Lt Zenno - Failure Mode Alpha

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Cobalt Penumbra

Apr 24, 2024, 12:49:24 AMApr 24
((Deep Space 33, Arboretum))

The ceremony had concluded and it was time to eat. Zenno knew exactly what he was going for and those Lemon Squares were the main prize. 

Of course, he had to suppress the little Saava on his shoulder telling him that they weren’t good for him. Suppressing imaginary Saava was easy. The real-life one was another matter. So therefore it was most logical that he wouldn’t tell her about any snacks.

His task was interrupted by several well-wishers who, at that exact moment, decided it was time to stop and congratulate him. If Zenno had had his way, that unwelcome announcement could have been a minor note appended to the daily status report. But the Captain, and probably the crew as well, liked these sorts of public ceremonies. It wasn’t the sort of thing he’d ever quibble about in person. But he wasn’t ever going to like it.

After finally freeing himself from conversation with a zealous Ensign who wanted to talk to him about an interesting new Phaser design, he got to the dessert table. 

And someone had stolen a full tray of all the Lemon Squares. The tray was gone, replaced by a plate with a crumb on it. With a frown and before even thinking about it, he moved to the side of the room where he could have a moment’s privacy.

Zenno:  =/\= Zenno to T’Lyra =/\= 

He and T’Lyra had been put together on his first assignment. As a result they had acquired some alien personal cloaking technology and they had been corresponding about the analysis for quite a while. She knew that he would not deny any sensible request he might make.

T’Lyra: =/\= T’Lyra here. =/\= 

Zenno:  =/\= I am investigating an internal ship matter for the Arrow. Would you send all video and sensor data for the past hour in the Arboretum to my Security Code? =/\= 

If there was one thing a Vulcan Security Officer could be relied upon to do, it was to not pry when a request was properly made and within the scope of duty.

T’Lyra: =/\= Acknowledged. =/\= 

Zenno: =/\=  Thank you, friend. =/\= 

He looked about suspiciously, trying to see who had absconded with the tastiest treats on offer. But it seemed that there was some sort of controversy happening outside. Everyone seemed to be looking out the viewports.

The Bolian overheard someone exclaiming “They are stealing the Arrow!” oO That might even be a bigger issue than the Lemon Square theft. Why would anyone steal the Arrow? Oo

Hobart: ::yelling:: Zenno!

Now it was clear. They had confirmed him in the job and within the first ten minutes he loses the Lemon Squares and the ship. Both were catastrophic, of course. He was fully prepared for the demotion and being sent back for re-rating to a less-demanding duty… logistics processing, entertainment programming, or something. He made his way to the XO. 

Zenno: I’m ready, sir. oO I am ready to accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate. Oo

Hobart: Figure out what happened. Did the cleaners beam back? If not, check with station security. ::snapping his fingers:: What was her name?

Zenno: Carpenter?

Shayne: Responses?

Hobart: Yeah the head lady. Oh, what was her name! ::pulling at his face:: I don't get it. I didn't sense any deception. There was genuine affection!

Zenno: Affection can sometimes cause sub-optimal outcomes. 

The Bolian couldn’t help but think about Saava and her ridiculous message to the Doctor. A sub-optimal outcome, certainly.

Shayne: Responses?

Hobart: Yes! Carpenter! ::muttering:: Probably a fake name, but we gotta start somewhere.

Zenno was about to speak but the XO seemed to seize up for a moment as he looked at the Captain. Not sure what was going on, he proceeded.

Zenno: We must inform Starfleet immediately. A starship not under positive Starfleet control is a clear and present political danger.     oO A single phaser blast from the Arrow in the wrong part of space, and the entire quadrant could be at war. So far, it’s a great first day as the Security Chief. Oo

He realized that the demotion and reassignment would likely come after this current crisis was resolved. He’d accept it, of course. Ot maybe resign. But he had to prove himself at least somewhat useful for now so he could go back to his family with a shred of honor intact after he gets booted from this assignment. Maybe he could find something useful to do in whatever sector the White Pine is assigned, so he could see Saava some more. 

Shayne/Hobart/Any: Responses?

Zenno: I will see to it. I also remind you and all the Senior Staff to change our Security Codes. They could be compromised. oO Hilariously, I am now one of those ‘Senior Staff’ for the next few minutes until the Captain rightfully ejects me into the Sun. I hope they send my Water Sculptures to my sister. She’d appreciate them. Oo

Shayne/Hobart/Any: Responses?

Zenno acknowledged his instructions and went about his work, for as long as they allowed him to keep his station, he was going to perform in the role. 


LT Zenno
Security Chief
USS Arrow

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