Ens Lyara Alroyo - "Starflirt" Material

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Lyara Alroyo

Oct 1, 2024, 2:13:21 PM10/1/24
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Elysium, Main Level, Deck 6))

Lyara had been excited at the prospect of reconnecting with a friend. She was new to the vessel and could use all the social connections she had, including old ones. One thing however that had intrigued her was the mention of a personal matter by her academy friend Nadevia, and the expression of confiding in Lyara.

Lyara: ::She fidgeted with her hands:: This matter of yours… is it, personal personal?

Virtavi-Yaros: Oh yes, profoundly personal, my friend! ::produces a PADD:: I hope you are aware of the service known as ‘Starflirt’? It is under this auspice that I reside aboard this proud vessel, a humble representative and spokesperson for this organization. What began as a youthful, perhaps even juvenile, jest aboard a single Starship has since unveiled a far graver concern with the attitude towards happiness and connection within the Starfleet itself. Too many neglect nurturing their connections to their fellow crew, fixated instead on reducing the splendid romance of space travel to mere digits on a computer screen or specimens for study under the sterile lens of a microscope! ::invigorated expression:: To remedy this! That is the mission I have undertaken! To remind all that life is not solely about ambition, but equally so about embracing joy in all its forms.

Lyara took the PADD offered by her friend and looked over what exactly “Starflirt” entailed. She didn’t know what to expect from seeing her friend and hearing about her “personal matter”, but Lyara felt a sense of disappointment at what felt like a marketing attempt during a reunion of someone she felt was dear to her. 

Lyara: I dunno Nadevia… ::Places PADD down:: I don’t feel I’m exactly “Starflirt” material.

Virtavi-Yaros: ::grabs Alroyo’s hands:: But, my dearest friend, you are the epitome of suitability for this task! Your charming smile, your warmth, your gracious and inviting demeanor and your astute perception of an individual’s character render you utterly unmatched in attractability! You possess an innate understanding of the people, not just the Ship, and I refuse to believe that your noble desire to help others and forge meaningful connections has not waned with the passage of time, nor the accumulation of experience?

Her cheeks once again grew flush with pink from the flattery of her friend's words. At the academy, her friend had been a silver-tongued individual and it seemed she still had that talent with words Lyara had grown fond of back then. She glanced down to her hands then at Nadevia and considered the offer.

Lyara: You… you really think that? ::She smiles and nods:: Alright, since you're my friend and quite the charmer I may add, I'll be part of your scheme.

Virtavi-Yaros: Oh! Thank you thank you thank you! ::hugs:: Your assistance in this matter shall bring you nothing but joy, I assure you! Once I have made the appropriate preparations, I shall impose myself upon your good graces once more, so that we might formalize our shared intentions.

Lyara felt she didn’t need an app to make connections, primarily ones of the flirting kind. However, her friends asking for a favor left her with a chance to get closer and help someone she cared about. If Starflirt meant more chances for Nadevia to “impose herself” she’d look forward to whatever was needed of her next.

TAG/End scene for Lyara Alroyo


Ensign Lyara Alroyo

USS Artemis-A

Helm/Operations Officer


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