Capt. Shayne: Moments of Transition, Part III

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Randal Shayne

Apr 23, 2024, 1:31:15 PMApr 23

((Deep Space 33, Arboretum)) Shayne: Lieutenant Hobart! Rise, sir, and face public praise! 

It would, Shayne realized, take a very long time before he got used to seeing Hobart in red- but he couldn’t say it didn’t look good on him. None of them had doubted that Nolen would go far- they just weren’t expecting it quite so soon. And yet, this shindig was one of the first signs that he would prove to be a fantastic first officer, and an asset to the mission. 

Shayne: Lieutenant. Please believe that I was scheming this long before you put on the red. But, now that you’ve taken on these duties and this role, it becomes even more important that you now be elevated to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the privileges and responsibilities therein. Congratulations, and thank you! 

Hobart: Response 

Another tricky pip placement, and plenty of grunting in annoyance from Shayne, emptied the boxes on the podium. With a handshake, he dismissed his newly frocked XO from the stage, and then turned his attention to the crew once more. 

Shayne: With that, the frightening part of this little shindig is completed. Now, by all means, help yourself to some grub! The food kind, not the worm kind- Ambassador Buford will be very upset if we take anything from this little terrarium of his. 

The upset part was true, but Shayne wasn’t overly concerned about that. Besides, there was far better food on hand than something dug up at the base of a tree. He stepped down the podium and shamelessly made his way to the desert table while others lined up dutifully at the other end of the buffet. He waved his fingers mischievously over a variety of treats before spying something yellow and shiny.

Shayne: oO LEMON BARS. Oo

He grabbed himself a plate, placed two upon it with the provided tongs, and then swapped the plate with the tray, holding it under his arm and munching casually. He might still feel vulnerable, but the view from the arboretum of Arrow was… truly beautiful. Compelling, even. Battered, bruised, defiant- no, wait. Obstinate. That was it. She was his little snappy pug, and he wasn’t sure he ever wouldn’t care for her. 

As if listening to his internal monologue, Arrow’s nacelles began to brighten, and her deflector returned slowly to fully luminant. He smiled happily seeing her come alive in a way he hadn’t ever witnessed before. He’d never had a child, but he wondered if this sight stimulated the same parental appreciation that a baby’s first steps might. 

And then Arrow began to reverse. 

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the Saber class began to back away from the station, RCS thrusters puffing almost cutely. Shayne quirked an eyebrow, and spied Hobart across the arboretum. He made his way over, offering the tray of lemon bars as he did so. 

Shayne: Commander, I didn’t know they’d need to move Arrow. When did Sturgis give the word? 

Hobart: Response 

Shayne flickered his eyes between Hobart and the ship, which now was… turning. 

Away from the station. 

And firing its impulse engines. 

Shayne: But… that’s my ship.

Shayne: oO And I’m not on it. Oo

It was at this moment that Shayne became one with the void. He was confident that his organs had just been pulled into a singularity, leaving him a shapeless, liquid mass as he deflated. 

Shayne: Commander? 

Hobart: Response 

Arrow’s form elongated, streaked with the stars.

And went to warp. 

Someone had just stolen Arrow

((OOC: Alright, folks, that’s the kickoff of our next mission! Wrap up your shore leave plots and get ready for an unusual voyage!))


Captain Randal Shayne
Commanding Officer

USS Arrow NCC 69829 G239202RS0

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