JP Ensign Zenno & Crewman Chennit Astrid — Opportunity Knocking

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Cobalt Penumbra

Sep 22, 2023, 1:10:39 PM9/22/23

((Zenno’s Place, Deck 3, USS Arrow))


The Bolian sat at his desk and worked through the immense backlog of messages, status reports, files, and other uncategorized things that the Commander had sent. Plus, he was still trying to read all the training material he had gathered.


On top of spending hours with the Commander, he now has a message marked urgent from a junior crewman that he had only ever spoken to one time, as she was on Beta shift. There was no topic specified, just a meeting request.


“What could she possibly want? I got 17 things happening and zero time to do them,” he thought. He rubbed his temples gently and tried to focus. He had read in some of the Leadership material that he had been studying about the “open door policy” that Starfleet promulgated. “Well, if I’m going to be in the chair, I guess I have to do the thing,” he realized.


He acknowledged the meeting request and notified Crewman Astrid that he could see her at 1400. Her NCO would also be notified, but that would be between them if he had an issue with it. Starfleet was quite clear about the policy.


Looking at the chrono, he had several hours to work on the Department Quarterly Report. The Commander had it mostly composed but had left the last bits for Zenno to fill out, as they were about upcoming plans.


((Time-skip, several hours))


Computer: Bloop! You have a meeting in 20 minutes with Crewman Astrid.


Zenno put down his PADD and sighed. 


Zenno: Computer, show me the service records for Crewman Astrid.


The computer dutifully brought up the requested data and Zenno gave it a scan. His brow furrowed.


Name: Chennit Astrid

Species: Tellarite

Age: 22

Home of Record: Sputnik City, Luna, Sol System


Service Summary:

   239704.14 Enlisted, ordered to Starfleet Enlisted Basic Training Command

   Held back in training twice. Multiple infractions. 

   239709.12 Graduated. Performance evaluation: 2.1. Promoted to Crewman Third Class.


   239709.13 Ordered to Starbase 80, Undesignated, Deck Division. 

   Performance evaluation 1.9

   239710.16 Promoted to Crewman Second Class

   239711.03 Demoted to Crewman Third Class. 

   Performance evaluation 2.2. 

   239804.24 Promoted to Crewman Second Class. 


   239805.15 Applied for Starfleet Enlisted Security School. 

   239805.30 Accepted

   239806.08 Ordered to Starfleet Security Directorate Training Command

   239806.12 Appointed Class Captain

   239806.20 Removed as Class Captain

   Performance evaluation 1.7. 

   239809.29 Graduated. Class rank: 125 of 143. GPA 3.8.


   239810.13 Assigned to USS Arrow, USS Arrow Security Chief Serinus objecting

   239810.17 Assigned to Gamma shift, Armory Attendant. 

   239902.14 Disciplinary infraction: Failure to secure equipment, damage of fleet property (phaser charger station destroyed). 

   239902.20 Demoted to Crewman Third Class. Letter of Reprimand signed by Security Chief Serinus for phaser incident.

   240007.02 Moved to Beta shift, Desk Officer. 

240007.22 Letter of Reprimand signed by Executive Officer Niac. Disciplinary infraction: told the CO to “Chill, Bro.”

   Performance evaluation: 1.8. 

   240007.25 Referred to the ship's counselor. Urged to consider not re-enlisting.


Special note from Security Chief Serinus: She’s trouble. I’d have had her discharged or transferred if Starfleet had let me. Multiple requests denied.


Zenno sat back in his chair. “How is this even possible? You can’t destroy the phaser chargers; they are computer controlled and interlocked. This is… the worst service record I’ve ever seen in my vast 3 days of experience,” he considered. Zenno smiled at a joke that only he felt could comprehend.


But yet, she had a stellar GPA. Her abysmal class ranking must be entirely due to demerits. But she was made Class Captain, until she lost it. Something promising is in here, but she is not performing. And now she wants to meet? What in the cosmos could be so urgent? Right then the door chime sounded.


Zenno stood up, straightened his uniform, and said:


Zenno: Enter.

A Tellarite woman clad in Security gold, practically filled the doorframe, despite her diminutive stature. Ninety-nine percent personality, Crewman Chennit Astrid was known to many, and loved by few in Starfleet.

Astrid: Heyyyyyyyyyy, the man of the hour!


Zenno moved out from behind the desk and indicated a chair for the crewman to use and they both sat down.


Zenno: Crewman Astrid, it’s good to see you. As you can imagine, there is a great deal happening in the department right now, so I’d like to get right to it. What’s on your mind? oO If this is about bunk assignments or leave requests, I might just go insane. Oo

She leaned and placed an elbow on the front edge of Ensign Zenno’s desk, with her hand cradling her chin in the most adorable pose she could think of at that moment.

