Lt. Silveira: What’s cooking Chefs?

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May 5, 2024, 5:10:56 PMMay 5
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((USS Artemis, deck 2, Holodeck 2))

Vitor had just called Nan and Sada, “convincing” them to join. And not giving them much time to argue or consider.

With the kitchen all to himself he raised an eyebrow and began to think out loud. 

Silveira: I am not being too pushy… Am I? 

Vitor tipped his head and looked at the door. Maybe Sada and Nan had better things to do than cook with him…

He shrugged and began to set up shop, picking up a spoon, looking for a good knife. 

Silveira: Moi? Nah…Never…

As he waited for them he grabbed an apron, putting it over his t-shirt. He put down his PADD in the proper stand that, as most of the things around him, served a purpose.

He smiled as Nan made her way inside carrying a PADD.

Jovenan: Hello, Vitor! ::looks around:: This is a very spectacular kitchen!

Vitor smiled and opened his arms.

Silveira: Welcome Nan. You know I always take that extra effort. I like a big “workspace” and that way we won’t be bumping into one another as we cook.

He gestured to the panoply of utensils, from cutlery to pots and pans. From bowls, to kettles and colanders, all were displayed in different sizes and quantities. Vitor was almost certain their own mess hall didn’t have that much stuff. 

Silveira: I hope this setting suits you. When did you cook last?

Nan took an apron and put it on, looking around.

Jovenan: I don’t cook often, last time with Hiro before he left for the Ronin, though he had a lot less, um, appliances than this. I have to admit, I don’t even know what half of them are. ::smiles:: I guess you’ll have to teach me.

Vitor nodded and bowed slightly. 

Silveira: I am sure you will find similar utensils to the ones you use. It was easier for me to “build” this with the more familiar setting of the kitchens I know. 

Sadar: H-Hello Sirs... I-I’m sorry for the delay.

Vitor smiled and opened his arms.

Silveira: You are right on time, Sada. Welcome. I hope you brought up some good things for us to try.

Jovenan: Response

Sada went on the hunt for her own apron and put it over her uniform.

Sadar: Oh, uhh, I-I have a selection to choose from? I wasn’t sure what the two of you wanted to make, so...

Silveira: I would say anything and everything. But I would be good with a nice original lunch.

Jovenan: Response

Sadar: Well then, in the interest of making a three-course meal, I could make a desert?

Vitor raised an eyebrow at Nan, then at Sada then tipped his head and shrugged.

Silveira: I was thinking we worked on different dishes, but why not? That way we certainly have an original meal. What do you think, Nan?

Jovenan: Response

He nodded and pointed to what looked like an oven, encrusted on the wall next to the eight nozzles stove. 

Silveira: That’s the replicator we can use to get the ingredients. ::He smiled and winked at them.:: And so we won’t cheat, it isn't programmed to give us anything cooked. I searched the ship’s computer for Edo and Mizarian food. I hope I haven’t missed anything. 

Sadar/Jovenan: Response

Vitor smiled and pointed at Sada. 

Silveira: OK, so Sada is in charge of dessert, then what are we having before that. Two course meals of fish and meat for example? Maybe a salad and then either one of them? Tell me my Buddy Chefs?

Sadar/Jovenan: Response

Silveira: Don’t worry about me, I can … ::Suddenly he got an inspiration. Considering their location and Zie’s favorite dish he smiled, snapped his fingers and opened his arms in triumph:: I know what I am cooking. It’s been a while but I made this Hasperat that even the Captain approved. 

Sadar/Jovenan: Response


Lt. Vitor S. Silveira

Chief Tactical Officer

USS Artemis-A, NCC-81287


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