Lt. Silveira: Increasing the party. Next Quest.

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Jul 24, 2024, 5:36:00 PM (3 days ago) Jul 24
to USS Artemis-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((USS Artemis-A, deck 8, outside Intelligence Suite))

They had managed to make their way near the Intelligence Suite. Some of the assimilated could be seen and Vitor kept his sight on them, luckily still unaware of the presence of the Captain’s team.

Silveira: Whatever we are doing we better do it fast. We should take the advantage of surprise.

Jovenan: Can we trick them into going somewhere else or splitting up? Like by sending false comm messages or by leaving our commbadges somewhere? We should get rid of them anyway before they realise they can track us with them.

Hopper: I’m with you, Lieutenant.  ::Beat::  If they want the Captain, maybe we can send them on a wild goose chase…

Vitor nodded, eyes still on the rifle sights, and arms steady.

Their odds weren’t good but the fact they kept on fighting and, more importantly, were still alive must be a good sign.

Returning his attention to the plan being formed Vitor grinned, even though they couldn’t see him.

Silveira: Sounds good to me.

MacKenzie: What do you have in mind?

Jovenan: The tricorder and combadge combination, for example, can fabricate a tactical conversation. I think we could try simulating that we’re going to the Tactical, or put the badges in the turbolift and have them go somewhere in Science a deck below. The Borg might find us a priority target, especially if they think we have a plan.

Hopper: ::Nod::  I like it. Where would we be heading if we were trying to knock out Fleet Formation Mode? The Central Computer? We can send them there.

Silveira: Or Main Engineering. Either make sense. 

Hopper: It’s a plausible destination for our group. I think they’ll buy it – at least at first. Besides, I think our next destination should be Sickbay.  ::To MacKenzie::  We know a little about the borg tech that did this. Maybe with your CMO’s help we can find a way to counteract the effect?

MacKenzie: Let’s proceed.

Jovenan: Aye, sir.

Hopper: ::To Jovenan::  We can set our tricorders to emit false biosignatures. The signals will be weak, but the combadge can help boost the signals. ::To Mackenzie::  Your badge, Captain?

Vitor was feeling tired, but he kept the grip on his rifle. Ahead they could hear the noise of battle.

Silveira: We better hurry.

Once the others set up their ruse, Vitor took point as they moved quickly but silently.

He recognized Savel’s voice and another officer, astray from the Borg mantras their assimilated comrades were saying.

They had caught them by surprise as the assimilated were all concerned in attacking the  others, Vitor quickly dispatched two of them with precise volleys to their backs as he moved with purpose.

Under the combined fire of him, Zie, Hopper and Nan they managed to get closer to the others.

MacKenzie: Good to see you, Lieutenants.

Delri’ise: Glad to see you all— Savel, you good?

Savel: Response?

Vitor smiled at them. He knew Savel well, but the other officer he didn’t. They likely only crossed paths around the ship. He recognized her from the ship's roster though because of her name. Melody… Della Rose? He wasn’t sure of her last name, but he remembered it was quite unique.

He passed by them and checked around confirming there weren’t any of the assimilated around.

Silveira: Lieutenants… 

Jovenan: Response?

Hopper: No time for a meet and greet. Any idea what they want in the Hub, or how many there are inside? 

Delri’ise: I mean— it’s an Intel Suite, they didn’t seize it for the comfy chairs.

Savel: Response

MacKenzie: Is the suite secure?

Savel: Response

Jovenan/Hopper: Response

Vitor moved up and took a covering position where he could see all around.

They just managed to get the assimilated in the back, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to them.

Silveira: Let’s not linger too long here.

MacKenzie: Well we can’t stand out here in the open. Hopefully them tracking my signal will be enough of a diversion, but it won’t be long before they catch on.

Silveira: We better follow Commander Hopper’s suggestion and head to Sickbay, while we can.

Jovenan/Hopper: Response

Savel: Response

Delri’ise: I’m not gonna be much use up front, I’ll watch our caboose in case somethin’ sneaks up on us.

Vitor raised an eyebrow and took his eyes from the sights of his rifle.

He noticed that the Lieutenant was injured.

Silveira: Are you OK to do that Lieutenant?

He wasn’t exactly the best person to ask that. He would likely limp himself into battle no matter how hurt he could be.

Vitor turned to Zie, the Lieutenant wasn’t one of his department, but they couldn’t exactly spare the numbers. He tipped his head to the injured Lieutenant as he spoke.

Silveira: Once we retake Sickbay we can leave the Lieutenant there to guard it.

He hoped Zie understood what he meant. They couldn’t leave the Lieutenant behind, but they had to move.

MacKenzie: Response

Jovenan/Hopper: Response

Savel: Response

The Lieutenant rose from her resting position, double-checking her phaser.

Delri’ise: All right, got it, hard and fast. There might be more still on this deck so we should be careful.

Vitor tipped his head to Savel. He had been playing the Security role, but Savel was certainly better suited to direct their formation and movement.

Silveira: Should I take point Lieutenant Savel? Since I have the rifle. 

MacKenzie/Savel: Response

Jovenan/Hopper/Delri’ise: Response

Vitor nodded and set up in the position Savel suggested. The corridor looked clear but they still had to move. He turned to Hopper and Nan, suddenly realising something.

Silveira: Commander Hopper, Lieutenant Jovenan, you can still track the assimilated movement’s… Right?

Jovenan/Hopper: Response

MacKenzie/Savel/Delri’ise: Response

He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Taking a deep breath he turned to Zie.

Silveira: Shall we get to it Captain

MacKenzie/Savel: Response

Jovenan/Hopper/Delri’ise: Response


Lt. Vitor S. Silveira

Chief Tactical Officer

USS Artemis-A, NCC-81287


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