Ens. Gnai - I'm A Scientist, Not A Doctor!!!

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May 2, 2024, 3:14:46 AMMay 2
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Cave, Rakantha Province, Bajor))

Gnai gently let Crewman Renirs settle to the ground, trying to scan around it with its tricorder. Lieutenant Jovenan would know what to do with the data, and get them out of there, it knew it. She was far better prepared than it was to analyze the full situation, and she wasn't currently trying to support an injured crewmate.

Gnai: ::to Renirs:: This is just for a moment, sorry.

It hoped that the movement wasn't causing further injury or pain, but it had to try something, especially now with Ensign Chevalier trapped on another mine, and Savel in between them. Every minute seemed to introduce a new problem, so the faster that they could evacuate this cave, the better. And if Renirs got jostled a little, it was certain she would forgive it when they were safely aboard the Artemis.

Renirs: ::meek:: Yeah, sure, whatever...

That wasn't promising... Renirs' voice was trailing off in a way that worried Gnai. She had proved to be quite opinionated thus far, so the sudden shift to passivity was glaring. It couldn't do anything though, not trapped in a cave, working only by the light of its own body. So it did what little it could do, and continued to scan around, sending the data to Lt. Jovenan.

Gnai: ::louder, to Lt. Jovenan:: Lieutenant, is there anything anomalous in the vicinity of this tricorder?

Jovenan: Yes! It’s not as close as Savel’s, but if you could keep it pointed just ahead of his route, I can try triangulating the mines with that data. Savel, I’m sending you as much as I can!

That much Gnai could do. Ens. Savel had better hurry. Hurry as much as he could while still being safe, that was.

Savel: Thank you, Lieutenant. I should be able to avoid the mines with some certainty now.

Jovenan: Okay, once the transporter amplifiers are in place, I’ll transport you to the shuttle, where you will tend to Renirs wounds and contact the Artemis and the Bajoran authorities. Chevalier, um, you’re not quite inside the perimeter, so try to stand by. I’ll help you once the others are safely out. Try to come with something we can do to prevent the mine from going off.

Savel: I will have the boosters in place shortly. As soon as we get to the shuttle, I will request assistance.

Luck and fate and all such things were silly concepts, but that didn't stop Gnai from being a bit superstitious anyways when the going got tough.

Gnai: ::to Savel:: Again, good luck! Be careful! ::to Jovenan:: Are you okay? Do you want to get up again?

It extended one mechanical hand to her, the other waving the tricorder around in the direction of Ens. Savel's voice.

Renirs: ::quietly:: I’m just gonna lie here for a moment...

Not good! Not good at all!

Chevalier: Understood, Lieutenant. Staying still obediently on mine. No explosion, no spasm. Think about a solution. Got it. Save Gnai and Renirs; I'll wait!

Gnai was far, far too worried about Renirs potentially dying on the ground next to it, and Ens. Savel tripping another mine as he made his way to the two of them because of faulty data from its tricorder, and Ens. Chevalier shifting too much on his mine. Far too worried to pay attention to any conversations that might have been happening around it that weren't directed at it, as it focused entirely on trying to provide scans from where it stood so that Savel would be able to navigate safely. No sounds mattered except the feedback from its tricorder, warning it when its scans failed.

Slowly but surely, Ens. Savel had made his way across the cave to them, and set up the proper formation, encircling the trio in soft blue light. Gnai dropped its arm to its side, relieved that he hadn't been hurt. So far, at least. They'd get back safe, and then something could be done to get Renirs back to her normal talkative self. Having someone get injured on its team, especially on such a simple mission, after choosing to take a stroll into unknown and dangerous territory... She'd better get better. Gnai wasn't certain that it could forgive itself for choosing to enter the cave if she didn't. That stupid human saying about curiosity killing cats was right, it seemed, but it hadn't thought such a saying would hurt others.

Jovenan: Everyone ready? Energizing.

Mercifully, the cave vanished into the signature Federation swirl of particles that Gnai had grown accustomed to. At least they were out of there.

((Shuttle Kerynitis, Rakantha Province, Bajor))

Gnai loved taking rides on shuttles, but never before had it been more excited to see one in its life. It looked down at Renirs, who was covering her face with her arms strangely. That hadn't been injured, it had thought?

Renirs: Huh? What happened?

Savel: We are back on the shuttle, Crewman. You are now safe.

Gnai turned to Ens. Savel, glad that there was another set of arms there to help. Renirs could stagger up and lean on it, but it hardly doubted that she could walk, nor could it carry her off of the pad.

Gnai: The others are still in the cave... The pad should be evacuated in case they need to transport in soon.

