Capt. Shayne: Lemme Borrow Your Wheels

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Randal Shayne

Apr 27, 2024, 12:29:00 PMApr 27

((Deep Space 33, Arboretum)) 

Shayne: Commander?

Shayne’s tone, rather unintentionally, was more suited to the observation that a small bottle of grey poupon was being lifted, as opposed to a small but powerful and critically dangerous space vessel. 

Hobart: ::hushed:: Oh fudge.

They stood in silence, mouth lowering with slow but steady uniformity. Arrow was picking up speed now, and was whipping about, accelerating forward in just such a way. He never thought he’d see her dance like that for anyone else. Shayne could almost see her reluctance, even so much as a rolled pair of eyes, at the abduction. But she was following instructions nonetheless. 

And then she was gone. 

Shayne: Now I’m pissed off. 

Hobart: ::yelling:: Zenno!

Nolen’s voice was unusually raised, and he knew that his new first officer was diving into the how’s whys and what would happen next’s. But Shayne, who had long taken to thinking of the universe in terms of grander scale, wasn’t so concerned about the rush to chase her down. He would. They would. Ferociously. With cargo barges if they had to. And it wasn’t as if Arrow was the fastest ship in the fleet; she’d not been equipped with transwarp, or even advanced warp capabilities. What an embarrassing slipstream that had been, tagging behind a larger vessel capable of creating a vortex to Earth. So a minute or two in terms of head starts was hardly anything in the scheme of things. What Shayne wanted to know was why it had been stolen, and how? 

And by whom? 

Zenno: I’m ready, sir.

Hobart: Figure out what happened. Did the cleaners beam back? If not, check with station security. ::snapping his fingers:: What was her name?

Hobart’s tactical thinking was on point (pun definitely intended). If they had beamed off the ship, they’d not be a further complication. If they had not, Starfleet potentially had an ally. Not, you know, a good one. Asking a glorified maid to take over a fully functioning warship was… as dubious as it sounded. But every little bit would help. 

Zenno: Carpenter?

That brought the captain up short. The name… Carpenter… that rang a bell, deep in the recesses of synapses long since put into maintenance mode. 

Shayne: Where have I heard that name before?

Hobart: Yeah the head lady. Oh, what was her name! ::pulling at his face:: I don't get it. I didn't sense any deception. There was genuine affection!

Shayne was reminded momentarily that Hobart was telepathically gifted. Where that might back him uneasy in other circumstances, he trusted Hobart with his life a dozen times over, and now Shayne’s primary feeling on the matter was abject confusion to match his XO’s. 

Zenno: Affection can sometimes cause sub-optimal outcomes. 

Shayne: Perhaps it wasn’t affection for the ship you were sensing. A plan, or a success of some kind? And you’re sure it was Carpenter?

Lines of communications were crossing and stretching atop one another. Shayne needed to take control fast. 

Hobart: Yes! Carpenter! ::muttering:: Probably a fake name, but we gotta start somewhere.

Zenno: We must inform Starfleet immediately. A starship not under positive Starfleet control is a clear and present political danger.  

Even if their priority was to regain control of Arrow, they could minimize potential damage by warning off those in the area that might not recognize the ship’s new management. 

Shayne: Lieutenant, speak with Commander Sturgis. Have a widebeam transmission broadcast to any ships or colonies within twenty light years of here informing them of the situation. 

This was just one more balancing act. Constraining the warning to a relatively short distance would limit the amount of time they had to catch the ship before she broke the warning zone, but if they could keep this incident relatively quiet, it would help minimize the damage to Starfleet’s reputation in the region. 

Hobart/Any: Responses?

Zenno: I will see to it. I also remind you and all the Senior Staff to change our Security Codes. They could be compromised. oO Hilariously, I am now one of those ‘Senior Staff’ for the next few minutes until the Captain rightfully ejects me into the Sun. I hope they send my Water Sculptures to my sister. She’d appreciate them. Oo

Shayne nodded sternly. 

Shayne: We’ll change those codes momentarily. 

He turned to Hobart. 

Shayne: Gather the troops, briefing in five minutes. What we know, what we need, next steps. I’m gonna see if we can snag a ride. 

Hobart/Any: Responses?

Shayne strode quickly away, tapping his commbadge as he did so. 

Shayne: Computer, list all vessels currently docked at Deep Space 33. 

Computer: =/\= Lurian transport vessel Silent Morning, Dock 6. Administrative Shuttle Ping, Dock 8. Federation Starship Khitomer, Dock- 

Shayne held up a finger to stop the rambling, but realized quickly that the computer would not accept that, and stuttered out a cease and desist. 

Shayne: =/\= Specs on the Khitomer. What’s her tonnage? =/\=

Computer: =/\= Federation starship Khitomer, NCC 62400, Captain Kit Hayley commanding. New Orleans II class

The rest of the computer’s diatribe was lost in the pumping of Shayne’s head. 

Shayne: oO New Orleans II… she should have a quantum slipstream drive! Oo

He tapped his commbadge again. 

Shayne: =/\= Shayne to Command Deck. Urgent! =/\=

Comm Officer: =/\= Go ahead Captain Shayne. =/\=

He took a deep, quick breath before continuing; the theft had taken place just long enough ago for the true weight of the situation to sink in. 

Shayne: =/\= Put me through to Captain Hayley on the Khitomer. =/\=

Comm Officer: =/\= Aye, sir. As it happens, Captain Hayley has just informed us that she’s standing by to assist. =/\=

The channel switched, and, detecting Shayne’s proximity to a terminal, blinked onto the screen. An imposing woman appeared on the screen, bedecked with four pips. 

Shayne: =/\= Captain Hayley, I presume. =/\=

Hayley: =/\= Response =/\=

There was no time for resentment or embarrassment, but that didn’t mean that Shayne didn’t feel both keenly. 

Shayne: =/\= My ship’s been stolen. We’re working to get it back but we need your help. We’re holding a briefing over here momentarily; I’d be grateful if you’d join us. 

Hayley: Response 


Captain Randal Shayne

Commanding Officer

USS Arrow

NCC 69829


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