Lieutenant Commander Chloe Waters: And The Winner Is...

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Jesse F

Apr 21, 2024, 10:38:18 PMApr 21
((OOC: Happy to continue for another round or two, but I figured I
should start working us toward a point where we can fade from, as the
mission will be kicking off soon!))


((Corridor, Deck 3 -- U.S.S Arrow))

Waters: This doesn't count as part of the race.

Chloe had been enjoying a rather casual run with Ensign Zerva and Mandy,
when the latter decided she had apparently had enough running. Now, it
was Mandy who dictated that it was time for some petting, a request
Chloe didn't mind obliging in the slightest. She was curious to see if
Zerva would run on ahead, or if he would stop as well. After all, they
were technically in a race. If he wanted to run ahead... she wouldn't be
able to stop him.

Zerva: ::laughing:: If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was helping
me win the competition. How old is she?

Mandy, help another human and betray her own? Never!


Chloe gazed down at the floof at her feet, who just panted, blinked up
at her and thumped her tail happily in response to the thought. Then she
looked over at Zerva, who had most kindly come to a stop next to them.
He seemed intrigued by the animal.

Waters: She's seven years old. I got her during my time in the academy.
Her presence has always been a source of comfort for me... and amusement
for most others.

Zerva: It’s nice to have that comfort when you need it. When my family
moved from the Trill Homeworld to earth, my siblings and I really wanted
a dog or at the very least another pet. Mother was very adamant that we
didn’t get one on the grounds she would be the one to care for it all
the time. Instead we volunteered at an animal shelter for a summer to
show her that we could be responsible. Walking dogs and spending time
with the other pets.

Chloe felt a smile creeping onto her face as she regarded the officer
standing next to her. Seeming to be a gentle person, it was curious he
had ended up in security. But there was still so much she didn't know.

Waters: That is very sweet. Shelter animals do not get enough love.

Zerva: Unfortunately that didn’t convince my mother to get us one.

Waters: While that is unfortunate for you, I suspect it meant you only
spent more time at the shelter. That is a good cause to turn one's
attention to.

Her smile blossomed now, as she imagined giving attention to so many
animals at once. Animals who just wanted a home, but who were most
likely stuck in cages for most of the day. A very sad existence that no
one deserved, much less animals who only wanted someone to love them.

Zerva: Does she like belly rubs?

Waters: If it gets her attention, she loves it. She is a very easygoing

Zerva: Response

Waters: So, Ensign. Why would someone with animal care hands choose the
security track?

Zerva/Any: Response

Tag, TBC


Lieutenant Commander Chloe Waters

Mission Specialist

USS Arrow, NCC-69829

Writer ID: E239601CW0


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