Capt. Shayne: Moments of Transition, Part II

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Randal Shayne

Apr 22, 2024, 12:33:50 PMApr 22

((Deep Space 33, Arboretum))

And now for a curveball. 

Shayne: Ensign Lacy! Step forward! 

Dead silence followed his announcement, though the number of heads turning to face each other probably filled out Arrow’s compliment. Lacy had, to Shayne’s interpretation, done her utmost to avoid being shocked or look out of place aboard Arrow. Her expression now gave Shayne a great deal of enjoyment, whether she wanted to give it to him or not. 

After an eternity, it seemed, she was before him. He addressed her quietly. 

Shayne: Ensign Lacy, your conduct during this recent mission was admirable. Your speed and knowledge helped resolve a tense diplomatic situation, and we would be less likely to succeed without you. For this, I’m pleased to award you the Captain’s Commendation. Congratulations and thank you. 

His voice was nearly a whisper. He offered his hand to shake, and the box for her to grab. 

Lacy: Response 

Shayne stared at the crowd, sweeping his eyes from one extreme edge to the other. He cracked his knuckles and smiled mischievously. What poor souls would now face his wrath for performing above and beyond? 

Shayne: Doctor Ohnari! Join me for’ard. 

The Haliian was looking right as rain, at least to Shayne’s unrefined understanding. The fact that she was literally not his species didn’t enter into his mind for at least several seconds. For all he knew, his healthy heartbeat was her death sentence. All in all, he was pleased that he’d not been the one to have to treat her for the consequences of her landing experience. 

Shayne: Doctor. I think you know why I’ve brought you here. I bet you thought you’d get away with it, too. Try to sneak it under our very noses, will you? For shame. 

He shook his head grimly. 

Ohnari: Response 

Shayne: Fortunately, I and the rest of the senior staff are not so easily hoodwinked. Your exceptional conduct and impressive performance shall not be excused. You will pay a price for your excellence, and I can think of no better or more fitting sentence than a formalization of your current status… as chief medical officer. Congratulations and thank you. 

There was no ribbon for this distinction, but there might well be in six months. Instead, he simply opted to shake her hand with a rich warmth that he earnestly felt. 

Ohnari: Response


Applause and a few pats on the back followed the newly elevated CMO back to her seat, and then Shayne’s next victim fell into his sights. 

Shayne: Lieutenant Zenno! Step here if you would. 

The rich azure of his security officer’s head popped out from the crowd and Shayne waited for him to promptly face him on the stage. 

Shayne: Lieutenant Zenno, I fear this cabal of under-radar capability has reached every part of this ship, and I shall cast another part into the light; by formalizing your role as Chief Security Officer. Congratulations and thank you. 

Zenno: Response 

He smiled again, shaking the man’s hand with a respectful firmness. As Zenno stepped off the stage, Shayne quieted a murmuring crowd with the stacking of two distinct boxes atop his podium. 

Shayne: Pity your fellows, for they shall go far. Mr. Dewitt! Get up here, sir! 

A cackle rose from somewhere in the crowd, and Shayne joined it, before turning his attention and respect towards his engineer. 

Shayne: Mr. Dewitt. Connor. You and your team have kept this ship running for longer than any could have expected. You have executed your role with efficacy, aplomb and ability befitting the finest engineers in the fleet. Thus, I believe it is high time that you be elevated to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the privileges and responsibilities therein. Congratulations, and thank you. 

Though it was an odd tradition in Shayne’s mind, it wouldn’t be a promotion without the captain placing the new pip on the deserving man’s collar. God, he hoped they’d line up right. 

Another firm hand shake amidst deserved applause, and then it was time for the final note of the evening.  Tag/TBC... Captain Randal Shayne Commanding Officer USS Arrow

NCC 69829 G239202RS0

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