Lieutenant Talia Ohnari ~ Hey look ma! Diplomacy. (Part 2)

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Roxanna Dorion

Apr 23, 2024, 6:54:44 PMApr 23
((Deep Space 33, Arboretum))

Acting Chief Medical Officer Talia Ohnari had been in the first wave of awards, and now had stepped down to make way for the second wave. This, was her favorite part. Getting to celebrate the accomplishments of her fellow crew. The boxes in her hand felt the slightest bit heavier considering the events that lead her to receive it was a much needed dose of levity to put her focus on the next round of victims of the Captain's praise. 

Shayne: Mr. Dewitt! Step forward and be recognized.

Shoving the boxes under on arm, she applauded loudly for a friend. Connor was a exemplary officer, and engineer. And that didn't have everything to do with him getting them out of a gas filled guest quarters on this very station. Plus, he was Nolen's very best friend. Which meant he was an ally to gang up on the poor neurotic former-engineer-now-in-command. 

Shayne: Lieutenant, your efforts during this mission were instrumental in our success and I am grateful for your contributions- please accept the Captain’s Commendation.

Dewitt: Response?

Talia clapped and cheered along with everyone, giving a jovial shoulder nudge to the celebrated engineer as he passed. 

Shayne: Ensign Lacy! Step forward!

And in an instant, the entire room was coated in frosty silence. Her pleasant smile slipped away, replaced by the "Serious Doctor Face", only reserved for the absolute worst news, or when a patient was doing his damn best to ignore her advice and get himself killed. 

Speaking of....

When someone dies on a Starship, midmission, several things happen. The second, after the complete shock, were the necessary exams,. Preparing for pre-arranged funerary rites, (if there were any specified), and then coordination with communications in order to prepare the remains for transport to loved ones once the Starship returned to the nearest base. 

In the aftermath of the mission that saw Cadet Lacy become incarcerated Lacy....for lack of a higher ranking officer, it was that Talia had done all the exams. All of the coordinations. All of the necessary documentation that comes when a life had met an end during service. It was her. Although not directly responsible for the deaths, Ensign, then Cadet Lacy, and left Connor for dead in the name of the stupid war games mission. Something Talia had never, and would never forget. And considering the fuming coming from Lieutenant Jacin, she wasn't alone. 

Shayne: Ensign Lacy, your conduct during this recent mission was admirable. Your speed and knowledge helped resolve a tense diplomatic situation, and we would be less likely to succeed without you. For this, I’m pleased to award you the Captain’s Commendation. Congratulations and thank you.

Lacy: Response? 

It took all her effort not to shove her leg out and trip the retreating Lacy. But, Talia was a doctor. Anything she broke, she'd have to fix, and explain to the Captain how it happened....and considering she liked this job, she was keeping her feet to herself. Barely. But if looks could scorch...? There would be a pretty little ash pile where an ensign once stood. 

Shayne: Doctor Ohnari! Join me for’ard.

Talia jumped, instantly guilty. She was about to apologize for her unkind thoughts, when she remembered the Captain couldn't read her, and was calling her name for another purpose. Sheepishly, she returned to the stage. 

Shayne: Doctor. I think you know why I’ve brought you here. I bet you thought you’d get away with it, too. Try to sneak it under our very noses, will you? For shame.

Alright. He did read her. Why did she suddenly want to cry? It wasn't her fault she was extremely protective of her people....didn't that mean she was a good doctor?

Ohnari: ::slightly squeaky:: I-I'm sorry, Sir?

It was still a question. What did the man know...? Was he aware her lab outfitted for communicable diseases had exceeded the microbe limitation and she would have to explain it truly was for science and not plans of a mass infection?? Besides, there wasn't a single Antedon aboard, no one would even notice if the lab was compromised, which it wasn't, she'd checked. Twelve times. 

Shayne: Fortunately, I and the rest of the senior staff are not so easily hoodwinked. Your exceptional conduct and impressive performance shall not be excused. You will pay a price for your excellence, and I can think of no better or more fitting sentence than a formalization of your current status… as chief medical officer. Congratulations and thank you.

Talia was swaying a bit. Partly due to her compromised leg, and mostly due to complete shock. Her? Officially the CMO...? What an incredibly INSANE idea!! She had violated the microbe limitation! That was certainly not- 

oO Wait. Doc Foster taught me how to override the alarm system....huh. Oo 

Instead, she returned the Captain's hearty handshake 

Ohnari: Th-thank you, Sir. I will endeavour to continue to make you proud, sir. 

Retreating to her safe space, off the stage, she grinned and accepted congratulatory pack pats, and a full on shoulder check from Chloe. Laughing, she took her place beside the woman and her very good dog.

Shayne: Lieutenant Zenno! Step here if you would.

Back to the boxes under the arm and clapping. The grin had returned. She wondered what the relationship status was between the Bolian and his over-reaching Vulcan "lady friend". 

Shayne: Lieutenant Zenno, I fear this cabal of under-radar capability has reached every part of this ship, and I shall cast another part into the light; by formalizing your role as Chief Security Officer. Congratulations and thank you.

Zenno: Response? 

Shayne: Pity your fellows, for they shall go far. Mr. Dewitt! Get up here, sir!

Talia shamelessly shoved her fingers in her mouth as her loud whistle accompanied a chorus of other whoops and a cackle. 

Shayne: Mr. Dewitt. Connor. You and your team have kept this ship running for longer than any could have expected. You have executed your role with efficacy, aplomb and ability befitting the finest engineers in the fleet. Thus, I believe it is high time that you be elevated to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the privileges and responsibilities therein. Congratulations, and thank you.

Cheering along with the crowd, Talia was starting to get the telltale ache on her palms from overzealous praise. A chronic affliction of all members of clan Ohnari. 

Shayne: Lieutenant Hobart! Rise, sir, and face public praise!

Talia at that very moment, was oddly quiet. Mainly, because if she wasn't careful, she would become a nuisance, and this was so not about her at the moment. However, she was pretty sure Mandy could hear the unintelligible squeak that emanated from her body without her consent. 

Shayne: Lieutenant. Please believe that I was scheming this long before you put on the red. But, now that you’ve taken on these duties and this role, it becomes even more important that you now be elevated to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the privileges and responsibilities therein. Congratulations, and thank you!

Hobart: Response? 

The bouncing and both hands clasped tightly over her mouth were the only indication that Talia had heard and understood the words that Captain Shayne had said. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears of pride. She was ridiculous, entirely, but unapologetically as well. 

Shayne: With that, the frightening part of this little shindig is completed. Now, by all means, help yourself to some grub! The food kind, not the worm kind- Ambassador Buford will be very upset if we take anything from this little terrarium of his.

At that moment, her bones physically ached from the effort it was taking not to tackle hug Nolen. It was not the time or the place. The man would never ever forgive her. And she'd deserve it. So, instead, she linked her arm through a mischiveiously dressed elf, and began strolling away from the majority of the crowd. 

Ohnari: ::turning, the grin nearly splitting her face:: Ok, now what did you do?? Tell me everything, Please?

Waters: Response?


Lieutenant Talia Ohnari, MD
Acting Chief Medical Officer
USS Arrow
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