presence of a poison in its composition.

Gnai/Chevalier: Response

The answer earned an eye roll from Jozial. 

Jovenan: You will be working in pairs. Savel and Chevalier, your task is to take ground samples and analyse them in situ. Try to take as many readings as you can, but each sample have to be taken at least 250 metres from each other.

Savel: Very well, Lieutenant.

Chevalier: Response

Jovenan: Gnai, Renirs, you will be investigating the quality of the water in the local river. It’s a tributary to a larger river, where elevated levels of the toxins have been detected. It’s possible there’s a leaking toxin canister somewhere, so investigate any anomalies you might find.

Both teams now had their respective tasks to complete whenever they reached the planet.

Gnai: Response

Renirs: K.

Jovenan: I’ll be monitoring your progress. I’ll try to spend time with both pairs, but if you need me, you can contact me at any time ::points at combadge:: Questions?

Savel: Your instructions are clear, Lieutenant. Should we have any issues we will contact you immediately.

He turned his chair back around to face the console since they were getting closer to Bajor.

Gnai/Chevalier: Response

Renirs: Do we, like, carry the water with us or do we just let it go free after checking it’s okay?

Jovenan: Response

((Rakantha Province, Bajor))

Savel piloted the shuttle over the province in the direction of the landing zone that the Lieutenant had designated for their mission. As they flew over, he looked out at the terrain that had been ruined during the Cardassian Occupation of the planet. Even after all this time, it still hadn't been able to recover fully.

Renirs: Not the prettiest gardens they’ve got there, huh?

Savel: Unfortunately not.

Gnai/Chevalier/Jovenan: Response

Once the shuttle landed, Savel stood from his seat and gathered his things before heading outside of the shuttle. He looked around, taking in their immediate surroundings. Things seemed isolated enough that they should be able to conduct their training scenario without any interruption. 

Renirs: So, hi, yeah. ::pause:: That’s a pretty awesome suit. Does it have any guns?

Gnai: Response

Savel: ::to Jaseb:: I believe that I am ready to go, if you are as well. ::to Jovenan:: Unless you have an objection, we'll begin Lieutenant.

Chevalier/Jovenan: Response

With their gear gathered, Savel and Jaseb started off in a direction away from the shuttle to an area they'd be able to start collecting their samples. It didn't take them long to get there as the barren terrain was fairly easy to navigate. They also had their tricorders to help them narrow down the best spot to start collecting the soil samples. 

After a short time walking, they finally reached their destination. Everywhere around them was open, with hardly anything cropping up out of the ground to create a disruption in their view of their surroundings. Not that they were expecting any trouble, but it was always a comfort to the security officer whenever there was less of a chance they would be surprised by a threat.

The Vulcan removed his pack, placing it down on the ground with the flap open in case he needed anything from inside. They'd likely be in this area for a while collecting their various samples, so he anticipated a need for some supply or another before they left.

Savel: Since this is a training exercise, we should stick together and alternate taking samples. In case we need to assist one another in reading the data or collecting the soil for the tricorder.

Chevalier: Response


Ensign Savel
Security Officer
USS Artemis-A
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