PNPC CWO Vincent Jones - Looking at Stars

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Marissa Jeffrey

Dec 11, 2022, 5:58:49 PM12/11/22
to USS Arrow
((Starboard Bow, USS Arrow))

Vincent never did get a proper look at the new lounge. The chaos that had been going on when he'd wandered down there had been too much at the time, and the so-called goo that resulted from something made the whole thing dangerous. Since then, the room had been cleaned up and seemed to be of interest to a single officer. Of course it hadn't officially opened yet, but someone was making use of the space. 

As the off-duty marine walked into the room, he overheard what seemed to be the tail end of a conversation. Looking around, he saw no one else, just the engineer and a telescope.

Dewitt: There it is... Let's see if we can get it into view.

The man seemed engrossed in what he was doing as Vincent approached.

V.Jones: You know we do have astrometrics. They could probably get you a better picture.

It seemed like the comment, or maybe his mere presence, had startled the man. Vincent was immediately regretful for the action, but tried to recover the situation with a smile.

Dewitt: ::wry smile:: Well... You startled me there...

V.Jones: Sorry about that. I was just wanting to come see the place properly since when I was down here last it seemed to be covered

That was what the intel officer had called it, right? Thankfully, the man in the room now was forgiving, and had quickly recovered.

Dewitt: Don't worry... I am just... ::pointing to the telescope:: I was just trying to find some celestial objects to admire.

Vincent nodded and stepped up next to him.

V.Jones: Old school. I like it. 

Dewitt: Response?

Glancing out the window, all Vincent could see were stars and the station they were docked at. 

V.Jones: So, what have you found? Or what are you looking for specifically?

Dewitt: Response?


Chief Warrant Officer, First Class Vincent 'Jonesy' Jones
Starfleet Counter Intelligence Specialist/SFMC SAR Team Leader

As simmed by:

Commander Ash MacKenna
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Arrow

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