Ensign Savel - I'm Getting a New Travel Agent

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Apr 25, 2024, 10:12:16 PMApr 25
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com

((Docking Port 06 - Deep Space Nine))

Savel had been sufficiently Vulcan, scaring a small child when all he had to do was wait in line with Talos. Thankfully, his faux pas didn't seem to have caused too much of a stir as the family of two continued forward until they were moved beyond the check-in desk and in the transport.

There was also something else for them to focus on, as Gnai cut through those waiting in the line behind them. It probably earned a few glances from the ones that it cut in front of, but there was no real harm done.

Dakora: Welcome aboard, Ensign Gnai! This should be-

Bolian Freighter Crewman: Sorry Miss, you’re holding up the li-

Sadar: ::groans:: S-Sorry…

Savel almost felt relieved that he was not the only member of their group that had drawn attention to himself. Gnai had jumped ahead of the other potential passengers while Gila tumbled her way to the ground, earning a look from just about everyone around.

Talos was the first to move forward and extend a hand to help her up from the unfortunate position on the ground.

Dakora: Excellent. ::He grinned:: The first stumble of the trip is out of the way and they haven’t even started serving the in-flight refreshments yet.

Savel: I was not aware that we were expecting any stumbles.

Any: Response

Sadar: R-R-Right, o-of course, sorry, that was- uhh… ::swallows:: I’ll be more careful.

Once Gila was okay, Talos gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.

Dakora: I’m just glad you’re ok. Welcome aboard!.

Savel: Indeed, it is good to have you with us, Lieutenant.

Any: Response

Bolian Freighter CrewmanYou’re holding up the line.

Now all of them were the target of the Bolian's ire. Time was money for these sorts of things, and they were probably costing the company both.

Gnai: ::to Talos and Savel:: An effort should be made to invite her to join this group, when on the freighter.

Dakora: Absolutely. ::To Gila.:: You will join us, won’t you?

Savel: It would be preferable to have all of the Artemis crew together for this experience.

Everyone started to move through the last bit of the docking bay that led to the transport ship itself. Even with a little bit of forward progress being made, the group still had earned itself a glare from the Bolian before he called out for the line to continue.

Sadar/Any: Response

Bolian Freighter Crewman: ::frustrated:: Next!

Once they were finally through the station and onto the deck of the ship, they got the chance to inspect what was going to be their ride through the wormhole. None of what Savel saw looked to be standard. Even for a ship purposefully designed for the transportation of passengers and tourism. The space was far too open, only broken up by the different groups of seats.

All of the seats faced toward the exterior of the ship, where transparent panels all allowed for a good view of the space outside. 

Gnai: This is very exciting, wormholes are so rare! Especially ones as stable as this... There was this very interesting paper that was published recently, proposing that the reason that this wormhole is- ::pausing to look at some seats:: These are the best seats left for viewing the wormhole.

Dakora: Perfect. ::He checked the chrono on his wrist.:: We should be departing soon, so we’d better get settled in.

Savel: I am curious about what else they intend to allow us to view once we have traveled through the wormhole.

With Gnai, Talos, and Savel seated together as a group, there was one glaring omission to their party. Gnai made quick work of trying to correct that, however, as it called out to Gila to get her to come over and join them.

Gnai: Lieutenant Sadar! There is a seat here for you. ::patting a seat next to it::

Sadar/Any: Response

Savel looked over to Talos to find the Commander with a large grin on his face. He wasn't sure he had seen that particular emotion to such an extent, at least not so obviously expressed, since he had known Talos. Granted, they hadn't spent too much time together outside of running around a wartorn Betazed. That didn't give anyone a reason to beam so brightly. He wondered then, if this was a normal state for Talos or if this particular excursion was the cause for his glee.

Dakora: I just wanted to thank you all again for coming! I’ve never been to the Gamma Quadrant– or through a wormhole at all, now that I think about it.-- And I always find that most firsts are better with friends.

Savel: I too have never traveled through a wormhole. I also see the increased value attached to the experience by getting to share it with those I've become acquainted with. I thank you for the invitation.

Sadar/Gnai: Response

Dakora: …And here we go.

The transport pulled away from the station and suddenly they were aimed directly at the wormhole, preparing to travel through it. As Talos had already put a stamp on the moment, Savel sat silently to watch their view change and swirl around them.

Sadar/Gnai: Response

While they traveled towards the wormhole, a bonging noise over the speakers preceeded a halfway familiar voice that started to fill the passenger compartment.

