Ensign Wiar Sh'zatrahr: A Murder most foul

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Mar 7, 2019, 7:29:53 PM3/7/19
to sb118-apollo@googlegroups com
((USS Apollo, Deck 1, Holobriefing Room))

Ruane: Let’s have a quick chat about how we want to handle this. We’re going to have to process lots of different types of evidence, from blood, hairs and other bodily related samples, to other physical evidence. There may be a weapon concealed on the property, or digital evidence in the form of blackmail emails, or something entirely different. Transporting up and down to the Apollo isn’t going to be very practical. The colony does have a small lab we could use, but the equipment isn’t as sensitive and advanced as ours, though it should be perfectly up to the job. However, the problem is the Numiri don’t trust the Talaxians - and using their lab could make them think our results are biased towards them. We have to be seen as being completely impartial otherwise either or both sides will reject our findings.

Sh'zatrahr: I can try and modify any of the systems to meet our needs.

Dar: Commander, I think the Holodeck is an excellent idea. I would not be fond of sending down a lot of our technology to the planet. Especially considering the circumstances and what is going on.

P’au: Response

Ruane: Good ideas and points…. I like the idea of setting up a holodeck or holosuite to create our own lab near the site we’re processing. How much space would we need for that?

Dar: If we have a fully setup holodeck, I should be able to work with it just fine. We can still use our equipment and generate whatever is needed in the Holodeck. If we connect our tricorders and the holomatrix itself to our ship computer, we can also automatically update the investigation, include results and access the information needed both, on the holodeck and aboard the Apollo on the computers or even with our tricorders. This way we could also easily reproduce some events or give access to anyone needed, in order to show results and conculsions.

::Wiar nodded and listened to the ideas being discussed. She knew she would do whatever she could to help solve this.::

Ruane: We’ll need to liaise with the hotel to find out how much space they have available. If there’s not enough, we may have to see if what space is available in the vicinity. Any other thoughts?

Dar: I think we must act quickly Commander. It is important. The longer we wait, the farther cell decomposition and so on will advance. Also substances, toxins, etc. will diminish and it will become more dificult to find the cause of death.

Sh'zatrahr: I can get a stasis chamber up and running quickly. It will give us more time.

P’au: Response

Ruane: Response

Dar: Response

Ensign Wiar Sh'zatrahr
USS Apollo

Benjamín Buske Buske

Mar 10, 2019, 1:22:34 PM3/10/19
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
OOC: Quick backsim, since I forgot some tags in my last sim. Sorry... the power outage sill has me somewhat falling behind.

((USS Apollo, Deck 1, Holobriefing Room))

Ruane: Let’s have a quick chat about how we want to handle this. We’re going to have to process lots of different types of evidence, from blood, hairs and other bodily related samples, to other physical evidence. There may be a weapon concealed on the property, or digital evidence in the form of blackmail emails, or something entirely different. Transporting up and down to the Apollo isn’t going to be very practical. The colony does have a small lab we could use, but the equipment isn’t as sensitive and advanced as ours, though it should be perfectly up to the job. However, the problem is the Numiri don’t trust the Talaxians - and using their lab could make them think our results are biased towards them. We have to be seen as being completely impartial otherwise either or both sides will reject our findings.
Sh'zatrahr: I can try and modify any of the systems to meet our needs.

Dar: Commander, I think the Holodeck is an excellent idea. I would not be fond of sending down a lot of our technology to the planet. Especially considering the circumstances and what is going on.

P’au: Response
Ruane: Good ideas and points…. I like the idea of setting up a holodeck or holosuite to create our own lab near the site we’re processing. How much space would we need for that?
Dar: If we have a fully setup holodeck, I should be able to work with it just fine. We can still use our equipment and generate whatever is needed in the Holodeck. If we connect our tricorders and the holomatrix itself to our ship computer, we can also automatically update the investigation, include results and access the information needed both, on the holodeck and aboard the Apollo on the computers or even with our tricorders. This way we could also easily reproduce some events or give access to anyone needed, in order to show results and conculsions.
Ruane: We’ll need to liaise with the hotel to find out how much space they have available. If there’s not enough, we may have to see if what space is available in the vicinity. Any other thoughts?

Dar: I think we must act quickly Commander. It is important. The longer we wait, the farther cell decomposition and so on will advance. Also substances, toxins, etc. will diminish and it will become more dificult to find the cause of death.
Sh'zatrahr: I can get a stasis chamber up and running quickly. It will give us more time.
P’au: Response
Ruane: Response
Dar: That is a good idea. It could allow us some preliminary examinations and to make the necessary preparations, without loosing precious time. 

:: Dar was surprised by that good idea. He hadn't even thought about that option. He began to see, that the Andorian would be quite an important and useful asset in this investigations ::

Ens. Dar Toral
Science Officer
USS Apollo-A
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