PNPC Roxanne Wilde - Family Secrets

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David Hemming

Dec 4, 2020, 1:17:25 AM12/4/20

((OOC: This takes place immediately after their conversation in Twindecent Proposal))

((The Wilde Estate, England, Earth - Sol System))

Roxy stood in the large and ample living room of the Wilde mansion. The estate was built in 1824 on 1,400 acres and had been the home of the Wilde family since that time. The decor looked antique and exquisite by modern standards, but many of the features were actually ultra modern. Most of the paintings on the walls were originals, as well as some of the furniture; Bureaus and end tables which date back hundreds of years, but most of the seating and other furnishings was modern made to look classical. The lighting was computerised, and computer access terminals were dotted around the grandiose house in every room.

The Turner painting which hung above the large stone fireplace - which Roxy stood in front of now - was actually holographic, and when activated disguised the huge computer screen behind it. It served as the main communication port for that room.

It was night time on Earth now, and the lamp lighting had been set low, casting large and foreboding shadows around the interior.

Niles, the family's faithful holographic butler stood by the large entrance to the room. He was the head of the household affairs, and an aide to her Uncle Sidney, whose house this really was. He had been a constant in the house for over fifty years.

The signal to the USS Arrow terminated, and Roxy sighed defeatedly. She felt so terrible for her brother. He needed her, even if he didn't admit it. But there was something else chewing at her. Something she'd only just discovered. She paced the room, looking at her shadow cast on the polished wood floor by the candlelight of the lamps. She nibbled on the end of her thumb as she was in the habit of doing whenever she was nervous or contemplating something. She didn’t like this one bit.

Roxy: Niles, please open a channel to San Francisco. I need to speak to my father.

As well as a hologram in his own right, Niles was also programmed to be a visual interface to the computer network throughout the whole estate.

Niles: Certainly, Miss Roxy.

His eyes flashed a mixture of colour, indicating the request had been processed. Then he deactivated himself.

On the large screen above the fireplace the Starfleet logo blinked and was replaced by the large head and shoulders of her father. Marcus gave a smile to his daughter and a nod of greeting.

Marcus: Roxanne! What a lovely surprise. It must be dinner time there, have you eaten yet?

She cast an eye up at the large monitor. Now was not the time for idle pleasantries.

Roxy: You can’t tell him just yet!

Marcus’s eyebrows raised. Then he nodded as if in understanding.

Marcus: Just take it easy, Princess.

Roxy: I’ve just spoken to him. He’s been hurt, daddy. Really bad. This will kill him! I know it will!

She chewed the end of her thumb again. She hated being a part of this. She and Regan never kept anything from each other. This was likely to upend all his hard work over the last few years… And now, with his recovery from losing his eye. This was bad!

Marcus: I’m sorry to hear that. Is he ok?

Roxy: He says so, but I don’t know. Daddy he lost his eye! On a mission. He wouldn’t tell me any more than that. 

Marcus looked down at the ground for a moment then back to his daughter.

Marcus: I’m sorry to hear that. Really I am. And I’m sorry to have to put you in this predicament, Princess. But if Regan hears it now, the less damage control we have to do.

Roxy: God this is such a mess! Just let me talk to him again, soon. Maybe I should go to him? I’ll take a runabout.

Marcus: That is not the best thing to do. Calm down, and think about this.

Roxy: I’ve got to do something! I’m worried he’s going to find out the wrong way. I need to be there for him. Now more than ever.

Marcus: Roxanne you’re about to be married soon. You can’t always be his protector. He’s learning to stand on his own two feet.

Suddenly her temper flared and she shook her head in anger.

Roxy: This is all your fault! And God help us if he finds out before either of us tell him! ::She sighed again. Her resolve leaving her.:: He’ll never forgive me if he finds out I kept this from him. Never!

Marcus nodded. Timing did need to be delicate here but he was aware of other factors which had waited long enough and could possibly not wait any longer.

Marcus: You’re right, Princess. I’ll tell him. ::Beat:: I’ll tell him soon.


PNPC Roxanne Wilde

as simmed by:

Lieutenant(jg) Regan Wilde
USS Arrow
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