Guide: Welcome to the Nova Gamma Borealis, the only Gamma Quadrant tour provider licensed and recognized by the Government of Bajor. ::He paused.:: If you look out our port side, you will see the dazzling display of blue particles called verterons that make up the structure of this beautiful corridor.

As the guide spoke, Talos leaned over to Savel to make a comment.

Dakora: He could be making all of that up and I wouldn’t know. ::He shrugged and pointed to the phenomenon.:: It does look very nice though. Brighter than I thought it would be.

Savel: I will check his information against that which is contained in Starfleet's database about the wormhole. I can then provide all of you with a brief report on what is factual and what the guide of this tour has taken personal liberties with whenever we return to the Artemis.

Best. Vacation. Ever. Data collection with a little bit of research and information scrutinization to tie it all together back home. Someone bring this Vulcan a calming tea, things are getting a little too wild. 


Guide: –-we’ll pass through the mouth of the wormhole here in the Denorios Belt and emerge from the terminus in the Gamma Quadrant some 4.7 lightyears from the Idran system. And here we go!

Within moments of approaching the wormhole, it enveloped the entire ship. The lights from, whatever it was wormholes were made of, danced around as they traveled through. Savel was tempted to stand and walk right over to the side of the ship but he decided against leaving his group.

Dakora: Amazing. ::There was a sense of wonder in his voice as he spoke.:: I’ve never seen anything like it…

Sadar: Response

Savel: Neither have it. It is a truly fascinating spectacle. 

Gnai: Response

The guide seemed like he knew people were going to tune him out for a minute, because he took a break and let people ooh and aah before continuing his speech.

Guide:That’s 60,000 lightyears in a matter of about a minute. ::He paused, ostensibly to advance the prompter he was reading from.:: At the time of its discovery it would have taken the Federation’s fastest ship 67 years at maximum warp! Now, sit back and relax as we take a quick hop over to the Idran System, the historic site of Starfleet’s first foray into the GQ!

Almost as soon as their journey began, they were now officially in the Gamma Quadrant. The positions of the stars surrounding them were certainly different from what Savel could tell, so they had definitely traveled a long distance. Though, there was little else in the form of evidence that they were in an entirely different part of the galaxy.

Dakora: Well I’m thirsty and I think I saw a concessions replicator over there somewhere. ::He thumbed back toward the central central deck.:: Can I get any of you anything?

Gnai: Response

Savel: A spice tea, please.

Sadar: Response

With their orders placed, Talos turned to Gila.

Dakora: Doctor Sadar. ::He shifted his gaze to the nervous Mizarian.:: Care to come with me and help me carry all of this?

Sadar: Response

The pair then went off on their journey to find the concession replicator, Gnai and Savel were left in their seats. The guide then came back over the intercom with exactly the type of news one would expect on a trip that was absolutely never intended to go wrong at any point and was certainly meant to be totally normal from the start.

Guide: And we’ve arrived at the historic Idran Sys– ::His words broke off.:: Wait. What’s that? Uh– stand by, we’re having some technical difficulties.

((OOC: Swapping out the Dakora/Sadar convo for one between Gnai and Savel since the other pair walked away.))

Savel: Of the information that he has given us so far, that is the bit I am most suspicious of. We have seen no evidence of technical difficulties of any kind with this vessel.

Gnai: Response

The guide came over the speakers once more, this time acting the blue right off of him.

Guide: There is no reason for alarm! It appears there are some other vessels in the area right now and–

The sentence was rudely interrupted by a loud static noise before a series of beeps sounded. This was just the precursor to the most horrible sound of all..

The sound of someone ruining their vacation.

Voice: Unknown Vessel, you have invaded the sovereign territory of the New Idran Confederacy. Stand down shields and prepare to have your vessel impounded.

Of course.

Come to uncharted territory, they said.

It'll be fun, they said.

What could possibly go wrong, they asked.

This. This is what could go wrong.

Savel: Ensign Gnai. I believe that our tour has officially come to an end.

Gnai: Response

Savel stood from his seat and started to look around, nodding at what Gnai said.

Savel: Agreed, we should locate the Commander and Lieutenant. It will be best if we all remain together.

Gnai: Response

There was something of a trend beginning to form whenever Savel found himself with Gnai. The last two times they'd been together they ended up as captives, at least this time they weren't in a prison. They were just in a defenseless ship 60,000 lightyears away from the Artemis in an area of space that was entirely unknown to them. What an upgrade.


Ensign Savel
Security Officer
USS Artemis-A
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