[sb118-arrow] Ensign Ezra Zerva - Diplomacy and Awards. Are you sure I’m supposed to get one? (Part 1).

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BC Cooper

Apr 24, 2024, 2:21:28 PMApr 24
to sb118...@googlegroups.com

((Arboretum, Deep Space 33))

Shayne: Here we are again.

Ensign Ezra Zerva herd the Captain say as he hurried inside the Arboretum. Ezra was running late. He hated the thought, but he wanted to look his best. He was dressed in his formal dress whites. He was shocked to see a number of unfamiliar faces, some of which were not even in their dress white uniforms! Ezra wasn’t sure he had the right place? 

Ezra looked around for any familiar faces. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lieutenant Zenno in his dress whites over by the bar.  His Bolian chief looked good. Lieutenant Zenno was talking to the Engineer Chief. Ezra hadn’t meet him yet. He made note he would do that soon. His eyes then spotted Commader Waters in her, elf costume? Ezra chuckled. No doubt Lieutenant Hobart wasn’t the only one to have fun aboard the Arrow. Now Ezra wished he had followed suit and done something similar as he tugged at his collar. Speaking of Lieutenant Hobart, he spotted him up on stage, wearing red? Ezra smiled. He looked good in command red.

Shayne: I have boxes for you. Commanders Water, Lieutenants Jacin, Zenno, Hobart, Ohnari and Ensign Zerva- step forward, preferably single file.

Ezra stepped through the crowd of officers, unsure he herd his name being correctly called and stood in line waiting for his turn. Why was he getting a box? What did Ezra do? Ezra was nervous, but strangely his left hand didn’t twitch at all. It hadn’t twitched since he was shot with that dart in the Emisan caverns. What had it done to him? Ezra had it checked out in sickbay, but the medical staff couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Apparently whatever was in that dart had caused his left hand from experiencing any more twitching since his days at the Academy. Maybe that was a good thing?

Shayne: First allow, me to express my gratitude- it’s much easier to honor you at once, so by all means continue doing what you’re doing; but for the love of god, don’t do that for the Purple Heart.

Jacin: : :to no one in particular: Can’t promise anything.

Purple Heart. Ezra’s eyes darted towards Lieutenant Ohnari and back at Lieutenant Hobart. Ezra was wondering if they were thinking the same thing about those darn darts. How did that lead to this, Ezra had no idea, but here he was standing in line.

Ohnari: ::muttering:: Everything in my power, Sir. 

Zerva: ::mutterring:: Does losing your dignity count?

Shayne: First contact is the single most dangerous duty and responsibility an officer can engage in, and it’s harder to imagine a task with more riding on a successful outcome. While it may not have necessarily been how we’d choose to become acquainted with the Emisan people, your conduct in extraordinary circumstances is deserving of the First Contact Ribbon. Congratulations.

Ezra was shocked. He found himself with his mouth open. It was his turn and he hesitated. How did the events in the caverns hanging in a cage and then later escorting Senna on the ship lead to this? Surely the Captain must have made a mistake. Didn’t he read the reports? His hand reached out and shook the Captain’s hand as he took the box. He froze for another brief second afraid to look into the crowd. After all his mother could be down there judging him for an award he didn’t think he deserved. Clearly the Captain felt differently and Ezra wasn’t about to argue.

Jacin: :tentatively: Thank you Sir.

Waters: Thank you, sir.

Ohnari: ::slight head nod:: Thank you, Sir. 

Zerva: ::nodding:: Thank you, Sir.

Shayne: Furthermore! As evidenced by your (relatively) safe return, and the overall success of our mission, I’m pleased to award each of you with the Diplomacy Ribbon, for your excellent representation of Starfleet values and negotiation. Congratulations.

Ezra was surprised a second time. A ribbon? For diplomacy? Really? A slight smiled formed upon his lips. Yes really. He suppressed a grin as he looked out this time over at the crowd. 

oO I got one. That’s right mother. I did earn this. Where is yours? Oo.

Oh yes he would be more than proud to show that off to her.

Zenno: Thank you, Captain.

Jacin: Thank you Captain.

Ohnari: ::grinning:: Thank you, Captain 

Zerva: ::smiling:: Thank you, Captain 

Shayne: And now I release you. Fly, or risk further praise! 

Ezra nodded and quickly left the stage. For the first time in a while he was happy and proud of himself. 



Ensign Ezra Zerva

Security Officer

USS Arrow (NCC-69829) A240101EZ2

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