Ens. Gnai - Does Anyone Really Like Going To Sickbay...?

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Apr 5, 2024, 11:19:21 PMApr 5
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
(( Sickbay - Deck 7, USS Artemis-A))

Now that all the chaos and confusion of CloQ was behind it, Gnai had found itself on its new ship with a boatload of tasks to complete in accordance with its arrival and posting. It had already more or less met the captain and its department head - Captain MacKenzie and Lieutenant Jovenan, respectively - so those weren't as much of a priority as some of the other tasks. Next up on its list, a check-up in Medical... with Commander Genkos Adea. This one it would have loved to have crossed off its list already; it had met him on Romulus in 2374, and that was good enough for the time being! But, no. It had to go and get a check-up and it was certainly going to have to explain all the details that it barely knew itself of its physiology. Being one of the only Galadorans (if not the only one, as it was unaware of any others) in the fleet meant that it had to be a sort of ambassador for the species, at least in terms of bringing any medical officers up to date on its physiology. It was exhausting.

But like any good little officer, it wasn't going to skip out on this. Better to not rock the boat immediately upon boarding the ship, even if a field trip to sickbay was the last thing that it wanted to do. Getting kicked out of Starfleet due to a refusal to get a check-up would be a monumentally embarrassing end to its short career thus far.

Gnai made its way from its quarters, where it had still yet to meet the person it was sharing with, to sickbay. What a way to start a shore leave, but at least when this was over with, it could relax without it hanging overhead. The corridors stretched longer than they had back on the Academy's Nova class ship, and various posted signs caught its attention as it passed through the decks. Operations, quarters, a lounge... so much to explore when it had the time, after this was all over. But dillydallying would just make this worry stretch out over a longer time, and that would just be more stress than it wanted.

The turbolift doors closed, shuttling Gnai in its suit two levels to where sickbay was - level 7. What a strange sensation, being encased in a suit, then encased in a turbolift, encased within a starship. The brief moment of awareness brought with it strange pictures of dolls made to sit within each other that its roommate at the Academy had stored on her shelf, alongside other things she had brought from her childhood home. As the moving lights of the turbolift slowly crept to a halt, the doors opened.

oO The faster to get this done, the better. Oo

The corridor from the turbolift to sickbay was noticeably shorter, and soon Gnai stepped through the doors into a much different world, with beeping monitors and bustling personnel. From where it floated inside the short suit that it wore, the commander was not immediately visible. There were a few others floating about, however, and it made its way to a Zaranite who seemed relatively unbusy at the moment - a crewman if Gnai remembered enlisted ranks correctly.

Gnai: Hello, is Commander Adea available? As a new officer, a medical check-in is required...

Kafkazet: Response

Ah, yes. Gnai could have guessed that it would have found the Chief Medical Officer in the Chief Medical Officer's office...

Gnai: Thank you, si- ::it cut itself off, whoops, being around officers that were primarily higher ranked than it had it slipping into calling everyone 'sir':: Crewman.

Kafkazet: Response?

Gnai made its way across the sickbay to the office, knocking at the doorway. Hopefully the commander wasn't in the middle of anything too desperately important... The last thing it wanted to do was to annoy the CMO, especially after seeing him play the "bad engineer" to Lt. Jovenan's "good engineer" on Romulus. That had been mildly terrifying, to say the least.

Gnai: Commander Adea, sir? ::pause:: Is this a good time to interrupt?

Adea: Response

Ensign Gnai
Science Officer
USS Artemis-A
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