One of Eight (Chevalier) - Voices We All Hear

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CPT Arianus

Jul 19, 2024, 10:42:03 AM (8 days ago) Jul 19

(( Bridge, USS Artemis-A ))

One of Eight watched his Borgins' efforts to eliminate two uninvited guests who had invaded their party. Collective experience should have tipped the scales in their favor, but individualism seemed to win out over the cheer numbers he threw at them.

Two of Ten: * Eliminate all unass... *

The voice of Two of Ten wavered into a whisper as a stun pulse splashed at his chest.

Dakora: Keep shooting! ::He huffed:: Almost there!

Richards: ::Deep breath:: Got it!

The officer in red dashed towards the Ready Room, fleeing for his life. Four of Ten aimed his back, poised to shoot.

One of Eight (Chevalier): * Leave them be. *

Four of Ten shifted his attention to One of Eight. A tense, wordless exchange took place as their lifeless gazes locked in a silent moment.

Four of Ten: * Eliminate all unassimilated. *

One of Eight (Chevalier): * LEAVE. *

Four of Ten turned around and fired at the closing Ready Room doors, narrowly missing two Starfleet officers sliding through.

Four of Ten: * Eliminate all unassimilated. *

Five drones outside the One of Eight designation advanced to pursue Talos and Richards, disregarding his commands. One of Eight honed in on their voices in the midst of the all, spoke to them directly.

One of Eight (Chevalier): * They are irrelevant. Secure the bridge. Close their exit. Follow the mission. *

They resisted, attempting to shut his voice out of their unit. Then, all six voices were drowned out by her laughter, overpowering them with its infectious sound. Drones bashing the door stopped. Four of them turned and left the corridor, while the fifth drone began welding the Ready Room doors.

The Queen: * So petty is my little puppy. Is Artemis ours? The trust I placed in you was only met with the disappointment you brought to your Queen? *

One of Eight settled into the captain's chair and switched on the ship's internal communication channel into the speaker using the side display.

Adea: =/\= This is Genkos Adea to anyone who can hear me. There are assimilated officers in the Sickbay, and I am barricaded in my office. Please, for the love of the four, respond… =/\=

Security officer (deck 11): =/\= …deck eleven. We have at least one victim near the western turbolift. We need medical!

Savel: =/\= ::whilst runnin'::Savel to any officer, requesting immediate assistance at the Intel Suite. Multiple casualties and hostiles present. =/\=

Security officer (deck 6): =/\= ::screaming in background:: Tabres to Center, Elysium was overrun. Anyone who hears this, Elys… ::Sound of phaser fire and body hitting the ground:: =/\=

Science officer (deck 9): =/\=  ::crying:: Can anyone hear me? I'm in the Geology lab on deck nine. They…they..they just killed everyone. I hid, but I can still hear them. Help. Help me, please… =/\=

His drones positioned themselves on the bridge, preparing for the events to unfold. One of Eight focused his mind on the voices of the Collective.

Indefatigable Drone: * Collective... we have the Indefatigable. *

Astraeus Drone: * Reevaluating directives: Analyzing possible exfiltration methods. *

Magellan Drone: * Collective… we have the Magellan. *

One of Eleven (Barberra): * Collective... we have the Kitty Hawk. *

One of Eight (Chevalier): * Collective… we have the Artemis. *

Borg husk leaned back comfortably in his chair, and with a simple click, he broadcast distress calls, ensuring that they echoed throughout the ship's corridors for everyone to hear.

One of Eight (Chevalier): * Let them feel the irrelevance of their resistance. WE ARE THE BORG. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. *

One of Eight focused on the voices of those who faced futile resistance from Starfleet onboard. The time has come to cease taking chances with small and guide those who have strayed from her voice and from their path to perfection…


One of Eight
formerly known as
Ensign Jaseb Chevalier
Operations Officer
U.S.S. Artemis-A

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