Cmdr. Genkos Adea - What's Going Onnnnnn?

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Genkos Adea

Apr 18, 2024, 9:20:21 AMApr 18

((CMO’s Office, Sickbay – Deck 7, USS Artemis-A ))

Genkos had had rather a busy day, carrying out quite a few check ups on the senior staff, inventory of one of the odd medical cupboards that he could have sworn had more hyposprays in there than the last time he checked, as well as a long walk on the holodeck with Toto. So it was to be expected that he was taking five in his office, staring into the air as he considered the rest of his timetable.

He was brought out of his reverie by the light rapping of knuckles upon his door frame.

MacKenzie: ::with a bit of jest:: Busy day?

He looked up to see Addison there and he gave her a little smile and gestured for her to come in.

Adea: You have no idea… well, you do. But I was just taking five.

She chuckled, pointing.

MacKenzie: I’ll be sure to take it out of your pay at the end of the week. ::beat, pointing at the chair on the opposite side of his desk:: Mind if I have a seat?

Adea: Of course. ::he raised an eyebrow with concern:: Anything I need to worry about? Should I get out my tricorder?

Addison waved her hand dismissively back and forth in front of her face, declining his offer. She sat down and, oh wow, she actually slouched. Something must be very wrong.

MacKenzie: No, I’m fine, thanks. …how are you doing?

Maybe not then.

Adea: I’m fine, Captain. Maybe a little tired, but otherwise fine. You know, the usual

She rolled her eyes slightly and shook her head back and forth. Genkos looked at her with a slight frown as she spoke again.

MacKenzie: How are you doing?

Genkos leaned back in his chair and interlaced his hands behind the back of his head.

Adea: Okay, what’s up? I’m not saying that you’re not a bundle of warmth, but what’s with this newfound concern for my well being? ::he leaned forward suddenly as a thought struck:: Oh gods, my doppelganger? He hasn’t struck again has he?

MacKenzie: Response

Genkos let out a slight sigh of relief - he was not at all comfortable with the idea of someone going around with his face. He’d spoken to Kalianna after his double had visited her, but since then the DoppelGenkos had disappeared, so far without a trace.

Adea: That’s good… no news is good news, that’s what you humans say, no? ::he leaned back again, and stared at her for a moment with his deep ebony eyes:: So fess up, what’s got you so concerned with me?

MacKenzie: Response


Commander Genkos Adea MD

Chief Medical Officer

USS Artemis-A


"You know, I'm really easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like bullies and I don't like threats, and I don't like you, Culluh. You can try and stop us from getting to the truth but I promise you that if you do I will respond with all the 'unique technologies' at my command." - Kathryn Janeway

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