As they moved from the transporter pad, Savel got a better look at just how badly Renirs had been injured. The lower half of her uniform had been ripped to shreds, exposing the wounds to her legs. From her thighs down she suffered from what looked to be several lacerations and burns.

Renirs: Um, hey, jelly. I don’t think I feel so good...

Renirs was in far worse condition than Gnai had realized, now that it had directed its attention back to her. Nicknames aside, she was at least talking? That seemed good? But her legs told a different story. The pants were torn and burned, and Gnai was fairly certain that vicious red burn marks and lacerations were in fact exceptionally bad news.

Savel: ::to Gnai:: We should move her to one of the bunks. If you will assess her condition with the tricorder, I will provide what medical assistance I can.

Gnai's tendrils flared out around it, waving around in its tank. It had very little idea what to do when it came to first aid, having barely paid attention at the Academy.

oO There was no one else that could do this, was there? Ens. Savel needed to contact the ship... A scientist was as close as they had to a doctor... Oo

Gnai: ::tendrils calming down:: No, you're right... With your assistance, this should be fine...? But yes, she should be moved, immediately.

Gnai reached down, lifting Renirs with Savel and carrying her as steadily as they could to one of the bunks of the ship. Even if it had rationalized it being their best choice to act as doctor in the interim, it was still panicked at the thought of messing up. The others had better get back quickly and unharmed so they could rush back to the Artemis and have an actual medical professional take a look at Renirs. So she wouldn't die, of course.


Could Trills die from extensive burns? Yet again, another foreign concept to Gnai, who's experience with burns had been relegated to the aforementioned first aid course and the lab safety demonstrations at the start of the various chemistry classes it had taken. You couldn't really light a bunsen burner underwater, after all.

Savel: ::to Renirs:: Please, do not attempt to move. You may cause yourself further injury. ::turning to Gnai:: I will send a message to the Artemis and request assistance from Bajoran authorities as well.

Gnai: Go, go! Renirs will be fine for now. Go get a message to the ship!

Whether or not that was a lie would remain to be seen.

Renirs: Response

Ens. Savel departed, leaving Gnai alone again with Crewman Renirs. It pulled the TR-600 tricorder out again, silently thanking the various engineers back wherever Starfleet developed new technology for finding a way to incorporate medical tricorder functionality within this model. It slowly scanned over Renirs' legs, noticing how angry the burned patches looked, all red and starting to blister.

Gnai: Sorry, again.

Renirs: Response?

The tricorder beeped as it diagnosed the injury. It wasn't as bad as it had seemed, as a lot of the red had been blood from cuts, but the major blood vessels had been avoided. If they hadn't, she'd have been dead already. Small miracles, Gnai supposed. It was still a gruesome injury report though, detailing the various cuts that she had accumulated and the burns - second-degree. They'd need to do something to stop infection, most likely, the tricorder stated in plain terms.

Hm. It also warned against letting her fall asleep. Hitting her head with such velocity against the rock of the cave had brought on a potential concussion, and whatever diagnostic subroutines that the tricorder was programmed with thought it would be wise to keep her conscious.

Gnai: Can you keep talking? You can talk about whatever you want, it will keep you awake. ::pause:: This is not a request.

Renirs: Response

It continued to scan, trying to get as much data on her injuries as it could, listening to her talk. Ens. Savel made his way back to the two of them, hopefully having successfully contacted the ship. Gnai was far less concerned about the Bajorans being contacted, that could wait until they had everyone safe and sound.

Savel: What have you learned about her current condition, Ensign Gnai?

Gnai: ::handing its tricorder to Ens. Savel:: It's all on here. ::pointing out where the tricorder had helpfully spit out basic diagnoses:: Note the second-degree burns and potential concussion? She should not go to sleep until an actual doctor can see to her injuries.

Renirs/Savel: Response

Just then, the tell-tale sound of a transport in progress started up. Gnai turned to face the back of the ship, unsure of what to do. Who knew what state the two of them would be in? Or... What if this was whoever had set those mines in the first place? Had there been some sort of alarm? The pulsing lights along Gnai's body sped up, worried. Best to send the security officer first, just in case. Or maybe it would be better to ask him to stay with the injured party? No, certainly better to have the only one here suited for combat go investigate, just in case. Juuuuust in case.

Gnai: Savel, can you see who that is...? This will stay back with Renirs. And try to keep her stable.

It would stay back here, for the immediate time being. If all seemed well (as in, it heard no phaser fire after the first few seconds), then it would happily relinquish taking care of Renirs to Lt. Jovenan, who it assumed would be far more prepared for this.

Renirs/Savel/Jovenan/Chevalier: Response

Tags/TBC :)

Ensign Gnai
Science Officer
USS Artemis-A
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