Capt. Shayne: Who's Taking the Wheel?

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Jan 30, 2023, 1:37:00 PM1/30/23

((Deck 2, Main Shuttlebay, USS Arrow)) 

MacKenna’s words rang in his ears as Shayne approached the Main Shuttlebay. On the bridge, his staff was preparing for their launch, and he could feel the yearning to return to his chair. That really was where he belonged, and where he would be glad to get back to, just as soon as his business was completed on the hellhole of an installation the Sheliak had set up. 

Now that the plan was in motion, he had to wonder exactly what he was looking for. Obviously data about the Sheliak would be helpful and welcome, but that wouldn’t be anything his staff couldn’t retrieve. He needed to know about Arrow’s past- something that he rather doubted, in hindsight, that a mining camp like this would have that sort of data. 

And yet… this was the Sheliak he was thinking of, and not even the disorganized, hit-and-run slug monsters that they’d become. When Arrow was last abandoned in the Isles, the Sheliak had been the organized, bureaucratic Corporate entities that had given the Federation Diplomatic Corps no end of hardship in their attempts to negotiate. Perhaps… perhaps they did have that data here, along with records of the prisoners, information and data and-

The next moment, Shayne was flat on his butt, feeling dread as he realized he’d walked bodily into someone. 

Shayne: Are you alright? 

Only when he hoped to his feet did he see who he’d bashed into bodily- poor Jacin Ayemet. He reached down with a hand for her to hold onto. 

Jacin: Yes. Totally my fault. I’m so sorry. 

Shayne: Hardly, Lieutenant. I should have been paying more attention.

Though it was true, something was clearly bothering the science officer. 

Shayne: Something on your mind, Lieutenant? 

Jacin: No it:beat: it’s something for another time. 

She was lost in thought; Shayne couldn’t blame her, even if he hadn’t fallen pray to the same sort of distracted introspection, but they had to stay focused. 

Shayne: You’re expected on the bridge, Lieutenant. 

Jacin: nodding: On my way.

She turned swiftly and dutifully, and carried on. Shayne watched her leave for a moment, and then returned to his own agenda. 

He stepped through the shuttlebay doors and walked swiftly to the Type 9 shuttle where his away team was standing near. 

Shayne: Status, Mr. Serinus.

Serinus: Response 

Shayne grimaced; he’d have preferred more security staff, but the presence of Jones the Marine, he suspected that they’d still have success. 

Shayne: Everyone ready?

Serinus/Dewitt/Ar’Gorvalei/Jones: Response 

Niac’s voice interjected on the comms. 

Niac:  =/\= Niac to Shayne.  Captain, we're all set up here. =/\=

Shayne: =/\= Understood. Standby for our launch.=/\=

He kept it short and sweet- setting the tone in a way. 

Niac:  =/\= Aye sir, good hunting.  You're clear for departure.  Arrow will be standing by waiting for you. Good luck, Captain.  =/\=

The first officer’s words struck Shayne hard- innocent though they might be, everything to come was on him. That was always the case, but this time, he was going against the grain, and it would be on him ever more so. 

Shayne:  =/\= Thank you, Commander. =/\=

The channel closed, and Shayne gave his away team a final glance. 

Shayne: Load up. 

Serinus/Ar’Gorvalei/Dewitt/Jones: Response 

They entered the shuttle and began taking stations. 

Shayne: I suppose I should ask; anyone here confident at the helm? We’ll need a difficult approach, and it’s been a good while since I helmed a shuttle like this. 

Dewitt/Ar’Gorvalei/Serinus/Jones: Response 


Captain Randal Shayne
Commanding Officer

USS Arrow

NCC 69829

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