Lieutenant Connor Dewitt - A Game of Logic

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Apr 20, 2024, 3:13:09 PMApr 20
((Corridor, Deck 1, USS Arrow))

Connor was on his way to engineering. The discussion with the Captain had left him agitated, and he desperately needed some alone time with an easy-to-solve engineering challenge.

Part of his job was to make sure that the bridge engineering console could directly control the most essential systems of the propulsion and energy systems. This was done via dedicated data transfer paths that were specially protected against influence of other ships and even boarding parties. He had done the routine checks on the bridge before the meeting and was now on his way to engineering to conduct the second half of the test routine.

He could walk these corridors with his eyes closed after having served on this ship for several years. And although his eyes were not closed, he was focused on the text on his PADD and did not look up when he ran into something that was bigger than just a toolbox he stumbled over. The big toolbox threw a PADD away that landed on the floor. Connor examined it before noting that it was Ensign Senak he had bumped into.

Senak: I apologize, Lieutenant. I wasn't watching where I was going. ::He bent down to pick up the PADD:: I was actually on my way to find you.

Dewitt: ::clearing throat:: It was not like I was paying attention, Ensign. Sorry for that. ::nodding towards the PADD::

Senak: Nothing particular, sir. I just wanted to follow up on our previous conversation. I leaved quite abruptly and I wanted to make sure that I didn't leave any loose ends.

Dewitt: Oh, that's fine, Ensign, we'll have plenty of time together. Your shift starts tomorrow at 7, right? I'll be around to make sure you settle in.

Senak: That's correct, sir. ::Looking over Dewitt's shoulder:: I see you've just come from the Captain's ready room. Was there something you needed to discuss with him?

The memory of the conversation that had just happened hit him like a lightning. He would have to come up with an in-department mentor for Lacy. Somebody she was going to respect and work with. He still liked the idea of just asking her and let her a pick, but he had promised a suggestion to the Captain.

As the Vulcan's brow furrowed, Connor was pulled from his thoughts.

Dewitt: I... yeah... the Captain. We had to discuss a few personnel matters.

Senak: I see. ::He nodded:: Shall I invite you to a game of chess, sir? I believe it would be a good way to relax and unwind. It should also give us an opportunity to discuss any matters that you may have on your mind.

Connor smiled as it must have been so apparent that he was going through some stuff that even the engineering officer with the least concern for feelings was recognizing it. He took half a second to think it through.

Dewitt: You know what? Why not! It has been quite some time since I've played... anything.

There certainly was no harm in getting to know Senak over a game of logic. The expectations were clear. Connor would not be able to put up much of a challenge for the Vulcan, but maybe that would help him relax.

Senak: Very well, sir. When should we meet, then? I need to finish up a few things in my quarters before I can join you.

Dewitt: What about tonight? 1900 hours, Starboard Bow? You'll bring the board.

Senak: I will see you then, sir.

The Vulcan nodded, and Connor smiled - an expression the Vulcan most certainly had come accustomed to being among humans. With a quick nod from the Chief Engineer, he made his way toward the turbolift to get down to engineering. Playing chess with Senak most certainly was a better option than working.


Lt. Connor Dewitt
Chief Engineer
USS Arrow
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