Astrid: What’s on my mind? Let’s start with what’s on your mind, right, sir? I mean, you’ve got a lot to do. And a lot of expectations to manage while you do it. Some biiiig hand-made Italian leather boots to fill, am I right? Firm and supportive, yet soft, flexible …and forgiving!

The plump little woman smiled her sweetest smile as she leaned back away from the desk, with barely a whisper of her tusks poking out.

Zenno reconsidered his life choices. How did it come to this? He had been diligent, forthright, and dutiful. Was it not enough? Or was this a hazing ritual for extremely junior officers prematurely made into Division Chiefs? However, he decided to assume that this… whatever this situation is, it may be genuine and he should reserve judgment. 

Zenno: ::neutrally:: Commander Serinus is leaving us a legacy of excellence for the team. All of us will have to do our part to maintain his high standards.

Astrid: And, sir, if you don’t mind my saying, an Ensign taking on this big a role? It’s a huge inspiration for us enlisted folks. We’re behind you one-hundred percent. ::her head wobbled in equivocation::  Well, it was ninety-eight percent, but I got that sorted. I’m not naming names ::whispering conspiratorially:: but watch out for the Xindi, they’re always trouble. ::normal voice:: Anyway, the entire department, behind you all the way. Anybody says otherwise, you can count on me to—

Consistent with his training, Zenno was always running simulations in his head. What’s going to happen next? What are the likely outcomes? Indulging himself for just a moment, he tried to imagine as if Serinus was in this meeting. Every simulation ended the same way: grappling, followed by Crewman Astrid getting shoved into a life pod and ejected into space. 

“That would not be my way. I have to find my own,” he realized. The Bolian considered his crash course in leadership training. What’s the right move? Tough love or warm and fuzzy cheerleader? Maybe pragmatism would be the way.

Zenno: Let’s not worry about the others on the staff, people will do as they will and make their own choices. You’ve made your own… ::gently:: choices, and let’s focus on what we can resolve today, right here and now. 

At Zenno’s interruption and reassertion of control over the conversation, Crewman Astrid’s smile instantly vanished. In place of the cheerful, eager petty officer was a darkened, brooding face full of tusk.

Astrid: You gotta take me off desk duty.

Zenno: I… gotta? 

Astrid: ::eyes wide in emphasis:: I am losing my mind.

Zenno leaned back in his chair and pondered this for a moment. It was a most irregular request.

Zenno: Crewman, I do not make the watchbills or the billet assignments. Have you spoken to your senior staff about this request? That is the proper procedure.

Chennit’s face contorted in confusion.

Astrid: But you’re in charge! Who’s more senior than you?

Zenno: Regardless of what you may think, it is their call to make and I will support their decisions in this matter. ::Indicates to Astrid he’s not done, as she was about to interrupt:: But I will say this. You have a… colorful service jacket and that may be influencing decisions and opinions. But I’m not concerned about the past. We must focus on what we do from time now. So I will offer this. Stay off of report for three months. Promotion to Crewman Second Class is almost automatic if you meet all the prerequisites. Make that happen and then request a duty assignment change from your senior staff and see what happens. 

Astrid: Hang on, wait, I think I need to clear up a thing or—

Zenno: You can’t talk your way out of something that you earned your way into. But I do believe that all things are possible in time. That is all I will say on this matter. ::stands:: Thank you for coming to see me.

A look of determination formed on Astrid’s face, but its source was inscrutable. As she headed for the door, she paused and turned, unable to resist a jab.

Astrid: Sir, do you know how clever a person has to be to blow up a phaser charging station? Cleverer still to avoid hurting anyone. If it were me, I wouldn’t want to dull such a person’s senses too much. Do me a favor and pass that on down to my superiors.

Zenno: That will be all, Crewman. Good Day.

The door swooped shut after she left and Zenno sat behind his desk and put his head down on the blotter.

Zenno’s thoughts came in quick succession.  “I could have requested cushy duty on a major Federation world. I could have gone to Spacedock and been the space door button-pusher, but nooo, I wanted ship duty… something small and on the fringe, full of adventure…” He turned his head to the other side and looked at the water sculpture that Mother had sent with him. 

Pausing just a moment, he shook his head vigorously and then picked up the PADD with the Quarterly Report and tried to find where he had left off. He had to finish this by the deadline and then he had some things to consider about the case of Crewman Astrid.



Ensign Zenno

Security Officer

USS Arrow



Chennit Astrid

Crewman Third Class

USS Arrow

as simmed by

Lieutenant Junior Grade Nolen Hobart

Engineering Officer

USS Arrow (NCC-69829)


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